Hey, I just figured if you were doing everything else top notch, why leave such a vulnerable detail unattended to. Right? I mean, I know my 7M has blown that same cap twice in the 5 years I've owned it, and at least once by the previous owner who had to have the engine rebuilt because of it.
On another note, as far as your paint curing needs, so its hard as a rock, and impervious to all of the wear and tear that an engine can put on painted parts... ...a possible solution that takes less time than 10-15 start ups and cool downs, might actually be to use a heat gun carefully to 'bake' the paint, and when you smell paint move on, and by the time you are done with the whole thing, you can probably start all over again as long as its cool again in the place you started. This might speed up the process which could have taken days to do if you can't take it out anywhere til the paint cures. Especially cuz you don't want to ruin the paint, that looks sooooo good, by burning it by taking it out too soon. Hope you find this useful!