One hell of an arguement right there. :3d_frown:bonus12 said:basically the pill was created to prove that god doesnt exist. (and if he does, he is powerless to stop it.) basically, atheists are winners. :biglaugh: :icon_bigg
91T breezen' said:Maybe your right, it should be a choice. But then, so should assisted suicide, and "death clinics" and so on, and so on.
91T breezen' said:As to cloning. I will bet you $100.00 that no human will be cloned in the next 5 years. I would say 20 years, but who wants to wait that long to collect? if they were to clone humans, would they have a soul? Or do you not believe that humans have a soul? Just because Science might be able to do something, does it necessarily mean they should? Morality is what's really in question here.
bonus12 said:basically the pill was created to prove that god doesnt exist. (and if he does, he is powerless to stop it.) basically, atheists are winners. :biglaugh: :icon_bigg
91T breezen' said:SupraCentral;
You are right, I should have looked at the link, before I chimed in. The pill that I was thinking about, is RU-486 (Abortion pill) A younger lady friend of mine in Reno, had taken this before, (because of her irresponsible sexual behaviour) and had some serious complications. Not to mention the emotional pain she endured, after she realized that she had just aborted her child. Maybe your right, it should be a choice. But then, so should assisted suicide, and "death clinics" and so on, and so on.
As to cloning. I will bet you $100.00 that no human will be cloned in the next 5 years. I would say 20 years, but who wants to wait that long to collect? if they were to clone humans, would they have a soul? Or do you not believe that humans have a soul? Just because Science might be able to do something, does it necessarily mean they should? Morality is what's really in question here.
91T breezen' said:I know you don't really believe that! God gave man free will on this earth.
Atheists might win a few battles, but are the real losers in the end!!!
DreamerTheresa said:Dear masses, please read "The Handmaid's Tale," as that is where you fundie pro-life, anti-woman types would like the world to go.
If sterilization for women was much easier to accomplish, we wouldn't need so many 'back up plans.'.
91T breezen' said:That book is ludacris! That is the extreme, which no one I know, would advocate. Sterilization is always an option, but is rather extreme too. There is nothing wrong with adults having access to birth control. I'm all for that. And, I'm not anti-woman, or womans rights. I just think abortion crosses the line, and infringes on the rights of someone who can't speak for themselves.
91T breezen' said:If you don't like them, then you should stay out of them! That's a simple fix!!:aigo: As to "religion" you mean "all religion", or just Christianity? You couldn't be further from the truth! You and I, will never see a human cloned! I'll get back to you on that one in about 20 years, when they're saying "we're right on the brink of it", again.
Ain't gonna' happen homie,:nono: I did not say some won't try.
D34DC311 said:Science can only explain so much.
bonus12 said:for example: where does the universe end? probably too hard to comprehend for us...
That's nice of you to link pro-life and anti-woman ideals. Too bad I can't be put into your convenient little category.DreamerTheresa fundie pro-life, anti-woman types would like the world to go.
Supracentral said:So you support the availability of Plan B over the counter without restriction?
SP 7M said:That's nice of you to link pro-life and anti-woman ideals. Too bad I can't be put into your convenient little category.
Your comments are laughable. Stick around to entertain us, please.
Bonus12, you've got to be kidding me about women being treated equally to men. It's still a woman's choice to have sex or not, right? Have I missed something?
I don't have the time to address each of you individually, but some of you are so far past ignorant that it's not even funny.
91T breezen' said:Just because Science might be able to do something, does it necessarily mean they should? Morality is what's really in question here.
What is your plan? What have you done? You just said you don't need him or somebody telling you about him in a book. So which is it?If god has a plan, then what type of plan has he got for those starving children in 3rd world countries? they didnt even get a chance. Where is your god when they need him the most?
SP 7M said:Oh yeah, as if you all didn't realize it right away, I'm pro-life. Only in extreme cases, those of which being - but not limited to - rape and incest, I'm in favor of abortion at the earliest possible point.
Thank you for not reading all of what I said.bonus12 said:u didnt think about non-consent situations, did u? this includes rape, drugged, etc...
as of now, women are not treated the way they deserve (salary, etc...).
you're whacko.