Andy - No I'm not

You also have the knowledge, shop, and the tools (or access to them) to do a lot of things do I.
I do believe if you are going to take the time and make the effort to do it right. My time has value...when I am going to do something major like pull the head, I will do as much other maintenance/work as I can while I have the head off.
Per what the OP had to say below:
JSHeinrich said:
The smoke was white at first, came out but did not linger. Then it turned into a lingering blueish tint smoke. The smoke is pouring out now.
Blue smoke = oil. Could be rings or the valve seals. The cost to have a head "refreshed" is just not that expensive. I'll bet the motor has pretty high mileage, and if it is the seals there will be one less problem to deal with later. Every time I have "went cheap", the 7M turned around and bit me...this is not the car to own if you do not have the funds to keep it in good running condition.
However, you are do not need to do a valve job when you replace the HG. IMO, doing a valve job is a good idea especially if the head has a lot of miles on it. I do believe in getting the most "bang for the buck" concerning the time and $$$ I have invested, but "cheap" and "Supra" are two words that do not belong in the same sentence. JS will make his own decision based on his time and funds.