The boys are coming home from Iraq

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Oh hell yes! General Casey, HMFIC in region says in Semptember we begin drawdowns. These could not happen until Iraq is ready. A big step was a unification of their government parties and full controll. Which they now have. And their Army is getting better and better.

They are not all coming home, but expected troop reduction is large. From 14 brigades to 5 or 6. We will still be helping all we can, and should.

The left is correct in that our presence does create animosity. However leaving before they are ready would have been a huge mistake. Good job fellas.


Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
"Timetable depends on Iraq's ability to control security"

Screw that..carve it in stone.

Edit: It is still good news IMO...

If were not making a profit by now, we should bail..:biglaugh:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
The reason they do not come home today, is every thing the government does is slow. Like Japan saying all over their military is going home. They are more support, but it just isn't needed.

We probably don't need those that are coming home in September now, but it just takes time.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Believe what? That the war monger administration will bring them home? You know what is funny? How the left brought us Nuclear war, the arms race, the Korean War, Viet Nam, yet have the nerve to comment on the Islamic war.


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
"Believe what? That the war monger administration will bring them home? You know what is funny? How the left brought us Nuclear war, the arms race, the Korean War, Viet Nam, yet have the nerve to comment on the Islamic war."

Funny u call it the "islamic war"..which pretty much sounds like the war against islam..Must be a freudian slip. Its the "war on terror".
Actually it isnt the war on terror becuase more iraqia have died thatn those that died in 9-11..and they were just as innocent and it included women and children. Sure we Justified why but nevertheless we are responsible for innocent deaths in iraq. Innocent deaths are why we were supposed to be fighting the "war on terror" Problem is is that america want to avenge the attack...i wanted revenge...but we put more emphahsis on where bin laden wasnt , more money or where he wasnt. Even with wmd's, iraq was not the the top priority. the"eminent threat" argument was right wing wordsmithing dumbed down for the masses. smoke becoming mushroom clouds and the like.
This is why boith side embrace colin powel becasue he warned the righties...
I'm glad saddam is caught, glad his sons cannot rape women anymore. Glad al zarqaui is dead. I'm happy that there is govt tat appears to be stable. All a result of the invasion of iraq. But the american people were sold a bill of goods. Bait and switch. So the issue here is honsety, integrity, and lives on our soldiers. Was it worth it? No. Was it honset? no. Would america do it again? no. Would most conservatives support it again? NO. Are repub running from the iraq issue? yes. The american public was against the iraq invasion and still is. The war in afgh is another enitity entirely. Form follows function. There are reasons why bush stated the he had to repeat things over and over again to make them sink catipult the propaganda. Theres a reason the repugs want to pull oout just b4 2008. same reason why the easy for ididots to digest "colored blocks "terror alerts dissappeard on election day 2004 and never apperaed again. They were fear generation devices. Reason why vallerie plame was outted. the war waged in iraq was uneccessary., It was a war faught by choice. If the liberals are responsible for needless soldier death by waging unecessary wars with the inent of not achiving closure and not acheiving the publicsized goal, then they are bastards too.
Lets get out of iraq. This chicken and the egg issue needs to be spearheaded. The longer we stay the more hatred and death ensues. It did not exist b4 and has increased since we set foot. So if we decise to leave after it calms down, it, is a war designed to be waged and not actually won.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
rakkasan said:
What are their names? Which units did they serve with?

they were friends of my close friends who are still alive and on their way home thankfully. no body i was extremely close with, still sad none the less to hear about people youve met dying.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Funny u call it the "islamic war"..which pretty much sounds like the war against islam..Must be a freudian slip. Its the "war on terror".
No slip. Intentional. Because a politician is a politician and sugar coates things, doesn't mean I will.

"Terror groups" are self proclaimed Islamic Jihadists. That is who we are trying to stop.

Actually it isnt the war on terror becuase more iraqia have died thatn those that died in 9-11..and they were just as innocent and it included women and children
But not by Americans. Yes, there are always innocent casulties in war. But the thousands that have died by Islamic Jihadists in Iraq as attempt to intimidate them into submission was only a continuance of the slaughter Hussein perputrated on his own people. We will stop them, even though deep down, you want the US to fail. You are fooling nobody.

Problem is is that america want to avenge the attack...i wanted revenge...
Not avenge, prevent another attack. Have some Kool-Aid.

Even with wmd's, iraq was not the the top priority. the"eminent threat" argument was right wing wordsmithing dumbed down for the masses. smoke becoming mushroom clouds and the like.
Top priorty no, but a high one.

As stated by the Honorable Condeleeza Rice...

Condoleezza Rice said:
Oh, indeed there is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. It’s not that Saddam Hussein was somehow himself and his regime involved in 9/11, but, if you think about what caused 9/11, it is the rise of ideologies of hatred that lead people to drive airplanes into buildings in New York. This is a great terrorist, international terrorist network that is determined to defeat freedom. It has perverted Islam from a peaceful religion into one in which they call on it for violence. And they're all linked. And Iraq is a central front because, if and when, and we will, we change the nature of Iraq to a place that is peaceful and democratic and prosperous in the heart of the Middle East, you will begin to change the Middle East....
That is why.

I'm glad saddam is caught, glad his sons cannot rape women anymore. Glad al zarqaui is dead. I'm happy that there is govt tat appears to be stable. All a result of the invasion of iraq. But the american people were sold a bill of goods. Bait and switch.
What is the bait and switch?

So the issue here is honsety, integrity, and lives on our soldiers. Was it worth it? No. Was it honset? no. Would america do it again? no. Would most conservatives support it again? NO.
Worth it, yes. Ask the Iraqis you fool. Conservative? Are you kidding? Where did you get your polling data? The New York Times?

Are repub running from the iraq issue? yes. The american public was against the iraq invasion and still is. The war in afgh is another enitity entirely.
You are off the deep end.

There are reasons why bush stated the he had to repeat things over and over again to make them sink catipult the propaganda. Theres a reason the repugs want to pull oout just b4 2008. same reason why the easy for ididots to digest "colored blocks "terror alerts dissappeard on election day 2004 and never apperaed again
:3d_frown: What do you say to this nonsense. Many find the amber, red or whatever color confusing, but we still use it.

Reason why vallerie plame was outted.
Valerie Plame was not covert. This is logic similar to evolution. So Bill Belichick is mad at Tom Brady. So the coach will give the game plan away to make Brady look bad. They lose the game, that is all "propaganda" for money, so what. As long as Tom Brady is made to look bad. Nice logic.

It did not exist b4 and has increased since we set foot.
:3d_frown: Ok Michael Moore.


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
nick my apologies i dont tend to talk in absolutes or in black or white and the like. So i will try to word it better. Saddams son's according to the liberal medial were A-holes who did such things as drive around town picking up women both single and married and bringing them back to their place and organized rape rooms to rape, sodomize, beat and kill . Saddam himself according to the same sources has tortured many iraqis in the name of protecting himself against a possible coup or overthrow. So without making statmements aout either being for us or against us, anyone who does stuff like that will get whats coming to them. And if it means that if by way of the iraqi invasion that saddam and his sone ended up getting f-ed up by the us. I wont lose one damn sec of sleep over it. period. Now as far as the in surgency was concerned..and this is where i apparantly was not clear enough. our invasion, presence and occupation is inflaming the conditions on the ground. and what has already been to say the least a hatred of western culture anf values has been intensified by our presence in iraq. It was not but has BECOME the forfront of the war on terror. Lets be clear. if you wanna talk right and wrong, good or bad, or in any other duality, then saddam should have been taken out as soon as bush stepped in office. That being said the ends didnt justify the means. If u want to label it as "if it wrere up to liberals saddam would still be in power" that would be ur label. I think what most americans are saying that they like the outcome but not at this cost. meaning they would have prefered another course of action, leading to the end of saddam but certtainly not at the copst of 2500+ solider and over 20k injured. Most americans feel this way. As someon who doent support the irai invasion, I'm forced to take an even harder position that of competing importance one where i am secure with mysrelf to say if hey if were in iraq, find every bastard ther who is resp for terror and at the same time didnt agree on the invasion. It is a shitty position to be in but hey i'm not an up or down thinker. I feel we should have had more troop strength in afgh. so shoot me for wanting to get the bastaer bush told us he wanted dead or alive..can you blame me for wanting hie death to come before other priorities in iraq, huh? can you blame me for that?


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
hey everybody sorry for the terrible typos. I'll clarily what wasn't intelligible.
Nick, i'll catch up with you later. I just want osama dead and the troops home.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
nick my apologies i dont tend to talk in absolutes or in black or white and the like
It isn't black and white, it is right and wrong.
Saddams son's according to the liberal medial were A-holes who did such things as drive around town picking up women both single and married and bringing them back to their place and organized rape rooms to rape, sodomize, beat and kill .
Funny, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Peter Jennings didn't say these things. Why don't you see what Iraqi's have to say about it.

Do yourself a huge favor and learn a little bit about the subject.

dulobast25 said:
Saddam himself according to the same sources has tortured many iraqis in the name of protecting himself against a possible coup or overthrow.
Yes. It is well documented. This is where some of the intelligence failures came from. When Hussein wanted chemical and biological weapons, some scientist are believed to have lied to him and said they did. Bush didn't lie. Clinton didn't lie.(actually...) In much the same way Oscar Schindler undermined Hitlers war effort by intentionally producing defective machines.

So without making statmements aout either being for us or against us, anyone who does stuff like that will get whats coming to them. And if it means that if by way of the iraqi invasion that saddam and his sone ended up getting f-ed up by the us. I wont lose one damn sec of sleep over it.
You shouldn't. As SupraCentral took out of context, the lord told the Israeli army to run through certain nations. He told them "do not feel guilty over what I am having you do" And you shouldn't either.

Now as far as the in surgency was concerned..and this is where i apparantly was not clear enough. our invasion, presence and occupation is inflaming the conditions on the ground.
That is true. Nobody is denying it. Iraq would like to not have us there permanently. Soldiers do not want to be there permanently. The President does not want them there permanently. But you must finish securing the country before leaving.

and what has already been to say the least a hatred of western culture anf values has been intensified by our presence in iraq. It was not but has BECOME the forfront of the war on terror.
What is your evidence? I have been there. That isn't what I remember. See the response above.

Lets be clear. if you wanna talk right and wrong, good or bad, or in any other duality, then saddam should have been taken out as soon as bush stepped in office.
Why not before? Why couldn't Clinton do it? That is where most of the intelligence came from. Where you doing anything in the 90's besides watching MTV? When he threw out UN weapons inspectors, what did you think. And yes, 9-11 was a wake up. Bush should have been concerned with securing the country, what he is now doing, instead of on the campaign trail. All politicians do it, and only for PR resasons.

That being said the ends didnt justify the means.
Did they in Gettysburgh? When 50,000 Americans died in 3 days.

If u want to label it as "if it wrere up to liberals saddam would still be in power" that would be ur label. I think what most americans are saying that they like the outcome but not at this cost.
See above.

meaning they would have prefered another course of action, leading to the end of saddam but certtainly not at the copst of 2500+ solider and over 20k injured.
The DoD report is about 59,000 injured in some way.

Most americans feel this way. As someon who doent support the irai invasion, I'm forced to take an even harder position that of competing importance one where i am secure with mysrelf to say if hey if were in iraq, find every bastard ther who is resp for terror and at the same time didnt agree on the invasion. It is a shitty position to be in but hey i'm not an up or down thinker. I feel we should have had more troop strength in afgh. so shoot me for wanting to get the bastaer bush told us he wanted dead or alive..can you blame me for wanting hie death to come before other priorities in iraq, huh? can you blame me for that?
I don't blame you for wanting their death. It is only natural. As Lucas creation Sidious stated..LOL But vigilantism is not acceptable. Legal course is. And Hussein was in material breach of UN Resolution 1441, for those of you on the left.


Dec 20, 2005
A big step was a unification of their government parties and full controll. Which they now have. And their Army is getting better and better.


Saddams son's according to the liberal medial were A-holes who did such things as drive around town picking up women both single and married and bringing them back to their place and organized rape rooms to rape, sodomize, beat and kill .

That's true if you don't believe it but beat and just rape and I don't read the media or have "strong contacts" who assure this to me..I live there I saw this
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
"Did they in Gettysburgh? When 50,000 Americans died in 3 days."

Nick, this isnt gettysburg. I think we are a little moe sophisitcated that that now, at any rate. Next thing ur gonna ask me is we should be using muskets and ride horseback rather than tank machine guns and cruise missles.

I dont think pointing our greater causalties from former battles constitiutes ar valid argument about a war that didnt have to be waged and discuss the the comparison in 2006.
