So my Dad got Tazered!!!!!!!!!!!

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
I hate Livermore PD, San Ramon PD, Dublin PD.

So basically all the cops where I live. Ive never had a problem with anyone else.

Most of them are on high horses anywho, Its a very enlightening experience when I meet a cop who isnt a dipshit.

2 nights ago, I was outside a 711 on second street in livermore(a rather busy street, around 11:00 PM with some friends. One of my friends just got back from tour with his band, so we were chatting it up. We noticed while we were inside, there were 2 cops while we bought crap, they were totally looking us down(we look like hooligans). We jest about the cops, outside but then as the cops pull away, one pulls up by us.
-What are the plans tonight
-No plans really
-Well I would like to ask if you folks could take the gathering out of the parking lot because the store owner was ripped off earlier tonight, he is just pretty uncomfrtable.

See, when A cop words something like that, its so great, But so many other times cops would say you need to leave, and just that.

Its just nice to know some of them are human.

/end unorganized rant


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
San Ramon cops are pricks, man they always stare at me when I'm heading towards crow canyon going to San Mateo... snobby looking bastards.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
well since last year or so blending in isn't hard, its just location sometimes puts me out of place.

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
Its hard to blend when you a 6'8" and have tattoos up and down your arm, But I'm the nicest most innocent person you will ever meet, Society needs to lean not to judge, and lable.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States

I spent a good while this evening at my Dad's house. Oh My God is all I can say. The details I learned tonight follow along the same lines as what I was told, but differ quite a bit. They should change the mind of ALL doubters........even CK!

I will start over, and tell the story as he told it.

He is the building Superintendent at the Mason lodge! He had gone to Lowes to get a covered outdoor electrical outlet cover, as one of their's was broken. He was not ever headed home at all. He was headed to the lodge to do the work. He was headed south, and turned left from the turn lane. The cop was headed north, and was 1/4 mile down the road when he made his turn. He drove into the parking lot, parked, and got out of his car headed for the door before the cop even entered the parking lot. He was instructed via loudspeaker to return to his car and get in.

Next, the cop asked for his license and registration, and he quickly handed them over. He was questioned as to why he was in such a hurry to get out of the car. That's when he explained his NEED to use the restroom, and the medical complications that contributed to this.

He said that the cop was parked behind him, and he could watch what he was doing. He was communication via radio, cell phone, and entering into a laptop. After quite a delay, my Dad opened the door, stuck one leg out so he could turn around and get the cops attention, and tell him he really needed to go. The response again was get back into your vehicle.

This happened again after another long delay. Again, the only response was get back into the vehicle.

After a 3rd LONG delay, he had already wet himself somewhat, and still needed to go finish relieving himself. We are now 2 FUCKING HOURS OF WAITING, he finally got out of the car, and headed to the restroom. That is when he was tased. Yea, he disobeyed an order! Hell it was ordered 3 times. But, can this unlawful detainment be justified?????? This cop gave him a bogus reason for stopping him, and held him there for incredibly too long.

After the Tazing, he was hand cuffed, and still not allowed to use the bathroom. At this time, he didn't have quite the urge anymore. It wasn't until he was thrown in the police car that he realized that the Tazer had taken car of that for him.

Finally, this cops supervisor had gotten to the scene. The time it took him to get there is understandable. You see, this took place in precinct #2, and the cop was a member of the precinct #4 force. The supervisor (himself a Mason), gave the cop a stern tongue lashing, and had him apologize for all he had done.

By now, there were medical personnel on hand who checked him out, and removed one of the two Tazer leads, and get this, they gave it to him. He was then released and he went home. It was there that he discovered first that he had also shit himself, and that he had yet another lead, that he had to remove himself. He showed me the marks in his chest where they had hit. One was much more obvious than the other, so I believe it must have barely penetrated, and stayed n his shirt when he was examined.

My Dad does not want to sue for any of the taxpayers money, He would rather push to have this piece of shit removed from assulting people in a uniform. If he is unsuccessful in that goal, he will then make it monetary.

This is a picture of the lead he removed from his shirt/his chest. It was in the house. The other one is still in his car, where he put it after they gave it to him!

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Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Scott, police reports are a matter of public record. Please take the time as soon as possible to go to the precinct and ask for a copy of the report. There may be a followup report from the supervisor as well that you might want to try to locate. Your dads lawyer is probably going to do this anyway, but I would love to see a copy of it.


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
ForcedTorque;1076366 said:
My Dad does not want to sue for any of the taxpayers money, He would rather push to have this piece of shit removed from assulting people in a uniform.

Your father sounds like a honorable, old school, stand-up guy.

Someone (a competent lawyer), should explain to your father that the most effective means to seek justice, as well as get this cop canned, and hopefully jailed (cops are supposed to be held to a higher standard of conduct) is to hit his department where it hurts, the only place it will truly make an impact. In

As far as the cop who perpetrated this assault against your father, a civil judgement against his department will take care of him. In other words, your dad wins...he's done. In fact, his dept. will go after him the second they realize your father has a viable civil case.

Good luck.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
theWeezL;1076437 said:
Scott, police reports are a matter of public record. Please take the time as soon as possible to go to the precinct and ask for a copy of the report. There may be a followup report from the supervisor as well that you might want to try to locate. Your dads lawyer is probably going to do this anyway, but I would love to see a copy of it.

I will be doing this. However, If there was no ticket issued, and the leads were not retained, it's possible that there is not a report on this situation. Nothing about it tells me that this cop did anything right.

suprabad;1076533 said:
Your father sounds like a honorable, old school, stand-up guy.

Someone (a competent lawyer), should explain to your father that the most effective means to seek justice, as well as get this cop canned, and hopefully jailed (cops are supposed to be held to a higher standard of conduct) is to hit his department where it hurts, the only place it will truly make an impact. In

As far as the cop who perpetrated this assault against your father, a civil judgement against his department will take care of him. In other words, your dad wins...he's done. In fact, his dept. will go after him the second they realize your father has a viable civil case.

Good luck.

Thank You for this advise! I will pass it along


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Scott, trust me there is a record of the incident. Cops write reports for EVERYTHING, much less a 3 hour ordeal involving fire/rescue and a supervisor.