Was on my way to visit the Hayes Clan in Bama with my son. Doing aprox 70 in no hurry and this ford starts to pull out. Crazy thing is that if she would of gunned it she probably would of made it. Anyway she like froze and stopped halfway across. I moved over one lane to avoid(and as the right lane and right side was occupied)-as I move over she decides to go. Now I'm like wtf!!! Apply brakes, and tried to miss the now dead center F150. Come to find out she just got her prescription filled....60 loritabs might just slow you down.:3d_frown: :aigo:
Good news no serious injuries. Seat belts did their thing. Minor glass cuts everywhere. Don't think she's cruise again at least in this chassis.
OH the carnage!!!
Good news no serious injuries. Seat belts did their thing. Minor glass cuts everywhere. Don't think she's cruise again at least in this chassis.
OH the carnage!!!