So i drove the Srt-4 Today.


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
racingtoyota007 said:
FTW, I didnt buy a mk3 to be the fastest car out there, i bought it for the feel of the car, and the sexiness. I could car less if a CRX runs a second faster in the 1/4 mile. Quite frankley i dont run my car at the track. I love my car for what it is and i would never give it up for a Honda no mater how fast it is.

Buy you would for a neon? lol

In all honesty, I like the srt4's alot. Fastest car stock for stock you can get brand new under 20k. They are actualy great little cars for what there ment to be, they provide a nice rice along with some speed, no there not corvettes and there price tag deffinetly shows the differnece brand new.

The only downside to these cars EVEN THO THERE "JUST A NEON" there FWD and the interior doesnt look great. Dont even get me started on dodges reliability, were talkng brand new car with waranty here not 20 year old supra with rod knocks and BHG's ...NEXT SONG.

I myself actualy concidered getting 1 of these things, but I dont want a FWD car.. I got rid of my GTP for that reason, tired of a FWD. There is not a good amount of cars out there 2000+ import and RWD with any power or posibility of making power within a price range. reason alot of people are either getting domestics or resorting to buy older cars.

For the guy saying just get an evo... Sure lets all just pull 15k MORE out of our pockets and get a evo and run 2-4 10ths faster in the quarter stock for stock and have a transmission made of glass haha. Even tho id rather the evo for sure its just alot more money all together for better interior and better name...

Once I pay a good bit more off on my s2000 I MIGHT look more into a srt4 and be like all the supra guys and only race from a roll haha. (well actualy I just cant go back to FWD LOL) but there still nice!
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Formerly 'Down but not out'
Jun 14, 2005
To the guy with the Neon who said his supra was less reliable, well duh the neon is 5 years old your supra is 14+ years old. How reliable will the dodge be when its 14+ years old?? Supras are as reliable as the owner makes them, don't bother fixing thoes little faults and they will soon bite you. I budget every month for new bits to replace the 17 year old parts on my car before they go wrong and the old girl has never let me down.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
Mixed reviews here!!! :dunno:

I guess we all have our own Ideas of what is cool and what isnt. In 96 I thought getting rid of my MK2 for a New Monte Carlo Z34 was a great idea. Until about 60K when the whole car fell apart!!!! I personally wouldn't buy an american made car, but thats just me, I have had bad luck. I say buy up the Neon if you want, but keep the Supra!!! The $1000 they will give you in a trade is not worth it....

If you havn't already, I would check out the Mazda Speed6!!! I dont know how much Ford is in that car but everything I have read makes it seem like a car to consider.....


Stock is boring :(
Apr 5, 2005
Melbourne, FL
when i was trying to decide a dd before i bought my other 91 I went to the suby dealer looking at stis and test drove a srt.. they were quick, but the tires barely held on in 1st.. and it was stock.. but yea they arn't bad..


Formerly 'Down but not out'
Jun 14, 2005
ShagsSupra said:
Whats your name mean then? Rofl.

When I bought the car it needed an engine refresh, stem seal were leaking and a few gaskets needed replacing. So when I joined the car was down but since the car has been back on the road it hasn't missed a beat.


New Member
Sep 16, 2006
well i dont know anything about their reliablility i was going to look into it, and i might just keep the supra because they offered me 4k for it on a trade in if i was to buy the neon it was a 05 loaded for 15k w/ 18,xxx miles. But i dont know what im going to do yet, i was just seeing what you supra owners thought of course this is going to be a supra biased review lol.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
I also test drove an SRT-4 brand new from the dealer. The dealer flogged it, I flogged it some more, no big deal. It's got impressive power for what it is, I've also driven the turbo PT's and the PT couldn't hold a candle to the SRT-4. Still it's a very uncomfortable car to shift for some reason, I guess because the shifter is down on the floor and me being a little on the tall side. I was actually looking for a turbo 2G at the time I drove it (those cars are almost impossible to find around here, and if you do find one, they don't wanna sell it). I went ahead and bought my 3G instead for a little less. Now that I look at it, I wish I would have paid the extra 2K and got the added performance (not the mention the Mopar stage kits that don't void the factory warranty!).

As far as taking an SRT-4 over a Supra... HELL NO! I'll keep my soup thank you.


Supramania Contributor
racingtoyota007 said:
well i dont know anything about their reliablility i was going to look into it, and i might just keep the supra because they offered me 4k for it on a trade in if i was to buy the neon it was a 05 loaded for 15k w/ 18,xxx miles. But i dont know what im going to do yet, i was just seeing what you supra owners thought of course this is going to be a supra biased review lol.
I thought I was unbiased.:biglaugh:


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
Of course there's the age gap to consider when trying to compare the 2 cars, so I shouldn't compare them, and neither should anyone else. But that seems more of a cop-out than anything if you're trying to state the Supra is superior, which I am not. By the same token, the Neon is not superior either. In the end it's what appeals to the buyer. Some think it's cool, others think its lame, still other's think you're a girly man if you don't drive a Hummer. I like it. But I like my Supra. It's down, and I've been quietly buying the replacement parts so that when its up again, it should run like a champ. Point is, my particular Neon has responded well in my eyes to my repeated trampings. Not all will encounter the same fate. Some will break on you on the freeway. Others merely quit because of what is known to be a sort of weak point on the Neon: the Coilpack ignition. I never replaced mine yet. Brute force doesn't speak every language neccessarily, but perhaps the Governator takes solace in the fact that although he can ford 3 foot deep streams no problem, he can barely outrun the family minivan in a drag race if at all. I like all sorts of cars. Therein lies my idealism that in order to be a true enthusiast, you have to appreciate the virtues of every car, regardless of how it might not appeal to your own personal tastes. I hate Honda's with a passion, but I can still find many good points about them that I can appreciate. I just don't like seeing people downtrod on a car I can find praise for, immediately dismissing it as a lame duck. However, I'd buy an SRT-4 and still keep my Supra, mainly because of a personal bond she and I have. Allright, I'll get off my soapbox now. Neon for sale. 130K miles. Driven hard, into the ground even. Asking $2000. Just kidding:naughty:.


New Member
Sep 16, 2006

after watching this video i think nothing else needs to be said lol.
But yes the supra has that appeal to it, i hadnt planned on selling it soon as i realized how cheap the car was and how few there are anymore lol. Sorry for going ricer there for a day lmao. I still think i might get one as a dailey driver some where down the road just as a get around car with some Power :)


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
you have a modded out supra vs a stock srt4 in that video lol. they run 13.6-14's stock supras run like 15's :p

But yes mk3's look better and RWD owns fwd.


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
"took him till 80 to pass me"

i love that shit, "i was already in 4th gear before you passed me so i won" <- that's the one we get at the street races.

thsi is the street, not the track. plus, if it was from a roll, it would be over already....right shags? racing from a roll is the only way to go.

srt4's are pretty lame. it's hard to get them to hook, and when u do the clutch is ready to explode every time.


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
no offense to any honda owners etc.. i dont know about you but have you not noticed that every civic owner with a little budget sells the honda to buy and srt-4. sorry i just dont see it comparing to a supra. stock for stock i could see its advantages, but a supra with that amount of money in it would pee all over a srt twice.


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
claricae86 said:
no offense to any honda owners etc.. i dont know about you but have you not noticed that every civic owner with a little budget sells the honda to buy and srt-4. sorry i just dont see it comparing to a supra. stock for stock i could see its advantages, but a supra with that amount of money in it would pee all over a srt twice.

Wrong, go look at te srt forums and the minimum mods to takes to go fast.

Mod for mod the srt4 already has a 2 second faster time stock and once you start modding they can be made really quick.

and it has new car smell and the reliability of a new car.

Altho I like both cars (supra more) may seem different tho but seriously dont be biased.