
Aug 4, 2005
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
How are you going to "see" who took it if you werent there? Wasn't Felix supposed to watch between 2-4? What are the chances that Felix's neighbours werent home between those few hours especially since they know about the incident. You told everyone here that you would be watching this week for the package between 2-4. You have work all of a sudden? I dont know man, everything is getting fishier and fishier as time goes on. I am not blaming anything on you, but you didnt do what you said you would and I specifically said to you that the package will be there between Wednesday to Friday. It just so happens to be that neither Felix, you, OR the neighbours saw anything or know anything about MY package.

What does the rest of you guys think? I think I am right on about all of this.


Sep 12, 2005
littleroller74: hey man
Kyle87T: yo
littleroller74: hey
littleroller74: so yea
littleroller74: i mean it came wendsday at 11ish
Kyle87T: yes
littleroller74: the nieghbors didnt see anyone get it
Kyle87T: they didnt ring on the doorbell
littleroller74: and elix was in summer sewl i worked till 3
littleroller74: no it was left on the porch
littleroller74: beacsue his stuff from suprastore was there too but they only tooc the bc
littleroller74: ?
littleroller74: so i dnno
littleroller74: but im trying hard
littleroller74: man
Kyle87T: you told me... that the address was for a neighbour
littleroller74: i know
littleroller74: they didnt come to his house
littleroller74: at all
littleroller74: and he had stuf fon there
littleroller74: wich i dont understand
Kyle87T: the neighbour bought suprastore stuff?
littleroller74: considering
littleroller74: no
Kyle87T: then what the hell r u saying
littleroller74: he had stuff from suprastore at his house and whoeer did it didnt come to felixs beacsue his suprasotre was still on the porch
Kyle87T: why would this person come to felix's when MY bc is at his neighbours
littleroller74: i dont know considering
littleroller74: some one took this for there
littleroller74: when thers 2200 on his porch
littleroller74: so i think whoever did it
littleroller74: is gonna use
Kyle87T: first of all your not making any sense...
littleroller74: it
littleroller74: so i got to look for the turbo cars i know
Kyle87T: I dont have time for you to go on a damn mission
Kyle87T: I want my boost controller or my money
littleroller74: money?
Kyle87T: whatever I was selling my bc for
littleroller74: u mean to tell me i have to pay i i dont find it
Kyle87T: either or I dont care
Kyle87T: well its not my fault is it
littleroller74: and its m ne
littleroller74: beacsue some one had my password
littleroller74: ?
Kyle87T: well my reputation isnt on the line here
littleroller74: well
Kyle87T: so this is for you to decide
littleroller74: i dont understand how my rep is on the line for smeone stealing m passwrod
littleroller74: i already had 5 people throw rep for me
littleroller74: i aint no theaf
littleroller74: man
Kyle87T: I didnt say you were
Kyle87T: but you and your SM account is the root of all this evil
littleroller74: and i don have control over someone hacking into my comp do i
Kyle87T: well ya, lock your doors
Kyle87T: thats for starters
littleroller74: lock my doors
littleroller74: dont be smart ass
Kyle87T: im not
littleroller74: lock m doors
Kyle87T: thats the truth
littleroller74: huh
littleroller74: when they did it form somewhere else lock my doors
littleroller74: ?
Kyle87T: you told me someone broke in ur house and hacked ur pc
littleroller74: wtf
littleroller74: i said
Kyle87T: huh
littleroller74: that the kid i think did it broke in my comp
littleroller74: and i they broke in my house
littleroller74: the door wouldnt be open
littleroller74: anyways
littleroller74: keyword
littleroller74: broke in
Kyle87T: security system
Kyle87T: /end
littleroller74: look
littleroller74: man why dont u come hee
littleroller74: and put one in muy house or tell my dad
littleroller74: ?
Kyle87T: pay for my plane ticket
Kyle87T: ill be there
littleroller74: yea
littleroller74: why dont u come down here
littleroller74: becasue mabe u can go confront peopel with me
Kyle87T: lol
littleroller74: when u dont knwo who did it
littleroller74: man
littleroller74: i mean u think i did
littleroller74: it
littleroller74: and u convice all sm and m rep is on the line
Kyle87T: your right, I dont know who did it, but it all started with YOUR account
littleroller74: and
littleroller74: someone hacking
littleroller74: in my account
littleroller74: so hmm
littleroller74: someone does it in ur account
littleroller74: what do u do
littleroller74: ?
Kyle87T: bro in the long run, your story is skiddish
littleroller74: skiddish
littleroller74: what do u do my friend
Kyle87T: choppy, fishy, unbelievable
littleroller74: someone hacks ur shit
Kyle87T: what do I do?
littleroller74: what would u do if u where me
littleroller74: pay?
littleroller74: no id ont think so
Kyle87T: well if my rep was on the line
Kyle87T: I would sure think about it
littleroller74: no
littleroller74: not if u had nothing to do with it
littleroller74: i mean how much $
littleroller74: r we talking
Kyle87T: we are talking $250. Exactly what I was asking
Kyle87T: bro first of all, let me say I dont want to believe it was you
Kyle87T: your rep is big on SM
Kyle87T: lots of posts
littleroller74: no kidding
littleroller74: not one bad thing
littleroller74: and then this
littleroller74: and now i got a ban
littleroller74: on my ass
littleroller74: or what
littleroller74: becasue basiclly
Kyle87T: I am not influencing any of this, I just want to get to the bottom
Kyle87T: The thing is, you keep digging yourself into a hole
Kyle87T: especially when you said you were going to wait for the delivery
littleroller74: whole
Kyle87T: and you were working
Kyle87T: like, a little short notice
littleroller74: i had to work
littleroller74: short notice
Kyle87T: you did not know you had to a couple days ago?
littleroller74: i have a scheduale
littleroller74: no
Kyle87T: if you have a schedule, you should of known you had work during the days the shipment was supposed to arrive
Kyle87T: especially between 2 and 4
littleroller74: so what i tell m boss i tak off
littleroller74: to watch dfor ur bc
littleroller74: when this is my income
littleroller74: and what i make m life out of
littleroller74: i dont think so
littleroller74: my friend and ill admit that
Kyle87T: I didnt say that did I
Kyle87T: Its what you told us and then you went to work that makes everything messed up
littleroller74: i dotn know what ur sayng all u say is basicly i did it and u want 250 and i need to lock my doors?
Kyle87T: wow are you listening?
Kyle87T: obviously not
Kyle87T: let me start again, in simpler english
littleroller74: im nto going to listen for u to tell me to lock my doors
littleroller74: and put a security sytem in my house
Kyle87T: wow man, im not gonna say that again
littleroller74: and hwo i nned to come up with 250 for you
Kyle87T: wow you really arent listening
Kyle87T: ill give it a go anyways
littleroller74: so what
littleroller74: do u want me to do
littleroller74: right now
Kyle87T: find out who did it
littleroller74: ok
littleroller74: what do u think i doing
littleroller74: nothing
littleroller74: ?
Kyle87T: I dont know
littleroller74: ok
Kyle87T: how about posting an update in the thread so you dont look like you did it
Kyle87T: posting ur # isnt going to solve anything
littleroller74: well
littleroller74: hmm maybe u call me
littleroller74: people said call me
littleroller74: so there
littleroller74: i mean
Kyle87T: that wont help either
littleroller74: look man im trying my best
Kyle87T: me calling you isnt going to solve anything
littleroller74: ok
Kyle87T: make a post on SM with what you have done and plan on doing to solve this
littleroller74: but u cant disrespect me and get all hostile saying smart ass things beacsue it wont help the situation
Kyle87T: that wasnt a smart ass thing
Kyle87T: its the truth
littleroller74: ok
littleroller74: you know what
littleroller74: im goig to try
littleroller74: liek i already am doing
littleroller74: ok
Kyle87T: I appreciate it
littleroller74: and this is the update for sm
littleroller74: im going to post it
Kyle87T: but when you dont get back to me with an update I get worried
littleroller74: i havent been on
littleroller74: actually
littleroller74: but i got you
littleroller74: and ill do my best'
littleroller74: ok
Kyle87T: ok cool I am happy we are on the same page
littleroller74: good
Kyle87T: just needed to clear that up
littleroller74: i gtg
Kyle87T: bye

thats an update imm trying to see what is going on.... banned? and paying is a little extreme to me.. ill put a post up every 2 days with :updates


Sep 12, 2005
police department... for
this is fuking rediculous.. not once ever would i think i could get this much disrespect from here.... police and they are going o come to me and i dont know anything.. so i mean by all means go ahead beacsue right now i know nothing


Supra teacher 101
Apr 4, 2005
wtf why do you suck SO much ASS at spelling?

Im Just wondering.

and wtf this is Fishy. why would you send a controller to someones house that hasn't payed first?


Sep 12, 2005
why didnt you put insurance or a sig conformation that way i could see who signed and this wold of been resolved... i mean imo alot of things where rushed and i wouldnt trade things unless i did a sig confo...but imo im taking alot of shit for something i dont know about:(


Supra teacher 101
Apr 4, 2005
I personally dont know you.


This Story is VERY Weird.

someone got on your account, where your FRIEND lives.... his NAME.... Might be Mispelled cuz of kyle (last name) and the day it gets delivered your at work and he's at school? it kinda sounds fishy, but i could believe that because people have personal shit to do, But IMO thats kinda messed up, plus your neighbor dosent have a clue, you dont, and your friend dosent.? Idk i'd be mad, plus someone gets on your account, like everyone in the world knows whose on supramania and the person who "hacks" your account is in your FRIENDS location, Idk man just SUPER SUPER fishy


Sep 12, 2005
the account was hacked in chesterfield and wayne state. i know wayne state is n hour away n i dunno where chesterfield is.....

i been had to work i didnt mean id be out fornt everyday i mean i haev a llife
and as far as him he has summer skewl all weekdays ?


Apr 16, 2006
92turbo4life said:
the account was hacked in chesterfield and wayne state. i know wayne state is n hour away n i dunno where chesterfield is.....

i been had to work i didnt mean id be out fornt everyday i mean i haev a llife
and as far as him he has summer skewl all weekdays ?

Some one got BURNED it looks like it


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
^^WERD........what Justin said

Adam, you have been here as long as I have been around, and I wouldn't think this would be you. BUT.......Dude, this looks awful on you. It's your rep on the line here. Do nothing (or show no results), and you look bad to the community. Pay for something that you have nothing to do with at all, and that really sucks too. I'd hate to be in your shoes.

In my opinion, you need to be sure who your friends are. It has been proved it wasn't done from your house, so I don't believe anybody could break into your house and get your supramania password off your computer. This "friend" obviously watched you type it over your shoulder! In high school, your friends will sell you out for very little.

This part is probably on ebay right now, and gonna pull less than what Kyle wanted in the first place. Who put it on there? Adam, the "friend", or some other theif? who knows


Supramania Contributor
Dec 3, 2005
Chesterfield is near the border of the lake st. clair, going northeast of berkley. While Wanye State is in Detroit going southeast of berkley.

Chesterfield is about 30 mins away from berkley. Adam, I've read that you have good rep here and I believe it. After saying that I'm almost 100% sure it's ethier your friend felix that is scamming you or it's someone close he knows. Also, just because his last name was spelt wrong doesn't mean he couldn't have done it. And because the package was sent RIGHT next door makes me believe he tried to cover it up. Unless this Felix guy is your best friend that would die for you, he isn't trustworthy. People will deny and deny to the grave. It's a natural thing.

Who knows, maybe Kyle will end up getting what he traded for. But none the less, your rep will sorta be on the line. I say that because I would be weary doing business with you now. Not because I don't trust Adam himself, I just won't trust whoever it is I might be chatting with. But change your password on AIM and SM. And if you have wireless internet, put a password especially on that. If you need help with passwords and internet crap, I'll be glad to help. I'm a geek.;)