Take it to pm.

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naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
kwnate said:
Thats a big 10-4. Fucking prick that guy is...

You're just pissed because I have the more superior motor. It's not my fault nobody on here likes you.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
So basicly, this thread was started because Jet and Ian were being dicks, and picking on Supramacist, who has a lot of people bring their complaints of this same intolerable treatment to him?

Would all of these people please speak up? No? Here, I will:

IJ and Jet: Yeah, you can be real know it all assholes at times. Yet, I seemed to have learned quite a bit from both of you.

Supramacist: I've told you before: You're a smart assed, whiny little prick. Quite frankly, I'm tired of reading the garbage you post as being "sure-fired" and "the best shit ever."

There. Now every one knows how I feel about this useless piece of shit of a thread. What I really want to know is, did anyone learn anything useful here?


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Cuel: Well no and that's why the other thread was locked.

I have NEVER picked on this guy and if feels so hard done by he's welcome to start a petition get as many names as he can and take it to Mike and have me removed as a Mod here.

I do this as I like to help out I don't get paid for it and as far as I can tell there are NO BENEFITS to being a Mod other than no timeout on search.

If he has specific instances where he's ben "picked on" step up and name names and post links if not STFU and quit being such a fucking drama queen and posting shit about all the "support" he has from other members. (so far I see NONE in this thread)

And just to clarify things JJ is NOT a Mod and has no special "powers" here at all nor does he have to be "nice", I try to be as professional as possible so hold my tongue a LOT when I could easily call out the fucktards that continue to post garbage.


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
IJ. said:
Cuel: Well no and that's why the other thread was locked.

I have NEVER picked on this guy and if feels so hard done by he's welcome to start a petition get as many names as he can and take it to Mike and have me removed as a Mod here.

I do this as I like to help out I don't get paid for it and as far as I can tell there are NO BENEFITS to being a Mod other than no timeout on search.

If he has specific instances where he's ben "picked on" step up and name names and post links if not STFU and quit being such a fucking drama queen and posting shit about all the "support" he has from other members. (so far I see NONE in this thread)

And just to clarify things JJ is NOT a Mod and has no special "powers" here at all nor does he have to be "nice", I try to be as professional as possible so hold my tongue a LOT when I could easily call out the fucktards that continue to post garbage.

Hold on wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your a mod:icon_conf


Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
What the hell is going on in this thread? I'm so confused right now, I think I'm just gonna go sit outside for awhile and see if I can forget what I just tried to read and comprehend....


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole

Everyone knows who's jock you are on. And now we know you can't hypothesize.

It had nothing to do with me. It had nothing to do with my feelings jerk off.
Read it again through un-biased eyes.

You..., would be part of the problem, kinda from day 1. I think your a wanna be bitch. But I don't give enough of a rats ass to waiste my time even typing to you. Nor do I care about your commentary.

There is most assuredly ZERO fucking love lost between you and I.

I'm ok with that.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
IJ. said:
Cuel: Well no and that's why the other thread was locked.

I have NEVER picked on this guy and if feels so hard done by he's welcome to start a petition get as many names as he can and take it to Mike and have me removed as a Mod here.

I do this as I like to help out I don't get paid for it and as far as I can tell there are NO BENEFITS to being a Mod other than no timeout on search.

If he has specific instances where he's ben "picked on" step up and name names and post links if not STFU and quit being such a fucking drama queen and posting shit about all the "support" he has from other members. (so far I see NONE in this thread)

And just to clarify things JJ is NOT a Mod and has no special "powers" here at all nor does he have to be "nice", I try to be as professional as possible so hold my tongue a LOT when I could easily call out the fucktards that continue to post garbage.

I'm not saying you don't put time in. I'm not saying you should go.
I just want to be able to tell people about this site.

How can you say you see no support???? Did you read the entire thing???
What a slap into those members faces. Why don't you take some xanex or whatever it is you bloody need and just stop having a hard on for everyone outside your click. You don't see anybody posting saying I might be on to something here???

You guys are way to much, unbelieveable actually.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Let me point out a couple things.

First up, this is a community, and we try to run it according to the will of the members. There are some exceptions where it comes to technical limitations, but you get the idea.

Secondly, if one of the staff steps out of line, the members need to bring it up with the admins. There are THREE of us here, myself, Supracentral, and Jeff Lange. We won't necessarily agree with you, but this is still your best chance of getting something resolved, as the buck stops here.

Keep in mind that we NEED specific examples to make a call. None of this 'I don't want to name names' bullshit, I'm not making a decision based on hearsay, and I doubt Mike or Jeff will either.

And don't worry about me taking sides unfairly, I've had to toss mods before, and I'm sure I will again.

Last, but certainly not least, PLEASE do not confuse SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) with administrative or moderation staff. SMEs have one requirement - they need to know their shit. They aren't required to be nice, and their opinions often do not reflect mine.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
buckshotglass said:
I love SM, and I don't read the posts that don't make me happy.

What is a Kwnate? Sounds like a nut or something.

Kwnate used to be cool back when he had a 667rwhp supra. Now he has a stock 1jz...................:momaru:


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
You're a smart guy and all. But that's just a messed up hand to play.

You don't have to cover your ass man. Just delete the thread. Who's going to believe any of us over you????

You may give good advice on engines but you sure are slow with the professional side of it and if it's that bad..., you should think about stepping down, because to hold all of that in..., well, that may be the problem.

You simply don't like giving advice such as you do and are really living a lie.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
GrimJack said:
Let me point out a couple things.

First up, this is a community, and we try to run it according to the will of the members. There are some exceptions where it comes to technical limitations, but you get the idea.

Secondly, if one of the staff steps out of line, the members need to bring it up with the admins. There are THREE of us here, myself, Supracentral, and Jeff Lange. We won't necessarily agree with you, but this is still your best chance of getting something resolved, as the buck stops here.

Keep in mind that we NEED specific examples to make a call. None of this 'I don't want to name names' bullshit, I'm not making a decision based on hearsay, and I doubt Mike or Jeff will either.

And don't worry about me taking sides unfairly, I've had to toss mods before, and I'm sure I will again.

Last, but certainly not least, PLEASE do not confuse SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) with administrative or moderation staff. SMEs have one requirement - they need to know their shit. They aren't required to be nice, and their opinions often do not reflect mine.

Ij told me I could go to mike with it and then followed that with what a waiste of my time it would be because it wouldn't make a difference any way.

Who's telling the truth???


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
GrimJack said:
Let me point out a couple things.

First up, this is a community, and we try to run it according to the will of the members. There are some exceptions where it comes to technical limitations, but you get the idea.

Secondly, if one of the staff steps out of line, the members need to bring it up with the admins. There are THREE of us here, myself, Supracentral, and Jeff Lange. We won't necessarily agree with you, but this is still your best chance of getting something resolved, as the buck stops here.

Keep in mind that we NEED specific examples to make a call. None of this 'I don't want to name names' bullshit, I'm not making a decision based on hearsay, and I doubt Mike or Jeff will either.

And don't worry about me taking sides unfairly, I've had to toss mods before, and I'm sure I will again.

Last, but certainly not least, PLEASE do not confuse SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) with administrative or moderation staff. SMEs have one requirement - they need to know their shit. They aren't required to be nice, and their opinions often do not reflect mine.

The moniker on the sme's are leading people to believe they are equal to a moderator. WTF???


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
Take some time to find some examples and present them the one of the forum admins (not the mods) and let them handle it.

When you're commenting you should make sure people know who you're quoting or talking to (about). It seems to be confusing people and adding to the fire.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Wait...., come back oh warden of answers.

IJ and Jet Jock.

I may be wrong because I was mislead into thinking he was some one.
You stepped into this Ij. It was about JJ and I.

So from where I'm sitting you're making too much out of it, But hey misery loves company.
That's why I haven't logged out yet.

All of what I am saying can be read in the forums.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
GrimJack said:
Last, but certainly not least, PLEASE do not confuse SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) with administrative or moderation staff. SMEs have one requirement - they need to know their shit. They aren't required to be nice, and their opinions often do not reflect mine.

Very true, And I hope people remeber that. SME's know thier stuff, thats why they are chosen for that position. NOT because they are particlarly good at dealing with people ;)
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