Originally Posted by Reign_Maker
That intimidates the hell out of me... Gimme a motor, I can tear it apart all day... Gimme a tranny like that, and Im like wtf?
So has anyone come up with a solution to the thrust washer weakness?
tsuper92 said:a couple of guy's where having new thrust washer's made,but didn't want to sell any till they where tested.one thing i noticed taking mine apart,was alot of sludge in the slot's of the thrust washer.i'm sure that would help it starve for oil,but i'm sure people have probably broke them in new rebuilt tranny's too
that´s the point. i made some of a special brass alloy thats shock proof and self lubricating last year. problem with this material is that it has not the surface hardness (also tested an original thrust washer before) so it´s not realy a long-lasting item. we tested this after 10.000 and 20.000 km and i wouldn´t use one much longer. I´m sure this part is nearly unbreakable but has to be changed every season.
On the other side harder materials are more problematic with shock load and possible lack of lubrication, so there´s no 100% perfect solution at all. and no one could be sure that these parts won´t break.
Best bet this time is a coated stock washer in my opinion. We´ll try another material next spring, that would provide surface hardness AND self lubrication (could reach the hardness of the stock washer with much higher strength then the original cast part). Found this during last summer but much to late for testing, so it´ll take until spring/summer 2007 to be sure. The washer itself and also the machine work isn´t such expensive that it´s worth to drive around 10000 km (or miles) only for test-drives.
And the most interesting question would be (maybe someone would like to answer this): what would you pay for a 15-20 US$ part like this washer if it woud be unbreakable ?
Dresden, Germany