The making of custom CNC parts = fun! (Installed pics of part updated on page 1 )


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
1-2clutch-u;1244063 said:
nice man makes me want to go back to school.

concept is easier than you think, its years of hands on experience that makes the cake.

Duane, where is this bolting to on the head?, been a while since i took that area apart.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
4U2QUIK;1244062 said:
comparing a matsura to a haas is like comparing a mkiii supra to a ford escort.
lol, I personally like moriseiki's. They hold up better than anything else out there. but anyway nice work again.

OH PLEASE!!!!! its funny reading this garbage from people who dont run these machines every day!!

the shop i work for is very high standards....iso 9001 cert...we are a .0003" guarantee shop....we make weapons for the military as well as aviation and medical....we are replaceing machines as some are old and tired and now we have 7 bran new haas machines lathe and mills...haas holds up very well and they are extremely user operator friendly!! these machines are very precise and not to be taken lightly....the only reason you say haas is not so good is cause they are much cheaper than the rest in price...this is only because haas is AMERICAN MADE so it isnt shipped accrost seas.

i run mycenters, okuma, puma, fadal, hardinge, and god knows whatelse brand we have in the shop...accept puma we dont have them but ive ran them and they seriously suck at repeating....anyway dont make bogus comments without thinking.....

i just got home from running my haas lathe for the past 12 hours....fucker ran great....much nicer machine than the matsura!!!


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
1-2clutch-u;1244063 said:
nice man makes me want to go back to school.

im gonna be straight with is a waist if you are serious about wanting to learn to machine.....the best way for you to get a machining education is go be a shop power a broom and then they start you on basic shit....machining can ONLY be done by hands on book will teach you the feel and let you listen to can listen to the way it sounds cutting and learn when a tool is getting worn just by its sound....books wont teach you that....

why pay for an education that you can get for free and infact be paid for it....and there is no good cnc programmer who doesnt know how to run a manual order to be a good programmer you need to know how to actually run a machine and know how shit feels while cutting.

machining school is a crock and a waste...just get a job at a machine shop for the best education.

again i machine for a living


Authorized Vendor
Mar 30, 2005
gaboonviper85;1244129 said:
im gonna be straight with is a waist if you are serious about wanting to learn to machine.....the best way for you to get a machining education is go be a shop power a broom and then they start you on basic shit....machining can ONLY be done by hands on book will teach you the feel and let you listen to can listen to the way it sounds cutting and learn when a tool is getting worn just by its sound....books wont teach you that....

why pay for an education that you can get for free and infact be paid for it....and there is no good cnc programmer who doesnt know how to run a manual order to be a good programmer you need to know how to actually run a machine and know how shit feels while cutting.

machining school is a crock and a waste...just get a job at a machine shop for the best education.

again i machine for a living

i will hafta disagree with somethings but not all. If you get certified you will earn more money and it'll be easier to get a decent job.
Dec 3, 2003
got_boosted;1244231 said:
Looks good! If I had a 7M I'd buy one. You sure you don't want to produce these?

A one off part and the way I like it when it comes to odd things like this.;)

Besides, you can't use the OEM CPS with this part anyway and would need a rad similar to mine to make it work. Notice the hose fitting now points to the front of the car rather than the side of car. (or in front of the cam gears)



WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
what happen's let's say you are in traffic and some dill weed t bones you and rear ends you to the point you think you car is writen off

whould you a cry tell you die from dehydration

or whould you do the hole post office man routine

or littel from callom A and littel form callom B

or you got that all figured and have car sized hamster ball


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
looks good!

I'm looking at picking up a tiny mill for CNC conversion, probably a Seig X3. Small work area, but for $2k garage cnc mill it should work fine.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I see how the housing mounts to the head, and then the t-stat cover mounts to the housing, but how does the the actual fitting attach? I see the o-ring, maybe there are threads I'm not seeing?

I love seeing how stuff like this works...


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
empera;1244255 said:
i will hafta disagree with somethings but not all. If you get certified you will earn more money and it'll be easier to get a decent job.

Maybe as a doctor, or a nurse, or even a mechanic but not in shop ever asked me for certifications or if I have a degree...all they ask is can you do the get paid what you are worth and if you are not worth what your degree says you're worth you get fired! I've seen so many people fresh out of school who have no clue and they get fired in the first couple months...they days of senior tool maker cert are it's if you do the job you get paid, if you scrap parts and simply suck you're fired!

I've worked in many shops and the only test I ever had to take was "can you read a mic?"...

Also I've only been turned down from 1 shop cause I didn't have a highschool diploma from the 7 I've worked at...also happens that it was a woman who was in charge of hiring...she never ran a machine in her life...only company ever to turn me down cause I didn't have a piece of paper...

School helps sure!!! But it's a major waste of money in the machining
industry as most shops want to teach you how "they" do things as every shop is diff.

Everyone I know never went to school or whatever...they all started from the bottom and worked there way up.

I'd like to hear from an actual machinist on here becides me..
Dec 3, 2003
Poodles;1244469 said:
I see how the housing mounts to the head, and then the t-stat cover mounts to the housing, but how does the the actual fitting attach? I see the o-ring, maybe there are threads I'm not seeing?

I love seeing how stuff like this works...

Yes, you can't see one hole. ;)

Look in this pic. You can sorta see that there is a hole in the inside.


One hole is in the inside of the housing that attaches to the head. You bolt that on. From there, you put the stat over that. Got this so far? You then put the 2 bolts in holes (on right) which will go all the way through to the head. The last hole is the one of on the flange which has a stop. (doesn't go through) This last hole is there to support the flange so it will seal.

The 2 holes on the right


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
gaboonviper85;1244548 said:
I'd like to hear from an actual machinist on here becides me..

I dont do any machining anymore but when I was first out of school most of the companies I gave my resume to cared more about experience than my schooling.
Dec 3, 2003
gaboonviper85;1244548 said:
Maybe as a doctor, or a nurse, or even a mechanic but not in shop ever asked me for certifications or if I have a degree...all they ask is can you do the get paid what you are worth and if you are not worth what your degree says you're worth you get fired! I've seen so many people fresh out of school who have no clue and they get fired in the first couple months...they days of senior tool maker cert are it's if you do the job you get paid, if you scrap parts and simply suck you're fired!

I've worked in many shops and the only test I ever had to take was "can you read a mic?"...

Also I've only been turned down from 1 shop cause I didn't have a highschool diploma from the 7 I've worked at...also happens that it was a woman who was in charge of hiring...she never ran a machine in her life...only company ever to turn me down cause I didn't have a piece of paper...

School helps sure!!! But it's a major waste of money in the machining
industry as most shops want to teach you how "they" do things as every shop is diff.

Everyone I know never went to school or whatever...they all started from the bottom and worked there way up.

I'd like to hear from an actual machinist on here becides me.

In the shop I work at, you don't need to be certified, but, you WILL get paid more if you do.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Wow, who knew Canadians were so motivated?

Looking good Duane............oh, and so do the machined parts..........:naughty: