First off, I couldn't find the questions you are talking about but i'll try to address the quote above.
1)Oh he said it. When asked if he made a mistake in the 2004 election, Bush said he couldnt think of ONE!
Either hes a liar or disillusioned.
It isnt likely that he was telling the truth and seriously didnt knwo he made mistakes. if so, he is disillusioned becasue we have gained nothing from our invasion.
1) Bush and his people HAVE admitted to mistakes.
2)They are human, unlike your god Bill Clinton.
2)Clinton is not my god. Is Bush yours?
Name a poll that rates Bill Clintons job Approval rating that is below Bushs
Name a person that thinks tha Bush is a smarter pres than Bush
Find an example of how Bush is more wellspoken than Bush
Compare the amount of scandals under Bush V.S. Clinton
When have the admitted mistakes? If they did it was likely to questions that nobody asked.
This doesnt excuse them for hypocracy
If they made mistake, why are they not being held accoutnable
Any mistake Bush made cost much more money, lives, and credibility than anything Clinton did. I dare you find an example otherwise.
Bush also had a chance b-4 9-1 to do something about Bin Laden and he didnt. He got communcation from the outgoin admin and he did nothing with it. condi rice got memos about Bin Laden Striking and nothing was done. And Since 9-11 he hasnt been caught. And we now owe 30K per man, woman and child. name the mistake that Clinton made that exceeds that of Bush. Not to mention, it happended on Bush's watch. The Buck stops there. At what point does personal responsibility and accountability come in?
3)Cheney made his "last throes" statement because Iraqis held elections, ratified a constitution, and created a government for themselves. Do you not think those things are significant? Are they not a deterrent to insurgents and a comfort to peaceful iraqis?
3)Who told you that elections would make the insurgency stop. Who said a constitution and creating a govt would affect or stop the insurgency? First of all, they were wrong..and soldier paid with their lives and we did with out money. Wheres the accountablily. Where are the admissions and the humility?
The CONSERVATIVE told you this. Where was the evidence? The historical precedent? The proof? the rationale? Who made that prediciton? Must have been folk who didnt know what they were talking about. Its evident in both the qualifications and results and planning on all levels of those who made these claims. They can say it wss "significant" but saying it doesnt make it true. Explain how elections stopped or would have stopped the insurgency. This was stupid on all corners. it doesnt matter if i think it was significant. The fact is there is no casual connection between the two. What matters to me is if it was based on fact, consensus, and results. Thats a no on all 3. So i guess i should then support what i knew was a bad decision. What kind of person would I be if saw a mistake b4 it happened and then didnt speak up?
4)And while we are on the subject, the "insurgents" are not iraqis for the most part. They are islamic jihadis from all over the world who are there to fight "The Great Satan"
4)I know the answer but I will ask anyway. Who is the "great satan"
And This begs the question. If electionswere for the iraqi people and iraqi citizens, how were they supposed to stop the insurgency (who are folks from somewhere else, non iraqi, who based on the defintion of an insurgent in addition to your own statements who would have no interest in voting...)
Explain that line of reasoning. that the problem with this admin. they say thinks that sound reasonable to ignorant people. One has nothign to do with the other. Any any explanation to the contrary would be conjuncture.
5)and bring sharia law to the rest of the world like their imams told them to. Their stated goal is to convert you to islam by force, enslave you, or kill you.
5) Why are we there? First was 9-11 was connected with iraq and saddam which was untrue. Next it was WMDS which they didnt have, again proven untrue. Then it was to remove a brutal dictator which didn justufy the cost and american lives. There are brutal dicators all over the world. And if this was the case, it could have been done another way.
Then it was to bring democracy to the iraqi people.
Well the last one sound like what you said above, in a way.
How did we "bring them democracy"? And why?
We hoped democracy would be an example in iraq and then spread.
Well did they ask for it? No. Did we ask them? No. Did we do it by force? yes. And we hoped democracy would spread, so it sounds like we had an ideology that we beleived was superior by our own measure than we wanted to spread and we did it by force becasue if we asked the answer may have been no, so we did it anyway. The goal was to convert them to a democracy, one that is admitedly bade on chrstianity..(ask oreilly, hannity, limbaugg, Bush, chenney and msot bush supporters. So this amount to us forcing our religously based form of rule on other nations witht he intent of thaving them becoome dmocracies like us and doing so by force. Any whether ist 200k or 650k, we did it over thedead bodies of iraqi citizens. The same citizens that want us to leave and feel our presence is making it worse. The facts are bearing this out. The facts also support that we were not welcome there. So we killed a vast number of their population in an attempt to spread out ideology. Death, rule, govt. ideology, certainty, religious belief. Ethnocentrism. Lack of evidence. It all there. As far as enslaving, athough I admit its not slavery, but it certainly isnt freedom when we can scoop up folk who are simply accuse of being insurgent or part of saddams regime and we can torture them, beat them, humiliate them and kill them..and detain them indefiantely, w/o trial or recourse. Sound like lsavery w/o the forced labor. Provide PROOF that we are doing the same thing in a different form.
6)Why aren't we focusing on Bin Laden instead of Iraq? I don't know for sure. Maybe we can't get him unless we invade Pakistan, Iran, Syria, or wherever he is.
6) Nice try. The reason american want bin laden is becasue Bush said hes responsible and clinton admin agrees. Forgive us for not wanting the guy who both admins say casued this to be dead. You know why we aren focused on Bin laden. becasue Bush said he wasnt that concerned about thim. Either hes Stupid, or a Liar. Either he wants bin laden ad said he didnt. Says he didnt but does, or doesnt and was dumb enought to say it, None of which make him presidental material. He the most powerful man in the world for godsakes. The fact is he was in afgahnistan and thats where we could have and should have gotton him. WE ALL SUPPORTED THE AFGH invasion. In that instance there was casual connection. In that case it made sense. It was reasonable. In addition bus jr. said"after all, the man tired to kill my daddy" Either he was telling the truth, lying, or stupid. Any one makes him unfit 2b the most powerful person in the world.
You bring up another point by suggestion that we should invade every country that may have bin laden. Well thats what funny about the "cruel dictator" rationale. We cant go around attackin every nation to root out "evildoers" ru for it or against it? (using bush either or reasoning)
becareful becasue someon who isnt qualified to make such judgements will label you good or evil rather that, a threat or non threat or someone with a diff on opinion.
7)Would you advocate invading Pakistan, Iran, Syria, etc? Do you know where Bin Laden is and are hiding the info because you don't want republicans to have a victory before the upcoming elections?
8)I dont the repubs to win because they havent provided any evidence of security, but rather endless scandal, corruption and lying. now they are lying and telling us about the stay the course is a democrat fed, quote, when they coined the term. Forgive us for holding the repubs to oneliners they have used for propaganda and repetition for over 3 years.
i dont know where he is hiding, do you? What kind of ? Is that? if i did, Iw ould have turned him in to stip this war I am against, becasue that why they claimed we were there..for the 9-11 connection. You accusations dont make sense. It ISNT MY JOB to know where he is. That is Bush's job and the admins job..not mine, not yours.. that why they are im power. They shouldbe held accountbale for finding or not finding bin laden. Its not the Democrats who put us in this in the first place. it your mess, clean it up. If you cant, when we gain power we will be forced to.
Provide PROOF that we are safer (and plase dont say becasue we havent had an attack since 9-11, such statments are logically flawed)
9)Al Queda is in Iraq and we are fighting them in Iraq. Maybe we don't know where he is because he has become a folk hero to muslims and they are hiding him or they are too afraid to give him up. All we know for sure is that God Clinton had several chances to kill him but didn't.
9) That isnt ALL we know. That statement is a lie or you dont follow waht happended b4 and after 9-11. We know much more than that. We know tha tbush had many chance to get him b-4 AND after 9-11 and hasnt. We know he not concerned about him. We know that WMDS are joke worth to him, we know he beleives the major combat operations in iraq have ended. We know they think the insurgents were in the last throes. We know condi rice in her own words amditted she receive a memo b4 9-11 saying that bin laden was to strike us using airplanes and the bush admint did nothing about it. We know the responbility it his, the buck stop there adn it was on his watch. We know that airplanes mad u -turns int he sky and it was allowed to happen and nothing doen about it. We know MANY things. Dont oversimplify this with"all we know is clinton didnt do anything about it."
We are billions of dollars in debt and have nothing to show for it.
10)It kinda sounds like you and him share the same view of America, so why would you want him caught?
10)See here it goes. i may not share your opinion, but that doesnt make me an bin laden the same or similar in ANY fashion. On what basis do you support this nonsense. I Dont agree with a policy and I say so. I see the country growing into a theocracy and a dictatorship and see a shrinking in rights and freedoms..asll over a guy who we havent caught and who the president sasy he doesnt spend that much time on. The correct word for me in a dissnting American. I dont disagree with America. I disagree with the Bush America. This sint the saem country i grew up in. i gre up under carter, regan, bush 41, and clinton and have never seen the changes that i have seen since this man took office.
Has i eve occurred to you that bin laden has his beliefs based on American forign policy? Have you stopped to think that bin laden doesnt hate our freedom? That was a lie, if he did he would have attacked all free nations. The U.S. in unique in that we are powerful adn we make choice based on our self interest. Sometime that interest goes agains the interest of others. it happens eveytday in life. Some accept it, some dont. Some feel tha the U.S. is a threat. The fact is that in sowm way we are perceived that way and it is becasue of our power, influence and foreign policy. Not our freedom. We were attacked becasue we interfere in parts of the world where other religious do not welcome our involvement. Members of those societies decided to attach us to discourage us from our policies. Plain and simple. America does the same thing. But dont lie about it.
What make America special is that the CITIZENS are NOBILE and we trust that the folks we put into offcie will act on our NOBILITY as a nation. My problem is when those who are given power then use in in wasy that make american look like we dont have good intentions and damn anyone who would sheld light on it. Even attack there own. Difference betwwen you and I is i hodl America to a higher std that you. I expect the best and brightest to preside int he white house. I expect war to be counducted brilliantly. And the argument to be posed make utter sense. Logical sence and using reason. i expect the will of the citizens to be SEEN by the world. Not hidden and replace with other agendas. I Expect not to be mislead or lied to. I expect humility and honset from our leaders. i expect them to be the best. I expect them to be able to speak prper english. i expect them no to make inapproprate references to the suffering, or to dissenting voices. No, sir. I want American to be America, Not the land rule by conservatives.
11)Unless you have more questions that need answering, feel free to answer my question. What is your plan to stop the North Korean nuclear threat?