Post funny things that got you detentions in high school


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
Kai;876987 said:
Never bothering to do homework got me more detention than i can remember

my senior year, i slept in all my classes, didn't do any homework, aced all my tests and woke up for 6th period because i was the varsity baseball captain. all B's and an A that year. damn, my teachers hated me.

no detention though.


Aug 1, 2007
Just showing up at my new school. Somehow they thought I was in In-School Suspension when I was waiting to register for classes. It took three days for them to figure it out. On the third day the principle asked me what I did to get a In-School Suspension. I told him I did nothing and was waiting for them to finish my inprocessing so I could go to class. Mid-way through the fouth day I finally went to class.


Jun 21, 2007
being cool with teachers FTW

in chem class i also fuck with the chemicals and stuff...and lighting fires with the burners, pencils and such

study hall i do what i want, here is a vid of what me and my retarded friends do when we are bored..

in auto-

we do what we want with no regards to the rules...

me and my teacher proceeded to light the roof on fire, we couldn't get a tire to lock its bead, and we heard if you put a little starting fluid in it and light it will exp load a little and lock up the bead...well my teacher decided not to use a little, but alot...we lit it, exploded and it locked the bead...luckily another student saw the roof on fire, and we put it out...

i got more but im to lazy to post them, lol!


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Before I had graduated, I had accumulated 120 hours of Detention for various and asunder stupid stuff I did. At this point I can't remember half of what I did. I do remember the last month I was there the school counsler said if I designed the school web site she would drop the detention. I did a lot of stupid stuff in HS.

Two of the more memorable things are:

Reset the vice principles (the main principle was just a figure head and never there) home page to a pron site and revoked his privileges to change it. He came down in the middle of lunch to get me. So every body knew what had happened. Apparently he was trying to show something to his boss and that popped up. Got in a pretty good amount of trouble for that. Also had a script that would reset his background with some random picture pulled off the net at the start of every week.

Another one was when we used (green peace kill me) used motor oil, coolant, and other stuff from cars to pour a giant anarchy symbol on the football field. It took a long time for grass to start growing their again. Every time there was a game they would spray paint it green, but the color was off so you could still see it.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
I laughed when a kid farted. I was suspended along with the one that farted. I fuckin hated my teacher guts after that.


New Member
Aug 31, 2007
Haha, HS was fun. My junior year I completely smoked out the senior parking lot(needed new tires after that), the school cops didnt like that. Then my senoir year I left tire marks in the junior lot that read" '06 ". The cops didnt seem to like that either. But it was still fun.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Hmm its lunch time and I feel like typing....OK

Freshman year, Spray painted our family symbol on the track in bright blue, looked badass, (alot of my family went to this school). That got us all alot of time after school.
Deflated all the basketballs.... like 50 of them, before the team had practice
2nd day of school some kid was trying to make fun of me because I lived in Dickson(yea he was throwing the dick jokes) So I layed him out on his ass. I didnt know he was a junior at the time, but I only got clean up after school for it, he was suspended for 5 days. Freshman 1 Junior 0

hmmm Sophomore year: My latin class had a bet going on who could get our teach to cuss at one of us first. I got my latin teacher to tell me to act like I've seen so fuckin rain before. He didn't give me anything for it, but it was funny as hell.

Junior year, my cousin pushed one of the security golf carts into the pond we have on campus, I was an accessory >< Thats what I get for hanging out with seniors.

Senior year, we didn't do much, only thing I can remember is forgetting a bag of popcorn in the microwave because I was talking with some chick....It was in there for like 5mins, set the whole thing on fire, got chewed out big time for that, this was after school btw, no one in the lunch room to watch it. :p

Thats all i can think of...I know there is more...


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
I smoked the student council president (who was pretty cute) with a cream pie. I was aiming for a teacher, my trajectory was off.

...and infront of the entire school.


Very expensive....
Aug 1, 2005
Greensboro and Greenville NC
I don't remember the exact way we did this... but there was a combination you did which dialing the phone number and hanging up 2-3 times that made the payphone you were at ring a few seconds later.

So we'd sit across the hall while the phone was ringing, and people would always walk up and answer... of course no one would be there.

Played tackle football in the auditorium... that was a riot. (Being in band, we goofed off all of class.)