Okay I actually got the chance to work on the SC400 spindles and stuff.
Mostly everything bolts together...
The following is required:
1) SC300/400/MK4 LCA (Custom bushings required)
2) SC300/400/MK4 Spindle/Upright
3) MK3 Upper control arms OR custom upper control arms (that have castor AND camber adjustment)
4) Shorter Tie Rods (looking about 1-1.5" shorter - havent located a pair yet, but wont be hard)
5) Compatible Brakes (SC,LS,MK4)
Now what are the issues? Plenty!
yes, there is a castor issue. 80% of it can be fixed by flipping the UCA's... left to right, right to left. The picture below shows the end result of doing that.
So how can it be fixed? Custom UCA's is the only way. I will be making a set that will adjust castor (side to side) as well as camber.
Another picture.
Another issue is the tie rods, stock ones are too long, causing a massive toe problem. Whats the fix? shorter Toyota tie rods... havent located a set yet, but I am sure I can find one that works perfect.
Custom bushings? The SC bushings/metal dowel that the camber bolts go through are shorter. I will be making custom bushings that are the right size so there is no slop.
So with all these problems... what are the benifits?
Steering angle is slightly better due to the design of the spindles. PLUS... you can have the ability to have MORE ANGLE than with the MK3 spindles. I noticed on my MK3 stuff, the calipers were interfering with the LCA or something at full lock... the SC spindles can not only go that angle, but there is an inch or two to clear... that means you can cut the steering arm shorter, re-weld it and get some mad angle... i see this in my future.
tons of clearance!
BRAKES! This is the best part IMO.... 2 piston SC brakes is an upgrade as is... but... you can now add MK4 TT Brakes or 95 +LS400 Brakes, which both are 4 piston!
Picture of some bright orange SC400 calipers on the MK3
But I cant put larger brakes because my wheel face wont clear... and I cannot add spacers because it will poke the wheels out of the fender. FALSE.
The SC spindles allow the wheel to sit about 15-25mm inwards (sunken). So this is good for people who want to add a 25mm spacer to clear BBK's (me) or people who want a MORE aggressive front wheel... well now you have the chance.
This is a pic with positive camber... I didnt mess with any of the camber bolts. Hard to tell in the pic, but they are sunken in.
This is my review so far, I will make an article about it once I perfect it all and get my custom parts made.