Take it to pm.

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Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
supramacist said:
Wait...., come back oh warden of answers.

IJ and Jet Jock.

I may be wrong because I was mislead into thinking he was some one.
You stepped into this Ij. It was about JJ and I.

So from where I'm sitting you're making too much out of it, But hey misery loves company.
That's why I haven't logged out yet.

All of what I am saying can be read in the forums.
I "stepped in" because it's my Job to idiot.

I "should" have locked this from the start as you're just continuing the shit you started in the locked thread but I knew you'd pull the Bias card out of your arse.

I've let you have your say but this has gone far enough.

You think I'm taking sides or being a hardarse so be it but I'm sick of your shit.

You want to continue to be a member here follow the rules if not I'll arrange your permanant ban within minutes....... your call.


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
Eh, Nate's not so bad...;)

I think the mods do a pretty good job overall...and I appreciate what they do, I have no problem with IJ, GrimJack, or Jeff, although I don't always get along with Mike, but whatever...

There have been a few instances where I didn't agree with a mods descision, or I didn't think they did the right thing...but the whole drama with jetjock and matt is one that stands out...I believe he was given special treatment...any other member would have been perma-banned on the spot for the things he was saying.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Let me see if I've got this straight.

A member and an SME (not a mod) get in a disagreement with another member.

That members uses that as an excuse to post a passive/aggressive "well I'm not pointing any fingers" attack on the "administration" of the forum in general.

If you have a complaint with a member, staff member, or administrator, lodge your complaint with a member of the admin staff (GrimJack, Jeff Lange or me). You can find out what peoples roles are by clicking here. There has NEVER been a member who got banned for speaking his mind, nor for disagreeing with the staff. Showing your ass, making yourself a public nuisance and just generally interfering with the smooth running of the forum will earn you a ban.

This thread is a 100% perfect example of what not to do. It's bullshit. It's an attemot to continue a fight that was ended when a supermod locked a thread. That in and of itself should earn your ass a ban. Threads like this serve no purpose. They stir the pot without actually addressing any real issue. You have complaints against people's behavior? Make them, via the appropriate channels.

So please spare us this bullshit.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
This thread is closed, but I figure, what the hell, I'll add some more information for future reference.

There are a few positions on the site, Administrator, Super Moderator, Moderator, Vendor, Subject Matter Expert, and Member.

Only the first 3 in that list are actually "site staff," vendors, subject matter experts and members are not site staff.

That being said, if you have a problem with anyone, talk to one of the administrators of the forum, trust me, I will hear you out.

This thread is a great example of how NOT to deal with a problem with another member. This thread is simply carrying on a battle. When one of the site staff closes a thread where a few members are going at it, generally speaking they are trying to stop the fight. They are not trying to take anyone's side.

If you have any questions regarding site policy or want to know anything about almost anything, don't hesitate to ask. Don't be a big turd about it though, act courteous and the staff will return the favour.

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