Exactly what I believe in...God is gonna judge you for all the good things you did in your life not by what's written in your personal identification.My beliefs are the same as yours, my faith is between me and God. My honor is the only thing I take with me to the afterlife. My words and deeds are the only things of value in this world. I will stand before God and and be held to account for my words and deeds
And the Imams get away with it because many Muslims can't read arabic. They memorize the suras but rely on the Imams to give them meaning. I'm impressed that you follow a more personal path to God. Your Jihad is the struggle within yourself for greater understanding of God and yourself, the struggle to better yourself. That Jihad is the important one, not the Jihad against Kuffar.
In my opinion Jihad is more like your struggle with your life to make something out of your life,To do something to make a change in your life or other people's lifes to the good not to the bad!
Hey c'mon I don't get offended by what you believe in cause you know what you're saying. I get offended of kids who donno anything about anything and start saying. and Like the rules says of this forum if I get offended of anything I just won't replay. I have a good anger-managment :icon_biggAmd, don't be offended by this, but I'm going to say what I believe to be true.
If you would like examples, just look at what happened when the Saudi Islamic Terrorists attacked the USA. The people of Islam cheered, and passed out candy to the children, and danced in the streets.
In my opinion Those who cheered,passed out candy to the children and danced in the streets REALLY are the people who should've been in the world trade center cause in Islam it's a tradition that you won't cheer or show any sign of happiness because of the death of a person even if that person is your enemy. Those lives which were taken on 11 september are Innocent and people say that they deserve to die because they are the people of "the great satan" That's BS and that's unacceptable and I really Don't talk to people who feel happy about what happened in 11 september cause one day they could do the same thing to me and yet feel happy again! I can't really trust someone who feel happy when people get killed. Those stupid radical muslims now say that the US is going to wars against muslim countries because of 11 september I say it's not the US's fault, If those terrorists didn't start the war by hitting the WTC then all these follow-up wars wouldn't have started in the first place and Muslims image would have been MUCH MUCH better now.
I'm not blind because I do agree that the vast majority of people was happy. And I keep wondering why but maybe I can say that they follow what those crazy imams and mullahs say in mosques. And I think those who commited the acts of 11 september killed themselves which means they commited suicide and Islam clearly Prohibit suicide so those aren't heros those are people who are not doing what God told them to do in Quran! So they're going to Hell not to heaven as those who brain-washed them told them!Now, do I think that ALL of Islam cheered? No, of course not, but the vast majority of the people of Islam were happy that "The great satan" was attacked. And you have to be blind if you don't see them calling those Terrorists hero's in the Mosques around the world.
I don't pay money to Islam...And my friends are real few cause I have a rule of not being a friend with someone who thinks for a second that our countries are going to the right path. I never been in a mosque in my whole life and I never respected an Imam or Mullah..I don't need someone telling me what to do or not to do, I do what I see is right and what makes sense. And if I want to follow someone that would be a goverment and a Good goverment and that means not any arab-goverment!If you don't support Terrorism, and the use of Islam as a conduit for hate and war, do not pay any more money to Islam untill it changes it's ways. Help educate your friends to do the same.
Well here's the problem I can't do that unless I get killed without doing nothing so it's plain useless.Let your leaders know you don't support their use of your religion in this manner. (Just don't get killed doing it my friend.)
And something about me I don't care if people say that Islam is a violent religion. I care if someone told me that I'M a violent person. I can't go and educate or change a whole nation! I'm not a leader! I can change myself and I can change my generation(my kids) I don't have any yet and i'm not even married yet but when I do I'll make them what I am now and what I'm proud of. Muslims often lie to themselves saying that we're living a good life and we're proud of what we're doing but if you look deep inside them they're not satisfied but they can't admit it because they're afraid to get killed. Someone might say what's the solution to all this...For me i'm no problem-solver I can solve my own problems by leaving where I am now and going to a place where I can close my door and live in Peace. That's what I want with my life..I want to live in peace buy a good ol' supra building it slowly, and enjoy my life to the fullest!