pulled over, need help!


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
IIRC, you can legally swap a motor into a car so long as the motor was sold in the USA and is a newer model motor than the one you are pulling out , I.E. 7M for 2J. I know Robert (935 Motorsports) did this a while back and IIRC he said it was a PITA. Claiming ignorance while getting pulled over has gotten me out of a few tickets while knowing the law has earned me a ticket. If you actually do see a ref just remind them that 2J did come in the newer Supra's and was sold in the U.S. Hopefully all works out well for you and you don't have to pay a rediculous fine for having a newer motor in your Supra.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
Wouldn't your best option at this point just be to pay the applicable fines and get it legally registerred with the new motor. 2JZ swaps are perfectly legal if you get it all cleared and documented with the DMV, correct?

**edit, honestabe beat me to my point and confirmed my suspicions.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
i dont know the exact law for this yet but its one or the other. i think that the newer motor of the same generation is ok or newer motor of the same model. i dont know exactly which one but imma find out on monday.

even though it were legal to swap a 2j into a mk III i would still fail since the motor has no EGR, a single t-70setup and non carb intake piping and no cat.

as far as me BS-ing my way out of the ticket, i couldnt. i have a bad poker face.

note: he used his camera phone to take pics not a PD issued camera. ive seen and held the ones SDPD uses and it doesnt make phone calls.(he prolly used the pics for his own build. he really did know what he was taking about but, he also went into talking about the twins the was supposed to be on there. he also mentioned the intercoooler and how HKS and Spearco was legal and replicas were not.

i need to talk to robert tomorrow and see what i can do. any other good advice? im pretty surethis thread will help any body else out in cali if this ever happens to them.

yes the refs are laid off ( http://smogcheck.ca.gov/ ). i know for sure that the fine you get depends on your driving record fromthe DMV. i think mine will be around the 6-7 hundred mark. or i can just sell the car. lol



Supramania Contributor
Mar 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
from experience not popping my hood will give him legit reason to tow my car because i could be hiding something in there. being so close to the border drugs is one ofthe first things they will look for.

his reason for stopping me is my front license plate was missing and my exhaust looked so cool and he wanted to have a better look along with the rest of piping and motor. lol



5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
honestabe;1109928 said:
Rennat, if he didn't pop his hood his Supra would have been towed. This is the exact reason that as soon as I got my 1J swap done I registered my Supra in Oregon in a no-emission testing area.

cant you still get sent to a ref like him and get a huge fine though? just because your car is registered doesnt make it magical from the CA law...

i never thought of the drug angle... im thinkin the impound fees wouldnt have been that bad... but either way its going to cost $$$$.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
While I was living in SoCal and my Supra was registered in Oregon, the cops had no jurisdiction to ask me to pop my hood. Even if I did, the only thing they could get me on would be if they found drugs. As far as the mods go, the cops couldn't touch me. I live in Oregon now. As far as having a 2J goes in a MKIII in SoCal, if it is legally swapped (IE having the propper paperwork filed), so long as the engine isn't modified "illegally" the motor swap can be legal.



thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
impound fee's are usualy 300 or so to start to cover the tow, then they tack on a daily charge. so it add's up.

police in cali are able to pull you over for just havinbg the apearence of a modified vehical.

exhaust tip.
front mount.
tinted windows.
and so fourth.

yes you can swap a newer engine into a older vehical and still have it pass ref and smog, but you can still run into several problems and ticket's along the way.

in most state's so long as you dont replace the engine with an older/ dirtier emission engine you are fine.
state's like cali you need to go have the paper work done and they need to re-stamp the engine plate or revite a new engine plate on. stating that it has passed and is Legal.

police can tow your ride if you refuse to open your hood, cant find the latch. or the latch is broken/ unhooked.

oregon and washington are considering the same smog nazi tactic's cause on paper it looks like a great way to bring in more revinue.

they cant do it unless you vote for this stuff right?

you sure about the outa state thing adam?

i've always been afraid to travel to cali with my ride.

i can get away with it here but, cali isn't gona fly if i decel and smoke, or they realize im straight pipe.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
I'm sure about the outa state thing James. They can get you for excessive smoke coming out your tail pipe, but I think that's pretty much about it. Don't fear Cali so long as you are still a resident of another state (and so is your ride).


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
Me and a Member Were Discussing this and We came up with something. :)

HKS Technician (3:11:36 AM): no state red
HKS Technician (3:11:39 AM): ref**
HKS Technician (3:11:41 AM): now what?
shinji ichi (3:11:42 AM): yeah i ono
HKS Technician (3:11:42 AM): lol
shinji ichi (3:11:54 AM): drew had a good suggestion in another thread
HKS Technician (3:11:58 AM): i hope it says to take it to get smogged
HKS Technician (3:12:01 AM): what was it?
shinji ichi (3:12:07 AM): when you go to the judge just say i fixed it but theres no one to verify it


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah

there is an out.

The legal way of you to have that motor in that car is if you also have ALL the OEM electronics for the EFI system installed. That means that you will have to source

ECU at the very least. OBDII plug on the drivers side needs to be retrofitted. All emission control system (Evap system, EGR, etc).

If the motor is "stock" than if you do this, once they plug in, the motor is 2jz, the oems are 2jz = a Pass on both visual AND plug in.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
figgie;1110031 said:

there is an out.

The legal way of you to have that motor in that car is if you also have ALL the OEM electronics for the EFI system installed. That means that you will have to source

ECU at the very least. OBDII plug on the drivers side needs to be retrofitted. All emission control system (Evap system, EGR, etc).

If the motor is "stock" than if you do this, once they plug in, the motor is 2jz, the oems are 2jz = a Pass on both visual AND plug in.

i realize i could do this but is it worth all my time doing this? i mean, i could just go and pay the damn fine, no biggy.

then again, if i get pulled over again....the biggest reason he pulled me over was because my exhaust. anyone have the dual tip HKS 3 inch muffler? i was thinking of getting just so it doest attract so much attention.



Its pronounced Nu-clear..
Oct 9, 2005
Riverside, Ca.
If you register it in arizona/oregon before you have to take it to the state ref then I don't think you have to pay the ticket. The main penilty of the ticket besides the fine is that it blocks your registration untill you get it fixed. If it is registered in another state then who cares right? Just an idea.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
yes, if it was as easy as just going and paying the fine and avoiding trouble, more people would do it. You will not be able to "tag" the car after court until you have passed the smog ref. Eventually, if you never tag the car it can be towed and crushed.

You have two options: make the car legal by installing the USDM parts and pass CARB OR...trade me your car for my 50 state legal mk2 :sarcasm:

But seriously, registering it in another state is NOT legal and its pretty easy for the cops to prove you are a resident of CA and thereby subject to their laws. So your only other choices besides making the 2J legal are sell the car, move to another state, or swap in a 7M. If I were in your shoes, and liked the car and wanted to keep it, I would make the 2J legal and AT LEAST keep the legal parts in a box afterwards for just suck occasions.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
did you give him verbal permission to search the car? But then again u did pop the hood for him *slap urself*

Get emissions stuff asap or sell the car to ur mom/friend put it in their name go to court sa you didnt know it was not road legal or what ever n sold it right after


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
i really doubt selling the car is going to get rid of the ticket...

i would just bite the bullet, pay the fine, and get a new exhaust... and if anything paint it all black too.

you have a blitz exhaust on there now dont you???