lilazni3uoy;921487 said:with duane's offset he's set for drag racing,time attacks, with the rims you got,all your doing is adding a lot more weight with all that rubber in the front, and you don't drift or drag, and i definately know you don't do time attack so trying to even fit some fat meat in the front is reeally useless to you
but non the less duane! your car is looking sWEET
91T breezen';921608 said:Looks great man!:boink: Glad I could be of help to you getting the fitment squared away. I do wish you could have had Eric take the photo's though! LOL!
One from the rear, and another looking down the side (f/ the rear also) will be sufficient. That is your assignment for today!:biglaugh:
jt2ma71;921521 said:Cool wheels Duane
SevenMKIII;922136 said::sadwavey: I'm sort of disappointed to see the TRD's go...I'm fan of contrast, and loved your bronze/white combo, but that's gone...
Who's the lucky bastard that bought those rare gems off your car?
Happy V-daySM!
Granted CCW's are among the top of the list for my favorite wheels, rare, nicer looking wheels, too, have a place in my heart.
upgradedsupra;922164 said:The TRD wheels went to a local guy with a White Supra![]()
Boost Lee;922410 said:DOH!!! :biglaugh:
That's going to throw off some of the locals when they see this other Supra.
Just to think...It may ruin your reputation. I can see it now......:icon_razz
"Dude, You know that White 800hp Supra?
Yeah, I totally smoked it at a stop light last night!!!"
The CCW Classics look amazing on your car.
Thus far, several have kind of made a big deal about the 18 > 17 setup, but to be honest, it's not THAT noticable.
I love it.
Quin;922537 said:I dislike the reverse stagger, but the rims themselves are great
Have fun fishtailing while the guy next to you hooks up and smokes you, NM