tsuper92 said:
hey jay.i hope all your suspension cam bolt's aren't frozen.i lowered mine and couldn't get it aligned right.my back wheel's where toe'd out with alot of camber,good way to whip out the tire's

.now i'm doing a-arm bushing's and new cam bolt's.then it's back on the rack for an alignment
Now all of a sudden I hear the bad side of these coilovers............:nono: Where were all of these negatives before? Hopefully I won't have any problems that I can't solve with them. I'll keep you posted.
Rajunz, my car isn't even running right now. When it was running, I couldn't drive it long without getting a quart of gas mixed in with my oil. When I check the oil, it smells like pure gas. I'm doing all I can do to get it running again...........:x:
Chris, like all great things, they must come to an end. It hasn't ended yet, but it has came to a screaching crawl...............:biglaugh:
Ken, the tornado didn't get me, but it got me some work. I've got to fix two houses already, and when I put my sign up, I'll get more as people drive by. You wouldn't believe the damage they got, and it's only nine or ten minutes from my house and we hardly got a breeze..............:dunno:
I'm thinking it's because my wife is so close to the man upstairs...........no not Kwnate...........:biglaugh:
O.K..........I'm going outside to do some bolt soaking................:biglaugh: