Religion rant (if easily offended, should probably not enter)


Aug 27, 2006
MDCmotorsports said:
So since the "Scientific theory" has soooooo much credibility (one in a million chance that evolution is right since no one has whitnessed it in person) it has more CONCRETE value then that of the idea that we are the creation of an ALL MIGHTY BEING?
Last time I checked single cell organisms couldn't talk but hey go right ahead if you want to go and get a confession out of one.:icon_conf


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
MDCmotorsports said:
So since the "Scientific theory" has soooooo much credibility (one in a million chance that evolution is right since no one has whitnessed it in person) it has more CONCRETE value then that of the idea that we are the creation of an ALL MIGHTY BEING?

Has anyone witnessed in person, god creating adam and eve? Oh no, sorry, my bad...

As for the ALL MIGHTY BEING - the mere idea sounds rediculous.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
SupraDerk said:
You can follow fossil records and see where different species have shared some characteristics and then see where they've started to branch apart

here's something on PBS' website about the origin of birds Darwin examined: Evolution

But evolution doesn't happen over night but over a series of years. I'm pretty sure a similar type of argument can be used against creation though...I'm 100% sure that no one has ever seen God. But creation doesn't have anything to back it, evolution has fossil records at least

Even fossil records at best have a hard time explaining every thing about "Evolution".

And yes people have laid eyes on God, in the flesh. Jesus Christ ring a bell?


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
MDCmotorsports said:
Even fossil records at best have a hard time explaining every thing about "Evolution".

And yes people have laid eyes on God, in the flesh. Jesus Christ ring a bell?

Hehe, I thought Jesus was the son of God. :naughty:

But still, if God created everything, why would he send himself to the Earth to try and fix problems that he created? Wouldn't that mean he had to have walked the Earth previously in order to create it? Does the bible say he walked the Earth? And if he didn't walk the Earth in order to create it, why would he send himself through jesus in order to fix what he created? Couldn't he do that from where ever it is he created everythng from?


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Kai said:
Using the bible to teach morals is fine by me (although i can think of better ways to teach them), but to literally interpret it and be so immovable as to be almost retarded is NOT.

As for only meeting wacko's, not really. My mate steve is a christian, although he doesn't reveal it because every argument that involves evolution he talks about how god HAS to have created everything, and that there cant be any other solution.

A lot of that is due to religious indoctrination unfortunately, turning a perfectly sane man into a babbling lunatic.

I went to a Church of England primary school like many british kids and unfortunately, i wasnt allowed to have a choice as to whether i went to wednesday church service or not, so i skipped out anyway. The headteacher was furious with my parents for not making me, and they were horrified that religion was being crammed into my head. Needless to say, I never had to go to church service again.

It was almost like being in invasion of the body snatchers. If i showed a differing opinion or chose not to believe, people would point fingers and scream at me. *ahem*

Has anyone witnessed in person, god creating adam and eve? Oh no, sorry, my bad...

As for the ALL MIGHTY BEING - the mere idea sounds rediculous

Ah I see now. Your view of God and Christianity VS what God and Christianity is two different things. Not a good thing at all.

The mere idea rediculous? Hmmm..... u know people were persectued and killed for even mentioning the idea that the earth revolved around the sun.

Not so rediculous now is it?


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
im a christian, a roman catholic specifically. i am a lector at church, i went to a jesuit highschool, and now am going to a catholic university. i still question weather or not there is a god, and if evolution happened. a paraphraze that i heard at a 15yr olds funeral, questioning god is good, it helps bring you closer. when i was at said funeral, there was alot of questioning there, and rightfully so. MDC brings up a good point, why are we advocating the teaching of a unknown thing. all we know about evolution is that in fossils, we can see a simalarity to our skeletal and muscle structure in those of primates, so we assume that we came from something of the like. personally i dont care how we got here and why we are here, im just happy to be here, and to look to the future.


Aug 27, 2006
Kai said:
Well, who persecuted galileo for suggesting that the earth revolved around the sun? Oh thats right - christians.
The same ppl stopped Darwin's theory of Evolution being taught in schools for a long time too, seriously sit down and watch the Penn and Teller Episode on this its amusing.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
SupraDerk said:
Hehe, I thought Jesus was the son of God. :naughty:

But still, if God created everything, why would he send himself to the Earth to try and fix problems that he created? Wouldn't that mean he had to have walked the Earth previously in order to create it? Does the bible say he walked the Earth? And if he didn't walk the Earth in order to create it, why would he send himself through jesus in order to fix what he created? Couldn't he do that from where ever it is he created everythng from?

All good questions.

He didn't send himself in his completeness. If he did, every thing would have died. The human body does not have the capacity to hear or even stand in the presence of GOD. He sent his Son to give us a way to enter into the presence of God. Without Jesus Christ you could do nothing to please GOD.

Why would that mean he HAD to walk on the Earth? Is there some written rule that says if you go to a place you've had to of been there previously?

As for God walking the Earth when he created it, I know not.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
foreverpsycotic said:
MDC brings up a good point, why are we advocating the teaching of a unknown thing. all we know about evolution is that in fossils, we can see a simalarity to our skeletal and muscle structure in those of primates, so we assume that we came from something of the like.

On the same token, why advocate religion? It's even more of an unknown thing especially since the only record of events are recorded by man who we ALL know is flawed.

Bones don't lie, but people do.

personally i dont care how we got here and why we are here, im just happy to be here, and to look to the future.

I agree with you there. I don't really care to ever prove either, but when I think about it evolution is just my choice of the better explanation. It just pisses me off when someone jumps all over me for believing what I believe when I'm totally fine letting them want to believe what they want to believe


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Kai said:
Well, who persecuted galileo for suggesting that the earth revolved around the sun? Oh thats right - christians.

A little tooo broad there bloke.

It was the religious Church of the period who did such things.

Not the Christians of today, the Christians who followed Christ, or Christ himself.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
SupraDerk said:
On the same token, why advocate religion? It's even more of an unknown thing especially since the only record of events are recorded by man who we ALL know is flawed.

Bones don't lie, but people do.

different types of teaching my friend. religion is mainly advotated by parents of X religion wanting their children to be of X religion, and then spend the rest of the childs life pounding it in their heads. whereas dawrins theory is tought in schools by teachers who are TOLD what to teach by the board of edumacation.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
SupraDerk said:
On the same token, why advocate religion? It's even more of an unknown thing especially since the only record of events are recorded by man who we ALL know is flawed.

Bones don't lie, but people do.

I agree with you there. I don't really care to ever prove either, but when I think about it evolution is just my choice of the better explanation. It just pisses me off when someone jumps all over me for believing what I believe when I'm totally fine letting them want to believe what they want to believe

Well again, there are some Christians who are willing to "splurge" on this. You don't teach evolution in school, and I don't teach Christianity.

And really they are right. It should be tought at home. If it was, you wouldn't have the highest abortion rate and underage pregnancies in the world all here in the USA.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
MDCmotorsports said:
Why would that mean he HAD to walk on the Earth? Is there some written rule that says if you go to a place you've had to of been there previously?

If you're sending a part of yourself to a place that you created, it would just make logical sense. If he can't fix the problems he created from the place he created everything from and has to send a part of himself here, then that means he probably couldn't have created everything from some other place, but had to have walked the Earth.

For if he could have fixed his problems from some other place then Jesus would not have been necessary. But if he couldn't have fixed his problems from somewhere else, than some other kind of proxy (maybe even himself) would have to have been here too in order to create everything the first time