mu‧sic  /ˈmyuzɪk/
1. an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
Trance, is music. I dont like it as much, its preferance, but its music. I listen to ALOT as well, anyone thinking LP being my fav band hinders my ability is sadly mistaken. I too think Pantera is awesome, and agree metallica went to shit after Black Album.
What makes this crap sellout your half right, it is some catchy continuous BS played over and over, AKA pop, AKA Justins new single, I like his voice, amazing singer, but that song... come on.
LP Was outplayed by the radios, continuously, but again, not their fault. The things that attract me most to a band are the people in it. If I hear a great song, and then see the band on an interview and think they are morons with instruments, I wont like the band. LP Is my fav bc they remind me so much of me and my friends. Their DVD, was a replica of how our days played out for a long time, around eachother. Its not just the music for me. LP like I said, has fun with music, radio may play something that was amazing by them, but it wont make it sellout. Here in town a station has whats called MANDATORY METALLICA, at 11pm every night. They play 3 or more songs by them in a row. That to me, is outplayed, and its mostly older shit, but it doesnt make them sellout. Linkin Park may appear on TV somewhat more than others, and o n the radio, but it doesnt make them less bc their name is acceptable by 15 year olds along with their music. Their music is aggressive with an actual message. They stated they want their music to be taken in anyway that helps the individual listening.
I dont mean to insult anyone but the statement that band ISNT a sellout bc their name is "hardcore shit" and they will never get played on the radio is bullshit. So what, who cares? Ill go name my band raging pussy whore and get a contract and have really catchy shit and sellout, but itll never get played on the radio cuz of the name. You cant use that as proof that they arnt or wont sellout.
LPs lyrics are socially acceptable bc they dont scream hatred and cuss their asses off, go listen to Fort Minor, I can count fuck ALOT on that CD. Still played on the radio.
LP wanted their fanbase to be ANYONE who likes what they do, my 42 yo mom rocked her ass off at the LP concert when we all went, I saw people from 13 to 50 there, all having a blast. If that means they sold out bc all those people have something that great in common, then sell my ass out.
Everyones idea of a sellout is a band thats accepted by a group of 15 yo girls. Then tell me this, when you go to one of your harder concerts, isnt 99% of the crowd the same fuckin sterotype of people? How is that any differnt? Didnt that band then sellout to that crowd? I went to a 36 Crazyfists concert 2 months ago, saw nothing but 18 - 25 yos dressed in black and makeup and pins and bullshit, my friend and I were the only ones I saw dressed "normal",
Most of you have NEVER heard of 36 Crazyfists, bc of their style of music, radio wont touch it. They havent sold out but their fanbase is 99% one style almost (99% obviously exagerating a little)
Point is, any band could be a sellout if everyones idea was that one social group listened to them while the rest didnt. The people who listen to the radio or are on it, are a social group, doesnt include everyone. Most shit on pop stations is sellout music.
Anyways, in closing, really, sellout or not if I like what the fuck I hear, I like it bottom line. I LOVE LP, hell I LOVE enigma, they are awesome as well. I can listen to almost any style of music and find something I like. I can listen to Justin Timberlake, I bought the first CD, sellout or not, it had some good shit. To say a band is a sellout is one thing, but you can only state it againt them if you really NEVER HAVE EVER liked something that was considered sellout. I stand behind LP not being sellouts, but I wont say just bc a nother band maybe one, I dont like them or they are complete scum. Dislike the music, dont disrespect it, someone likes it and someone worked hard to make it.
PS: Sp7M Im not insulting you at all, I think your a cool guy like anyone else on here, no disrespect meant to you or anyone else against my opinion. Im simply stating just that, my opinion. Hope no one takes this sorely.