The $2008 Grassroots challenge build-up thread


2008 Grassroots Challenge
Mar 26, 2008
Rockville-ish, Maryland
youve got valid points poodles. but we've seen what the MS can do and we're willing to roll with it. Again, this is a track car, down time isnt a big deal to us. I personally would rather write my own map than have to deal with the little tuning ability gained with an SAFC. We've removed all emissions devices from this car, and im sure theres some more power to gain just from that. My main goal is to get rid of the MAF entirely and run a speed density system. Ive used them all, SAFC's, NEO, emanages, AEM FIc, AEM standalones and hondata, several of them on my own car. once we get the FPR on and bump it up, and possibly even go the route of a FFIM we'll need more than the SAFC can handle.


Professional Driver
Aug 23, 2008
Just a couple of questions. One, In your sig pic, it looks like you have two shifters. Why? Also who made your roll bar kit? If you go with the Megasquirt, look into going with a V2.0 or higher and use a Ford EDIS 36-1 wheel and VR sensor not the CPS. Its super cheap to buy new and even cheaper to get off of a junkyard car. Use 94+ Ranger 4.0L or pretty much any 6cyl Ford from 93-2000ish. This method is good to 7000rpms with out break up. Looks very nice. Yall should think about building $2008.00 Supras for sale. haha


This is a version of Mega Squirt The EMS PRO. THis would kill your budget. ITs just for the pic.


2008 Grassroots Challenge
Mar 26, 2008
Rockville-ish, Maryland
the pic is 3 pictures stitched together, the cage was built by avi, we had a local guy bend the main hoop and dash bars, but the rest was measured and cut at time of install. no kits for us :)


Professional Driver
Aug 23, 2008
skipbarber;1165157 said:
the pic is 3 pictures stitched together, the cage was built by avi, we had a local guy bend the main hoop and dash bars, but the rest was measured and cut at time of install. no kits for us :)

thats pretty good stitching. I kind figured it wasnt so much a kit. I was kinda hopeing it was made to spec from somone i could call up and get one from. Ill justhave to make one for my self. Thanks


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I believe somebody mentioned that suspension and tires really make these cars shine? I'll more than vouch for that. Even with tires that were more intended for dealing with weather than turns, the suspension I had on my n/a would allow me to throw that piggy of a car around like it was 1000lbs lighter! I almost hate to imagine what it would have been like with some real rubber under it :icon_bigg


My fuel pump precedes me
Apr 16, 2005
Austin, TX
You guys may already know, but check ebay for race takeoffs. We got 8 hoosiers for $108 shipped, dude even gave us a GRM discount :) Just make sure if you want to use 'em for Autox they're DOT.


New Member
Nov 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Just read this entire thread. Awesome work guys. You did to your car what I'm planning for mine almost exactly, but you did it with less money... thats just inspirational right there :)

Now a little tip from me:
I'm new to Supras but not new to cars at all. I am running a MegaSquirt V3 setup on a turbo 16v VW Rabbit I've built. The engine is completely frankensteined and customized together and the MS is awesome. It is easy enough to figure out, and once you have it all installed the tuning is great. For ~$150 bucks it beats the hell out of the other standalone systems offered for a grand or more.
Now I dont have any experience with MaftPro or any of the other stuff the Supra guys run, but I would not hesitate a second to MS on my 7mgte.

This build was great and I am very much looking forward to what you guys have in store for 2009.



New Member
Feb 3, 2008
Buffalo, NY
Saw your car in the April issue of GRM and was very excited to see a Supra representing there. Then I found this thread and read about the build/journey. Very impressive! Can't wait to see how the car progresses this year for the $2009 Challenge.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
white_mk_2;1266368 said:
Saw your car in the April issue of GRM and was very excited to see a Supra representing there. Then I found this thread and read about the build/journey. Very impressive! Can't wait to see how the car progresses this year for the $2009 Challenge.

I saw that today as well. They made some comment how most cars were there just to race and not focus on looks, and they said somewhat along the lines of that your car was gorgeous! Congrats on the coverage!


2008 Grassroots Challenge
Mar 26, 2008
Rockville-ish, Maryland
Thanks guys! We're currently kicking around ideas for this year. What we still want/need to do, etc. I just saw the April issue myself, and I smiled a lot, haha.
I'm constantly looking for tires but I just can't seem to ever find a good deal!

For now the car is going to get de-stickered and de-engined so we can prep for a better paint job, and cleaner engine bay. We thought we did pretty well, but after seeing some of the other cars we realize that we really need to step up out game.
I still need to adjust some of the roll cage bars, and perhaps get some door bars in there.

Ben, Where the hell did you find a V3 setup for $150?? Thats one of those things that I keep looking at and think, ok I'm gonna buy it, but do I wanna spend my money now? or maybe later? maybe I'll find it cheaper, etc. haha.

The weather here in the DC area just decided to get warm this past weekend, so hopefully between that, and me moving back to MD soon, closer to my friends, and closer to the car, I can get a little bit more involved in helping out. We should be getting back into it soon, so keep an eye out for new updates :icon_bigg



Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I'm really looking forward to the $2009 Challenge, you guys can buy an air filter for the Supra with that extra dollar! :D


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
Augusta, GA
(i just read this whole thing) You guys kick ass! you are actually out there doing what myself and many others would love to be doing, but i haven't gotten up off my lazy ass to work hard enough to afford the time and budget yet but y'all are a definite inspiration and i'm glad to see that you did do well for 1st time out.

also i will now have to have a 7mgte swap with an open dump after hearing the vid. evil, pure evil.

GL!!!! and have you all considered laying fiberglass body/everything pieces yourselves to help shed even more weight and further DIY mods?


2008 Grassroots Challenge
Mar 26, 2008
Rockville-ish, Maryland
Jesse;1267746 said:
have you all considered laying fiberglass body/everything pieces yourselves to help shed even more weight and further DIY mods?

We would love to get our hands on some fiberglass parts, as far as laying them ourselves it's a different story. I dunno about my teammates, but I don't have any experience laying zee fibre-glahs... A fiberglass hood would definitely help, and would hurt a lot less when it falls on the head! Stupid hood struts.. We'd have to check the rules again though, I know that there is a rule about modifying the unibody, but I just don't know what the extent is.

If you are thinking about entering, you should 100% do it! You don't HAVE to spend $2009, if you can scrap something together for $400 and get it down there, then run it! You can't even imagine how great it is, you will never have a better time at a race event.

One thing that we do have to take care of is the trunk floor, it seems the weight of the battery has buckled part of the floor. We wanted to cut out the whole trunk floor and put an aluminum plate, but I think it might be against the rules, sooo I dunno.

It's exciting to see some new interest in the build. Like I said before, the weather is getting nice, sooo we're all itching to work on, and drive it :icon_bigg . I wish I had some new pics to show or something...

As soon as we get back to business, there will be pics, I promise! It's kind of weird, because we worked so hard to get the car where it is, and now we are gonna disassemble it and start again! I know it's gonna be just as fun the second time around though. I'll also try and keep all my fingertips this time, haha.



New Member
Feb 17, 2009
Augusta, GA
i myself know nothing about laying fiberglass but the 1st post read on this forum a month or so ago was about making a fiberglass hood b/c the stocker is so damn heavy and the guys were giving good explanations and tips for a low-buck solution to heavy body panels. Basically the methods they suggested required time/patience/practice/ & willingness to just mess up a couple of times till you got the hang of it and the next thing you know it you are making everything out of the stuff. It seems like one of those easy but intimidating to begin things

i think the sugested just starting with a hood, a lite coat of gel over it so the fiberglass wouldn't stick to it and then just laying and layer sheets over it to take on the shape and leaving it to dry. the amount of coats and laying methods along with weight and strength would progress with practice which you guys seem to have the willingness and time to do.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
You can stiffen the rear sway bar for free. Just use a press to lengthen the flat section at the end (squishing the round part) and drill another hole just inside the stock hole. This shortens the lever-arm so it takes more force to twist the bar. The result should be a slightly better balanced car (it should understeer with stock sways and most shocks/springs -- especially with the amount of weight you've taken off the rear).

You can't do this on the front because of the way it attaches, but if you have a friend with a tube bender you could make a front bar (or rear bar too)

One of my awesome MSpaint renderings on how to stiffen the rear bar for free:


New Member
Mar 3, 2009
nice car....i live inMD too...whre you guys at the CP meet over summer?..if so i think i saw this car in person and its pretty nice..


2008 Grassroots Challenge
Mar 26, 2008
Rockville-ish, Maryland
FlipSupra8;1380800 said:
nice car....i live inMD too...whre you guys at the CP meet over summer?..if so i think i saw this car in person and its pretty nice..

Thanks everyone. Yeah we were at the CP meet. Car is currently down to a shell and getting prepped for paint. We are also porting some bits under the hood, doing an abs delete, and a wire tuck. Lots of work left to do. I'll post some pics tonight of where we are at. Only about 30 days left till we need to be in Florida.

Also, we are looking for a dash local to us since are only going to run a roll bar this year to cut out some more weight. Pm us if you have one in the md/va/dc area.


2008 Grassroots Challenge
Mar 26, 2008
Rockville-ish, Maryland
Below are some pics of what we have been working on this week. We met up 4 times this week after work(usually around 530) and worked till dark. Tonight we removed more stuff and started sanding the engine bay. We still need to fill holes in the engine bay, bondo and sand/prime for paint. Body wise we need to sand/bondo dents and mask off what we don't want painted.

here are the pics so far:

some of the engine


port work(still a lot of cleaning up to do):


And the car:

Rats nest of electrical stuff that we need to thin down to the bare neccessities:

Just a shell now:




No more abs:

headlights out:




After cleaning and sanding:

