Started a rebuild on my R154 transmission. Have some of it apart but still have a long way to go. Need some special Tools to take some of the bearings out. Harbor Freight is dry on Shop presses right now so the project is on hold :biglaugh:

mattjk said:niec pics! thrust washer seems to be in one piece still![]()
a couple of guy's where having new thrust washer's made,but didn't want to sell any till they where thing i noticed taking mine apart,was alot of sludge in the slot's of the thrust washer.i'm sure that would help it starve for oil,but i'm sure people have probably broke them in new rebuilt tranny's tooReign_Maker said:That intimidates the hell out of me... Gimme a motor, I can tear it apart all day... Gimme a tranny like that, and Im like wtf?
So has anyone come up with a solution to the thrust washer weakness?
the w58 is probably similar.i think the shaft's aren't as beefyBorHor said:Wow. I wonder what a W58 looks like.
i have access to a 30 ton press.PIONEER said:TSupra92, Did you buy a Press or have a machine shop press the gears off for you? I'm on hold right now til HarborFreight gets a new shipment of Presses. the 6Ton press they have in stock is not tall enough. Those Locking pins/balls did give me some trouble.
S383:- My 2nd Gear Syncro was acting up so I figure why not rebuild it since I'm building the engine.
Reign Maker:- not having the right tools is the holdup right now. Once I got the casing off and struggled with the Locking pins on the shifter, I did question for a minute what I got myself into now![]()
Reign_Maker said:That intimidates the hell out of me... Gimme a motor, I can tear it apart all day... Gimme a tranny like that, and Im like wtf?
So has anyone come up with a solution to the thrust washer weakness?
tsuper92 said:i have access to a 30 ton press.
did you pull the bearing off the output shaft yet?i used a puller for that.
to bad your so far away,i'd let you use the press. must have the main shaft ready to press the bearing's and gear's off.the counter shaft only has one bearing to press off.the input shaft only has's just the main shaft thats all the work.PIONEER said:Yeah I pulled the Output shaft bearing off last night with a Pully puller and some long bolts bolted to the HarborFreight bearing puller :icon_razz