Yeah yeah.. Jake
So I have to start off by saying this weekend's major work could not have been done without our entertainer Tom Breeze.

He drove all over the washington state to find a EGT bung to weld on the header. That is what would have set us back a week so thank Tom! & Son. Also he picked me up a bung which we later found out that Ron had one already LOL.
So we pretty much bolted the header on and mounted the turbo. While Ron was making the dump tube (external wastegate vented:biglaugh: ) I made the oil drain hose which was a pita. The header is like a bunch of worms crawling all over each other I LOVE IT! :naughty: It is figured out and worked out great! Again it may not look like we did a LOT but we actually did. Ron also fabbed up the intake side of the intercooler and is now completed along with the turbo to intercooler piping. Just need to pick up some 3.5 "cuplers (did that today) and some misc small things.
A few pics
Here is a front shot of the Extreme Turbo Systems intercooler.
Next is a pic from up top of the header.
Side shot of the bay
Thses are the clamps I use and some SS screws for mounting some of the underside wiring.
Ron had to fix his hand so he tried to weld it LOL
Master at work on the turbo to intercooler piping. I will polish that later but I am wanting to get it going so will do that over time.
A side shot to show how high the turbo sits
This is what I do at work and I am sure most of you do too LOL :icon_razz
We have left as I can think of is
Make a flange and then DP.
Wire up NOS noids and such..
Wire up pass side area
Vaccum lines to be connected
many lil misc things that I have not thought of I am sure.