Sad day for the 89


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
Was on my way to visit the Hayes Clan in Bama with my son. Doing aprox 70 in no hurry and this ford starts to pull out. Crazy thing is that if she would of gunned it she probably would of made it. Anyway she like froze and stopped halfway across. I moved over one lane to avoid(and as the right lane and right side was occupied)-as I move over she decides to go. Now I'm like wtf!!! Apply brakes, and tried to miss the now dead center F150. Come to find out she just got her prescription filled....60 loritabs might just slow you down.:3d_frown: :aigo:

Good news no serious injuries. Seat belts did their thing. Minor glass cuts everywhere. Don't think she's cruise again at least in this chassis.

OH the carnage!!!


New Member
Mar 26, 2007
Wow! I'm so sorry! I'm just glad that you are ok! That car was beautiful! there is only one you, there are many cars. I'm very glad to hear you are ok after seeing that pic!


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
holy fuck....glad your alright.... that sucks big balls both your cars were clean as hell. hope everything works out for you.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
:3d_frown::nono:mad:the woman driving the F150

Glad youre ok George hope insurance does it thing and i hope she learned her lesson, a woman hit my dads civic and ran off ...(bitch:nono:) excuse my french.

I hope there are some parts that you can salvage.

What a sad sight i pray i never have to go through this with any car i own especially my supra and in the event it does i will spend every last dime fixing it.


Jan 22, 2009
Fairfield, Ca
Damn dude... Good thing your ok. You still got your detailing thing goin right? Stick to it and i hope the best for you getting compensated by insurance.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 21, 2007
Unbelievable! It was such a beautiful car, and I know how much you had to do to restore it after the hurricane. Glad to hear you're okay.

SuprA70 'Grounded' Champ
First, glad you and your son are ok.

That said, it's heartbreaking seeing your car's fate after what it's been through. It survived Mother Nature, only to be brought down by some dumb Mother F*(^ing B!tch behind the wheel.

I don't know you personally, but we share the same passion. Seeing this happen to your Supra makes me angry.

Sorry for you loss.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
DBN;1342733 said:
Damn dude... Good thing your ok. You still got your detailing thing goin right? Stick to it and i hope the best for you getting compensated by insurance.

Still goin'. Taking the summer easy enjoying time with my son.

ERA;1342708 said:

Might take a while but will be back with anothe 3E5....can't let you guys have all the fun!

frontierguy25;1342713 said:
Wow! I'm so sorry! I'm just glad that you are ok! That car was beautiful! there is only one you, there are many cars. I'm very glad to hear you are ok after seeing that pic!

:boink: Thanks Ryan. Wait till you see the 92 next tx2k.:sarcasm:

GrimJack;1342716 said:
Wow... F150 really peels that open like a can of sardines. Glad to hear that you're ok...

Grim glad I didn't get that axle head on. The hood went through the window ended up about 6'' from my eyes:aigo:

hvyman;1342717 said:
holy fuck....glad your alright.... that sucks big balls both your cars were clean as hell. hope everything works out for you.

Mucho Gracias amigo.

Poodles;1342720 said:
Damn man! Sad day indead :cry:

Thanks bro.

JDMMA70;1342724 said:
:3d_frown::nono:mad:the woman driving the F150

Glad youre ok George hope insurance does it thing and i hope she learned her lesson, a woman hit my dads civic and ran off ...(bitch:nono:) excuse my french.

I hope there are some parts that you can salvage.

What a sad sight i pray i never have to go through this with any car i own especially my supra and in the event it does i will spend every last dime fixing it.

Probably saved her life Derek as the 60 pills she took would of killed her with out the intervention of your truly.

buckshotglass;1342736 said:
If it helps any, I'm down to one post 86.5 supra myself.;)
I do have two 85's to play with... you should get one to ease the pain you must have right now.
That was a super nice car.
Again George, sorry for your loss.

Doh!!! You dog! Garage is still full, but the search is on.

mkthree92;1342737 said:
Unbelievable! It was such a beautiful car, and I know how much you had to do to restore it after the hurricane. Glad to hear you're okay.

Thanks a ton.

Kckazdude;1342745 said:
Very sad day for the car indded. Glad you and son are OK after that carnage.


gtsfirefighter;1342746 said:
Like Ryan said, only one you and your son, many cars. As sick as I am over it being totalled, I'm just glad yall weren't hurt. I'll call you again this weekend and check up on ya.

Ken thanks again.

Zumtizzle;1342747 said:
This car has been through katrina and back.

but a f150....:(

Sad day for what was a nice car.

GotBoost?;1342749 said:
Sad to read about this, such clean car, but it's great you and your son are ok. Good luck with the insurance co, don't let them push you around.

SuprA70;1342754 said:
First, glad you and your son are ok.

That said, it's heartbreaking seeing your car's fate after what it's been through. It survived Mother Nature, only to be brought down by some dumb Mother F*(^ing B!tch behind the wheel.

I don't know you personally, but we share the same passion. Seeing this happen to your Supra makes me angry.

Sorry for you loss.

Thanks alot guys. I'm very fortunate that both of us are okay.