You guys will like this.
***UPDATE*** ***UPDATE***
Ahahaa, yeah I finally did some more work on this damn digi.
I massaged some of the plstic and fiberglass with my dremel to allow the clock and spedometer to fit into their factory locations as seem in the rhd version! Now, they are backwards IE: the clock should be on the right side and the spedometer on the left to have a proper mirror image, but the ysit nicely in the factory locations so I'll leave them be. I am not looking for any trouble on this build ahaha, so if things drop nicely somewhere they stay there!
My dad is finishing up the shaped board today, he has to do 120ish wires, soldering them into place and then he should be done and I can have the board back for the test fit and use it to do the glass work needed to hold it securely into the cluster. After that board is here, I'll just have the glass work for it and some more glass work around the casing to hold it together along the seams and the white backing part will be done for the most part. I'll be able to focus on doing the overlays after that, which will make it resemble something we all recognize. All in due time tho my fellow LHD digi enthusiasts!
I'm also starting to look into possibly having the rear casing I'm making duplicated, possibly by vaccuum moulding. I'm not sure if there's even any places around here that can do replications like I'm looking for, so we'll cross that bridge when we get there I guess.
The cluster with main board, aux board, clock, and speedo fitted into their respective places.
Closer view of the main clump of electronics as they sit. This is the final configuration, so they will not deviate much if any from this pic.
Close-up of the left side of the cluster, showing the clock sitting in it's native spot under the left side of the main board. It fit nice and snugly in that spot, although I had a lot of massaging to get it to fit right.
Speedo in the stock spot right under the right end of the main board. Again, it sits in the stock spot so the stock holes like-up perfectly and all, so it's very happy staying there!
Next update will be of the board from my dad, hopefully next weekend. We also "hope" to connect all the boards back together and power it up...
Those should prove to be VERY cool pics, and don't worry, my dad has a 5.0mp camera which takes very nice pics, so they will be awesome!