Sad day for the 89


Supramania Contributor
Oct 3, 2008
Pearl City
**speechless on the car****but glad you and your son are okey. she definitely sacrifice her life for both of yours.

Dr Chill

4 hungry Supras
Nov 27, 2007
I feel so bad for you man , But am pleased to know you & your son are in good shape . I will donate the car we talked about , PM me if you wanna chat .
John B


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
ZoomZoomZoom;1342764 said:
Well, I've already done the "OMG are you OK?" phone call, but I want to say again George that I am so glad you and your son are Ok.
Thanks Tracy your the best.
ERA;1342768 said:
Oh damn, Fashizzle. I look forward to that.

Can't be putting too many miles on the 92

IJ.;1342769 said:
Just a car George....

Glad you're all ok!

Just a car???:aigo:

Well we probably will have a different story when we talk insurance.

Poodles;1342779 said:
Yeah, supra definately sacrificed itself the way it should to save you. Targa was off as well and it looks like the myth of getting into a wreck with it off was suicide...

Any charges being filed, ect?
:boink: Sean never heard said myth.

charges Yes. DUI. No drivers license. And whatever the @$@$ you call pulling out on a 70mph highway after taking 60 loritabs.:3d_frown:

Tanya;1342800 said:
I'm so sorry George, that's horrible. Sean texted me and my eyes must have popped out of my head... Glad you and your son are fine though! That's good news at least.

I can't believe I rode in this beautiful car last month, and now it's destroyed... :(

Thanks Tanya Looks like I have to lose my vanity sig.:3d_frown:

mirage83;1342803 said:
Glad you and your son are okay, as that looks to have been one hell of an impact.

I'm in Alabama visiting the in-laws right now, down in E'prise till heading home on Sunday. Anything I can do to help you out?

Thanks appreciate the offer, all good here. I just got a pm from Kabanamk3 and he's going to be down here buffing everything out for me.:evil2:

upgradedsupra;1342843 said:
^^ Although you think it's funny, it's not. Have some respect.

Hey bud, sorry I couldn't talk long. When you said your car was hit, I wasn't thinking this bad. Damn, and just a few days ago we were thinking of doing more engine bay stuff. :(

Main and most important thing is that you guys came out ok.

I will ttyl

No worries Duane. You would of had to be in the car to know how lucky we both are.

Dr Chill;1342881 said:
I feel so bad for you man , But am pleased to know you & your son are in good shape . I will donate the car we talked about , PM me if you wanna chat .
John B

Thanks John will give you a shout bro.

It would really suck without all the friends on SM. Thanks everyone.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Wow, that's not gonna buff out, glad you are ok, easy to see it could've been much worse.
Makes me think twice about cruising mine today


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
George, SO glad to hear you and your son are ok after that, you are both incredibly lucky and must have someone special watching over you.



Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
mdr40z;1342891 said:
Wow, that's not gonna buff out, glad you are ok, easy to see it could've been much worse.
Makes me think twice about cruising mine today

Go cruise. Whats gonna happen is gonna happen. Enjoy each day!

LilMissMkIII;1342895 said:
George, SO glad to hear you and your son are ok after that, you are both incredibly lucky and must have someone special watching over you.


I do luvs my some hugs!!! Thanks again Kristel.

Justin727;1342928 said:
George I just heard about this last night. Sorry to see if happen my friend. Glad you and the boy are OK and that's all that matters.

Hope you put the heart in a new chassis! Keep in touch. Man I'm really sorry to see this

Thanks Justin. Not sure how damaged the engine is as the cam looks to have been smashed into the head-more than likely causing some internal valve damage and who knows what else. We'll see how ins pans out.

Justin was my hero and if I remember correctly stopped them from loading the car and hauling her off after Katrina.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
George, I'm in shock! It's like I have lost a family member. It wasn't an impaired pregnant woman in a dry county was it??????

I know John has made an offer already, but I have an 89 3E5 body I will offer as well. And you should know, that I'm just a phone call away to help along the way.


Apr 4, 2005
Mesa, Arizona, United States
Oh my George Im sorry for your lose, I am so glade that you and your son are okay! its a shame I only got to meet your 89 once but cars are replace able our lives are not.

Im sure youll find another one just take your time and something worth wile will come around :) Maybe scotts old shell :p.

Im glade your alright!


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
I was afraid to open this thread, George your supra was beautiful. :cry: Good to hear that every one is ok and the supra did it's job keeping you safe.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Louisville KY
Hey George- I'm thankful you & your son are OK. Still saddened to see such a prime MK3 torn up like that. Good luck taking on the Insurance co. on getting a justifiable reimbursement. I hope they are more then fair. I really applaud your attitude through this. Seams like your keeping a cool positive attitude. Also by reading the reply's reinforces what a great community we have here. Best of luck


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
Zerocool;1342944 said:
Oh my George Im sorry for your lose, I am so glade that you and your son are okay! its a shame I only got to meet your 89 once but cars are replace able our lives are not.

Im sure youll find another one just take your time and something worth wile will come around :) Maybe scotts old shell :p.

Im glade your alright!

Thanks Clint. We'll see.

Justin727;1342945 said:
buy it back george. Time for a transplant and a new head

Doh! If I do it over it will have some cojones amigo.

92nsx;1342946 said:
I was afraid to open this thread, George your supra was beautiful. :cry: Good to hear that every one is ok and the supra did it's job keeping you safe.

Thanks. Photo is pretty scary. Not as bad as when I flew the pinto about 150'

Steve_N;1342949 said:
Hey George- I'm thankful you & your son are OK. Still saddened to see such a prime MK3 torn up like that. Good luck taking on the Insurance co. on getting a justifiable reimbursement. I hope they are more then fair. I really applaud your attitude through this. Seams like your keeping a cool positive attitude. Also by reading the reply's reinforces what a great community we have here. Best of luck

Thanks Steve. I get my good attitude from playing golf so long, without one your doomed! :boink: on the Great SM community!!!

D7MSupra;1342959 said:
That was my fave red car on here. Bama is a crazy place to drive.
Glad you guys are ok. This one really makes me sad.:cry:

Wow! Thanks. Didn't make it outside MS.:3d_frown:

ForcedTorque;1342964 said:
Hey, we know what we are doing here, it's you out-of-state guys who screw things up!

Where did this happen George?

It seems I got my valuables; Golf clubs, tools, Favorite Coffee Mug but left the little dot kit w/toothbrushes and stuff looks like a lit trip to Hattisburg is in order.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Damnit!!!!!!! Me and my great personality. If I wasn't such a likeable person, George and his son wouldn't have wanted to come visit with me. It's a curse and I'm truly sorry George. From now on I'm going to be a prick to everyone and that way no more supras will be harmed.

Sorry to see the pictures of that car because it was absolutely one of my favorites. I liked it more than the Garnett 92. I know you have the technology to rebuild it better than ever.