Ok here is a better update! Went down to Ron's place as usual along with Nate and Tom. We fitted the cams and are now in for good! We did some misc stuff as well and decided to put the engine in. Since we worked on Ron's kid's basket hoop thingy in the backyard for a few hours, we only got started on the car at around 3 in the afternoon but! we did it

We ended up finishing up at around 2 in the AM! Thanks to Tom Breeze, Nate (aka Barney), Ron and Michelle aka Suprawoman. The next day, Ron and I started working on the car and did a mock-up to make sure everything fit perfectly. Michelle came later in the noon and helped some again as well with some organizing of wiring etc
Since I don't have all of the pictures on my camera, I hope that Ron or Tom will post some up.
Here are some pics and again thanks guys! Coming close!
You'll notice that the wastegate is still not attached. We're doing a mock-up just to make sure everything fits perfectly.
A pic of the turbo in bay for mock up
After testing the hood, we have 1/8" clearance before the turbo hits the hood.