johnd;1606694 said:
Awesome Ron! can't wait to see it this weekend

Thanks John. Be sure to holla at me!
CajunKenny;1607077 said:
It's about time!!!
Good Job Ron!
You know, you are soooo right!
Thanks Ken. Wouldn't be even half way done if it weren't for you. :bowdown:
Bit of an update: Discovered a couple more leaks on the coolant system. Up around the heater hoses by the firewall. Apparently you're supposed to tighten the clamps!

Got the timing set to 10*. Got the bumper on. I got to take her for a drive this evening and it felt great to feel boost again.

I have a video of the startup, but the batteries for my camera died so I'm charging them now and will have it up by tomorrow. I promise.