Post funny things that got you detentions in high school


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
I seem to get away with a lot of things but there are tons of things I should've been cited for.

Wrote "don't worry she can't fucking reach this shit you dumbfuck" on the top of the board where the short substitute couldn't reach it.

Turn the lights off during class

Messing with overheads

Also one of my friend told me the funniest shit in his honor's class, they used a wireless mouse in class while the teacher had a labtop and when she was looking at the class they woulkd modify documents, write random shit, and play solitare while she turned around.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Several times...i got detained for not bothering with boring, simplistic homework that wasnt a challenge, fighting back against bullies (yep - i get hit, i lay them out - *I* get detention), not waking up til lunchtime (i was a boarder), detonating explosives in the skate park (RDX = FUN!), having meat on school property (cheeseburger and a bucket of KFC), you know, the usual.

The three times i got suspended, two were for hacking the network and one was for dangling my friends brother out of a 3rd floor window by his ankles cause he was annoying. His parents even said 'dont worry about it, we'd have done the same thing' but i got suspended anyway :/


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Never had a detention in High School, but in middle school, my own mother (who was my PE teacher) gave me a detention coz i used foul language...


Arrrrrr Matey
Apr 3, 2005
South Carolina
Not sure where to start..

Chewed an entire pack of bubblicious original flavor and threw a wad the size of a raquetball up onto a second floor interior window. It started to slide down then stuck, so it left a massive streak. It stayed up there for a couple months until one day we saw a janitor on a huge ladder scraping it off.

Changing the TV channels in class and the commons with a universal tv remote wristwatch. :biglaugh: . The funny thing was to crank the volume up to max, then mute it,and change it to a static channel and turn it off. The teacher would go turn it back on since it was the clock, and it would scare the hell out of everyone when it turned on.

Putting pen ink all over the inside of a door handle to this teacher I didn't like. She always closed the door when class started so I knew she would touch it. Coincidentally, that day we were going to the lab. She took forever to get to the lab after letting us out to go there. She comes around the corner pissed that someone put ink on the door and she had to clean her hand off. Unfortunately for her, I put ink on the inside of the lab door's handle too, haha. Some bitch ratted me out.


New Member
Jul 28, 2007
rockford il
the funniest detenion i can think was when i depantsed one of the teachers sons in the cafeteria. he was wearing basketball shorts so u can probably guesses what happened i didnt pull down his shorts his boxers came down to on accident and his slong was hangy out it was hilarious like the entire lunch hour saw and was crackin it was worth the week detention to me


Hardcore Lurker
Jan 6, 2007
Norman, Oklahoma
Resetting all of the PCs in the school to open Internet Explorer to a porn site. (the super sneaky way :biglaugh:) That got me one week of all day detention.

Changed mine and my friend's grades only a few hours before report cards were finalized so it would be undetectable. I got away with that one. Seriously, my backwater school district was an easy hack. :D


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Wheelie'd past the girls volleyball bus on the way back from an away game we went to watch.

Didn't get a detention because it wasn't on school grounds.
But the cops were waiting at the high school when we got back.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
This one memorable time was when we had a band together for a talent show kind of ordeal. Anyway, me and the other guys all bought some cheap equipment to play the one show, and after we played our 3 songs (we were only supposed to do one :D) we trashed all the stuff on stage, drums, guitars, mic stands. It was quite fun to say the least.
The organizer teacher was a real dick though and he was all pissy at us for doing it, saying oh you guys are out of here etc and etc. We told him to try us, so he went to the principal.
The principal asked who's guitars they were and such, told him they were ours, and the principal told the teacher so what?

Oh and super glue was any kids best friend, or worst nightmare in high school :D.


Hardcore Lurker
Jan 6, 2007
Norman, Oklahoma
I forgot my best one. I found the neighborhood cat and kept him in my attic for a few days feeding him food that would make his #2s foul. After that, I waited until it was going to be a REALLY warm day. The principal left her window down that day. Hehehe. I fed Mr. Kitty some laxatives, stuffed him in the window, and rubbed his butt with sandpaper for good measure.

At the end of the day the interior of this 99 Navigator was ripped apart and full of cat shit. The best part is Mr. Kitty got out of the car before the end of the day and went back to my neighborhood. Never got busted. Very LOL.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
I played on the football team and my coach was the principal. During the summer my brother and our friends played golf with him. He is probably the coolest principal in the world. If I ever got bored in class I would go to his office to shoot the shit about football (he played for Notre Dame).

Anyways, my bro and I always rode our snowmobiles to school in the winter (small town). We jumped our snowmobiles 20-30 feet into the parking lot ~7 feet in the air. I told him he wouldn't do it...then he I did too. lol This was at the end of the day and the parking lot was full of people, cars and busses. The principal or vice principal are always there at that time of day.

We made our ridiculous jumps and then went drag racing on the lake next to the school. Never heard a word about it. No matter what we did, detention wasn't possible.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
shooting staples with a mechanical pencil at random people, me and a few friends got in trouble for this one... Almost got detention for doing a truck tug of war in the back parking lot with my dads truck and another friend....the security guy was cool about it though all he said was "did ya break your tow rope?" i was like no sir he was like good, just dont let me catch you 2 doing that again.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
BlackMKIII said:
I forgot my best one. I found the neighborhood cat and kept him in my attic for a few days feeding him food that would make his #2s foul. After that, I waited until it was going to be a REALLY warm day. The principal left her window down that day. Hehehe. I fed Mr. Kitty some laxatives, stuffed him in the window, and rubbed his butt with sandpaper for good measure.

At the end of the day the interior of this 99 Navigator was ripped apart and full of cat shit. The best part is Mr. Kitty got out of the car before the end of the day and went back to my neighborhood. Never got busted. Very LOL.

thats fucked up :nono:


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
Remembered another one. We drifted one of the cars from the auto shop. The cars we were supposed to learn on were donated by local people and one happened to be this 80's civic. It ran great but looked like shit. Anyways, my brother and friends had the keys for it since they worked on it the year previously and had the key copied. Soooo...on the weekends we would go to the school and do e-brake drifts in the parking lot.

The shop teacher later sold us the car for $25 and we took it to a gravel pit. We basically took turns jumping it until we tore off the oil pan. We then put a large rock on the accelerator and let it blow up. Best $25 EVER SPENT!!!!


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Sat in the deep end of the pool in swim class with scuba gear on giving the gym teacher two birds up.

He couldn't do any thing either. I was 15 feet down for 10 minutes past class ending....
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New Member
Dec 29, 2006
i brought a potato cannon into class for a project and loaded with a "blank" it was all preloaded and basically made a big boom...teacher didn't think it was as awesome as i did. i thought it was wicked because we had this silencer type thing too so it was only about 3/4 as loud as it should have been...i laughed.

i also would get into frequent debates because i would be above class average and only show up twice a week...that really pissed teachers off...other than that nothing to exciting. everything i did was done while i was skipping.

that brings me back to the day of driving my there is nothing more satisfying then beating some puck ass kid in his civic with a 1998 ford just doesn't get better. and all the stupid shit that you can do with a minivan and get away with.. ugh love it.


workin' my dream
Jun 10, 2007
i got detention cause for swearing and never was toward the end of the year and they carried it over the next year.i had detention for like 9 days straightin 10th grade.

me and my buddy started a mini food fight becaue we got carried away messing around.thank god there werent alot of kids in the cafeteria at that point cause we would been suspended.

i also told a girl i would like to fuck her but apartantly she thought its was disrespectful.i got 3 days for that and my parents had to come in for a meeting.

i got lunch detention numerous times 5 days at a time just for mouthing off and walking out time i walked out first 5 mins of class and came back with mcd's breakfast burritos chem teacher FLIPPED.

my buddy got suspended for grabbing a girls ass while teh principal was right behind him.

i miss hs