zm_br said:not mine anymore, but this was my 86.5 NA before I sold it when I got the 89. It was a fun car. This picture was like 2 days after I drove it home from Cleveland. I didn't even get a chance to clean it, and I was already snapping photos of it.
Here's a pic of the back, showing the wing that came on the car.
zm_br said:not mine anymore, but this was my 86.5 NA before I sold it when I got the 89. It was a fun car. This picture was like 2 days after I drove it home from Cleveland. I didn't even get a chance to clean it, and I was already snapping photos of it.
Here's a pic of the back, showing the wing that came on the car.
astigracing said:just got done converting my headlights into flush mount.
thanks joe!89Joe said:Wow astigracing your Supra is amazing! And those headlights are kickass!
thanks bro! those rotors are called Number #1.GotToyota? said:Astigracing: Your car is amazing, I love it. What kind of brake rotors are those?
astigracing said:more...let me know what do you guys think?
thanks bro! the visibility is good. click the link below to view the write up for this mod.Figit090 said:I think your car is awsome! how well do those new lights project and illuminate the road compared to the stockers? looks real clean! i like it. You definatly should make a photo write-up on this one....:biglaugh:
thanks bro! click the link below to see how i did it.TRACKMKIII said:Very nice headlight setup!! Let me know how you did it!!!