Speed's Completely Unspeedy 1JZ. 56k is so 1990's


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
briggsy said:
those 3 wire go to the O2 sensor on the exhaust behind the turbos..

erm... no. Those wires are on the intake side of the motor, o2 sensor is on the exhaust side ;) They're the MAP sensor wires.

the prosport brackets were bent and cut to fit the backside of the black plastic cover, and then epoxied on


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
Ok Pics coming later. MAP and Ignitor sensors arrived.. Map got wired up easy peasy. Ignitor on the other hand....

The harness coming off the motor has 30 wires. The ignitor has 18. Where do those other 12 go?! And, does anyone know the pinout for the ignitor? Argg..

On a positive note, The main harness extension is done, IC pipes, throttle cable, bic mounts, p/s hose all on the way. That should be it for major parts. Gotta assemble everything, figure out the wiring and what to do with the hydrofan lines, and then get to installing it! woo!


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
here's a few pix..

finished harness extension:

after spending 45 minutes at the toyota dealership, apparently the harness plugs for the map sensors aren't made anymore. So I went my own route, and soldered wires onto each pin, then slid some heatshrink over the post and wire. I'll pack it with dielectric grease and do my best to seal it up.

decided to pick up the prosport oil filter sandwhich adapter to mount the oil temp and pressure sensors... its a very nice peice. Initial mockup:

Pete's been bugging me that I don't ahve any pictures of any of his custom stuff up yet... so I got off my ass and painted the ORIGINAL weezl wing. This is the prototype that all others spawned from :). Granted, its really heavy and not as pretty as the later models, but its the first :) The hood is going off to get paint this coming week... don't expect anything special from that, going flat black for the time being until I've got the $$ to respray the whole car.

On another note- Driftmotion ships FAST. DAMN. HPF customer service = surprisingly good. BIC = slow to respond to my emails inquiring on the eta of my ordered Motor Mounts. Grrrr.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 2, 2005
Vilseck, Germany, Germany
nice swap, im up in FT. Lewis so if you need help let me know i also have a 1j that you can use for reference if you cant figure anything out, i can come and help you out as i am waiting on pars for my 2jz swap.


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
Turbo 7M said:
nice swap, im up in FT. Lewis so if you need help let me know i also have a 1j that you can use for reference if you cant figure anything out, i can come and help you out as i am waiting on pars for my 2jz swap.

Yea actually I could really use a good look at the igniter harness pinout, as well as which wires go to the fuse box!


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
hey just a suggestion... my friend nick has the prosport guages you have, but his are in a pillar.

What he did was wired up the different colors to work with the push of a switch, which i thought was pretty sick..

just a suggestion..

those guages look nice in your dash BTW.


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
Thanks for the compliments guys. Lots of developments lately. First off,

I was arrested today! WOOO! Cop pulled me over for going SEVEN mph over the limit, took like 10min to come back, said I was under arrest for driving with a suspended license. To make things short, I missed a court date I didn't know I had in a town i moved away from 6mo ago. Basically I've got two weeks to get it straightened out or i face some HUGE fines and 6mo wihtout my license. So yea, i'm the first one in my family to get arrested! Woohoo!

Anyway, onto the car. Parts that have arrived this week:

mk4 throttle body and DM P/s hose:

BIC mounts:


Had to get some shorter bolts for the motor mounts:

New mounts installed:

P/S hose on the pump (took it off after this, put the fittings on the rack and the pump, i'll connect thehose up once the motor is being dropped in)

And then i got busy working and not taking pictures. Painted the turbo exhaust sheild with hightemp paint,and put the hot side back together:

I must say, the DM Hose and BIC mounts, very well made. Excellent pieces. (though i would have prefered the mounts had been TIG welded, but hey they still rock). The Mk4 throttle cable went on in a snap, bought it from HPF and arrived the next day (yay to living close). On the way, flywheel bolts, intercooler piping, dash LEDs, and some other stuff I can't remember.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
This was the fun part of my build as well. Having stuff come in that is another piece of the puzzle. stuff looks good tim. Im gonna be a little delayed coming back but I still plan to be thee in time to help put it in, at least for the last time.


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
Now that Pete (TheWeezl) is back in the NW, he came up this past weekend to help me out a bit. It was a very good weekend - full of beer, MMA, stories of cocaine and cheap women, fabrication, and sneezing dogs.

Saturday kicked off with the removal of the crank pulley so we could take off the Hydrofan waterpump. Pete's Impact gun wasn't strong enough, so we hit up the local Harbor Freight to get one that was rated higher. 86$ later and back home, we give a shot. Nada. It wasn't anymore powerful than Pete's. Arg. So a big ass screwdriver in the flywheel sprockets, and a breaker bar with extention... and the crank pulley is off with the help of some gear pullers. Lower timing cover off, marked pulley and belt locations with engine at TDC, and took off the waterpump. Needed some new o-rings for the 2jz pump- so it was back to HF to return the shitty impact gun, and then to napa to get some o-rings, a few misc bolts, audi 2.8 serp belt, and some brake cleaner.

Well me being me, I forgot the waterpump so we had no idea what size o-rings to get. Embarrassed, we walk back out and head home, where i get thrown out of the jeep, spit on, and shamefully come back with the pump and head back out. I tried blaming it on Jody, at first Pete believed me, but then he looked at her and curb stomped my face.** After a quick visit to the dentist we went back to the parts store and got the rest of the parts. Came back, got the new pump installed, Pete went nuts with his wirebrush cleaning stuff. I swear you give that guy something metallic and polishing tools and he's a happy camper. New orings, gaskets, and copper gasket spray, 2jz waterpump installed. pulleys lined back up, timing belt on, cover on. Crank pulley back on, torqued down, and started reconnecting shit.

Oh fuck, its 9pm. UFC 75 is starting! I spend 20minutes calling all the local pubs and sports bar trying to see who is playing it, and my fav place had it on satellite so its already over, and no one else was showing it! WTF!?!?! On a last ditch effort we head out to two places I couldn't find numbers for. The first one was a total loss, but the 2nd one (which also happens to be closest to home) was fucking money! UFC on 2 bigass TVs, a bunch of drunk bitches, chicken strips, and a LOT of beer. A wedding was having their reception at the same bar, so there were lots of drunk horny women. Pete was in heaven, too bad I wouldn't let him bring one of them back to my place. Though I had this one lady's tits so far over my arm I couldn't see my forearm, she wouldn't leave us alone! She was also easily the horniest woman there, and I was by far the youngest guy. Lady, you need to aim lower! Your tits on my arm don't change the fact that you're old, fat, and old. I was afraid to get up to get more beer in fear that she'd rape me. Pete shared some stories of transvestite crack whores, and that gave me confidence that I could handle this one.

BTW, UFC 75 sucked. The fights were too even. And Cro Cop needs to be more aggressive, son of a bitch.

After the bar and UFC, we came back as we and Jody rolled around.
Sunday noon comes around and I fall out of bed, go down and wake Pete up as we got shit to do!. To be perfectly honest, I don't remember how we got started. Yea it was only 9 1/2 hours ago, but time just disappears when cocaine is mentioned. Kids, don't do school stay on drugs. Well, Pete got started on mounting the P/S reservoir as I got to drilling and taping the WP neck for the water temp sensor. Then come to find out, Pete forgot his taps and I don't have shit. So another run out to the parts store to get some drill bits and taps, and we're back Pre Alcoholics Anonymous glee. Got those done, and it was time to start on the IC piping.

Well shit, beer break. Mmmm beer.

Jody was the smart one of us, and hung out in the shade while Pete and I got crackin. I wanted to mount my IC at an angle, for various reasons which I'll probably explain in latter post. But needless to say, I wanted my piping to use as little couplers as possible. 4 hours of measuring, mocking up, testing, cutting, grinding, taping later the IC is almost finished. It still needs to be welded up, and the last peice will need to be made out of donut stock. Everything we did today was with Aluminum, but I'll end up making the last peice in steel because its readily available, and I have a welder to tac it up with. If I can find AL donuts with a tight enough radius I'll probably redo it in AL, which means the whole system would use no couplers other than the motor and IC. Let me tell you boys and girls, its freakin schweet. Not like "i tag teamed a bitch with a midget last night" schweet, but like coming from a 50 year old pancake titted woman to a 23 year old tight waisted hottie with nice dime nips. Yes, I shit you not, it is that schweet.

Still have to get it welded up.... debating buying a TIG instead of taking it to my welder since either way I go its going to cost me several hundred $$. To just buy the TIG now would be a better investment, but who knows... money is tight like a 14 year old and I want to get this car going!

And now pictures that I can't show you because Chris Hanson is an asshole. So instead I'll show you the pictures we didn't take of the waterpump swap:

Wow, isn't that neat?! Waterpumps are so interesting! Oooo.

Luckily, Jody is legal, so here she is all furry and nekked:

Thats right you sick fucks, Jody is Pete's dog. She also sneezes on command. I managed to snap a shot right before she sneezed:

She's seriously a cool dog.

So I must admit, I lied earlier. I'm not going to weld my intercooler piping. Hell, half of it isn't even solid fucking metal. 3M has new "Super Ultra Adhering Boost Leak Proof" Masking tape. The autozone guy told me his b00zted civic was holding 18psi with it, so of course I believed him. However, the flexible muffler piping they had wasn't gay enough for us. So we headed over to Home Depot to pick up some AC ducting hose... it was perfect. Flexible, sometimes held its shape, but best of all - it's fucking shiny!!

Haha all u dum l0zers u pay $ for sh1t you dnt n33d. $16 of parts and it woks yo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I lied again. I can't help it. I have boobs.

SHIT. I can't stop lying. Pete is a good worker.

Motherfucker dammit.

So anyway, here's the real pipes taped together, marked, and ready to be welded:


the leftovers that i'll bastardize into some sort of anal hamster insertion device:

And mounted on the car:





In that last picture you can see the dilemma. The Aluminum stock I bought wasn't radiused tight enough to make a compound curve to fit. I'll update the thread when I get that piece made out of steel, and then decide whether to leave it steel or remake it out of AL. If its out of AL, then I can mount the BOV flange up there, and it will be a complete coupler-less system, which would be uber sexy. Otherwise it'llhave one coupler, and i'll have to mount the BOV somewhere a little further down the piping.

I'm sure Pete will also post too.

**No Curb stomping actually took place. Go watch American History X.