Jake, u and i have been through alot, and have talked a shitload.
you see the supra? the one in the garage...the one on jackstands...wit no motor...has been sitting since last august....I'm broke, broker than broke...in debt up to my ears...and although i've sold a few aftermarket parts to stay above water...and although i promised myself and my fiance that i'd have the car running by now, the only person it upsets is my friends...and really, what difference does it make to them? It's my car...and although its not at all the drift events, i still make it a point to show up and represent. It brakes my heart every time a buddy of mine does something to their supra cus i cannot afford to do something to mine AND normally when they're doing something to their cars, its on my driveway (i.e pic...) but every other night, i go out to the garage, and sand something, or paint something, or do something little, and i know that one day, it will be done...although its late, although it sux looking at her, and all the pain she's in, I lean against the passenger door and stare at the driver's seat, and the steering wheel, and my obnoxiously long shifter with my light up autozone ass shiftknob, and i think of the amounts of fun i had in it before she blew up. And honestly, as many times as i've talked about selling it, and even to the point of taking pics of it to sell on here (this is y i have no pics of it to show u) Erin saw how sad i was, she deleted all of the pics, and we've been getting by. You'll get by. I know you. you know you. You cannot sell her. and you will not. If you attempt to post a fs thread, i will speak with a diff admin and have your post deleted for attempting to sell a stolen vehicle.

Gluck dude. And for your sake, I sincerely hope no hurricanes hit u.
1 love homie