so, what is it about a mkiii supra?

May 23, 2007
oakdale, california
this is just something i was thinking about.. i actually had the opportunity to get a mkiv, but...i guess i'm just a mk iii kinda guy...and i was pondering upon that thought...why do i prefer an older, slower car to a newer, sleeker, faster one?

i'm not sure...but...all i can say is, everytime i see my mkiii, i fall in love all over again. and to me, thats what its all about...

anyone else care to delve into the workings of our brains with me?

or just tell me why you like your mk iii??


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
The price is the HUGE difference. I'd love to get one, just can't afford it. Well, I can afford it for the most part. But, I've fallen in love with my MKIII.


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
Everyone roots for the underdog.

I like the smell :)
Also the copious amounts of $$$ I dump into it.
May 23, 2007
oakdale, california
haha. and another thing, how do you guys deal with losing a race? i have lost only one, and it was an undertsandable loss, cuz i had a stock 89 turbo, AUTO ftl, and my buddy i raced has a 70 camaro with 475 to the tires hahaha....RAPE.


Oct 3, 2006
if given the choice, i would get the MKIV, mostly because i wouldn't have to spend much to get ~400whp out of it.. and it's way more classy, you can pull 1000x the chicks in a MKIV then a MKIII :[
May 23, 2007
oakdale, california
well, girls can go to hell; if they like you for your car..but..then again, most girls i know seem to only like me cuz i play guitar like a badass hahaha

and as far as classy goes, i think a white mkii is the classiest car around.. IMO...


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Surprising, I've only raced one car with the Supra. I'm against street racing, so I don't go find people to race. But, if you lose to a faster car with a better driver, suck it up and turn up the boost for next time :biglaugh: .
May 23, 2007
oakdale, california
hahaha, i dontmuch care for street racing either actually. going fast in a straight line is boring. and there are those would say if you have no fear, you arent going fast enough..but...213 mph is pretty fucking fast. i like doing retardedly dangerous things at high speeds..hahhaa. like just randomly ripping the hand brake at 90. or, doing 50-70 or so, and just turning super super sharp to the left or right... then it gets fun. drag racing though...boring. i just raced the camaro to see where my car stood at the time..


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
theciviceater89 said:
213 mph is pretty fucking fast. i like doing retardedly dangerous things at high speeds..hahhaa. like just randomly ripping the hand brake at 90. or, doing 50-70 or so, and just turning super super sharp to the left or right... then it gets fun.

You have done 213mph?! Probably not....But, doing stuff like you said above is just plain RETARDED!!! That's not something to brag about. You're just trying to kill yourself or someone else aren't you?
May 23, 2007
oakdale, california
myself...maybe. anybody else, absolutely not!

i go to ridiculously secluded places and just have fun. i have been dead for reals twice, only one i remember, the other one i was too young. and yeah, i really did 213. or there abouts. it was over 210, but under 220.

my mom has a friend, a really big mustang nut, and he has some CRAZY ass build of a gt500<not really, but all the parts on it are from the old ones he finds cuz he owns a tow truck business> and he put 300 shot of nos in that bastard, and we drove it. once. all it made me do was make sure i had my seatbelt on rofl. my very first car i had, i did 70 mph straight into a tree. got out, kicked my car, and called my tow truck buddy. i am very much unafraid of cars. now heights on the other hand, scare the HELL out of me hahahaha


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
theciviceater89 said:
myself...maybe. anybody else, absolutely not!

i go to ridiculously secluded places and just have fun. i have been dead for reals twice, only one i remember, the other one i was too young. and yeah, i really did 213. or there abouts. it was over 210, but under 220.

my mom has a friend, a really big mustang nut, and he has some CRAZY ass build of a gt500<not really, but all the parts on it are from the old ones he finds cuz he owns a tow truck business> and he put 300 shot of nos in that bastard, and we drove it. once. all it made me do was make sure i had my seatbelt on rofl. my very first car i had, i did 70 mph straight into a tree. got out, kicked my car, and called my tow truck buddy. i am very much unafraid of cars. now heights on the other hand, scare the HELL out of me hahahaha

Sorry, but.....:bsflag:

You have talked nothing but BS. Especially with your "choice" of engine that supposely have.


Money pit thats worth it!
Jun 11, 2007
Lambertville, MI
theciviceater89 said:
myself...maybe. anybody else, absolutely not!

i go to ridiculously secluded places and just have fun. i have been dead for reals twice, only one i remember, the other one i was too young. and yeah, i really did 213kph. or there abouts. it was over 210kph, but under 220kph.

my mom has a friend, a really big mustang nut, and he has some CRAZY ass build of a gt500<not really, but all the parts on it are from the old ones he finds cuz he owns a tow truck business> and he put 300 shot of nos in that bastard, and we drove it. once. all it made me do was make sure i had my seatbelt on rofl. my very first car i had, i did 70 mph straight into a tree. got out, kicked my car, and called my tow truck buddy. i am very much unafraid of cars. now heights on the other hand, scare the HELL out of me hahahaha

Fixed it for ya.
May 23, 2007
oakdale, california
haha well whatever guys. makes no difference to me. if it matetrs at al, i could describe the mustang we rode in with fairly good detaisl....but, whatever. and my engine choice? what are you reffering to?
May 23, 2007
oakdale, california
yup, i know, i know. i can be quit a retard i will admit. but, i just got my tt 2j from japan the other day, and i can even give you guys a link to the site. its pretty good stuffs. if i had a damn scanner, i would post up reciepts and whatnot, but, i get boned.

lolz at my transmission mistakes...and you know, i feel i have come along way from when i first started... i am still very very new to cars. like, less than a year. so...forgive me.