Awaiting feedback on the prices, but it looks like my build is going to consist of:
Either Arias or Wiseco forged slugs, depending on price difference
Eagle ESP H beam forged rods
7M crankshaft, knife edged, lightened, polished, and all the other goodies

Either Genuine Clevites, if I can find them, or NDC bearings all new throughout
ATI lightweight harmonic balancer
12lbs CroMo flywheel
Cometic 1.4mm MHG (to be determined based on the amount of material that is removed from the deck and head)
Everything will be zero balanced (a must, imho). I'll have the block bored WITH A TORQUE PLATE, and line honed through the mains.
99% sure I'll be having Bryan @ Maloof Racing doing the machine work. Mike recommended him in another thread, and his and I's conversations have been awesome thus far - I feel confident in the work he'll be doing.
Gonna be skipping over the Total Seal rings, and just go the old fashioned approach - file fitting my own rings