Odd things that happen at your job.....

csr ma71

rooftop sniper
Apr 2, 2005
bay area
My coworker keeps on calling his Japanese girlfriend Korean and the girl would always get mad and say, "I'm korean" and be all serious about it. The sad part is, I don't think the guy actually remembers what she is.


Sep 12, 2005
haha this just happened..
im in the mall and waiting to open the gait and here comes some hard ass tryin to be cool like look tshirts and wammmm walk right into the gate and fell on his ass:)


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
I was doing an install at the Good Guys several years ago on a brand new black Mercedes 500sl amg. The guy had a hot woman with him and he left his car with us and they left. After I was done I parked the car outside the install bay. I was working on another car when I noticed a different woman walking around the car. At first I thought she was just checking it out. I looked closer and she was KEYING THE CAR! And I don't mean a little scratch, I mean a deep scratches that went around the whole car! I said "HEY WTF!". I went to the phone and called the cops. She came up to me and asked me to get inside the car to get a ring out of it. She looked like she was drunk or something, and she was a super hot lady in he late 30's or early 40s. I said no, you can tell the story to the cops. She left right before the cops got there. Come to find out that the car was actually her husband's and he was cheating on her! :biglaugh: The dude who owned the car had the balls to try to blame it on us and asked the cops if he could sue us?!? The cop said that since the woman was his wife, technically it was her car and she could do anything she wanted to it! HAHA OWNED, BITCH! I was really scared there for a second but we laughed about it afterwords.
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Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
I was a Wells Fargo security guard about 10 years ago at the So Cal Air Quality Management District (read: government building). That was a cool post because it had a super expensive 32 camera system with this ridiculous pan tilt and zoom that I could see anything in the parking lot with incredible detail. So one of the other guards was doing rounds and he said he noticed there was a guy sitting in his car for a while. I zoomed in on the car to see what he was talking about. THE DUDE WAS BEATING OFF IN HIS CAR! :biglaugh: I said "hey come check this out" and there us four guards looking at the monitor and busting up laughing about who was going to bring him a tissue and tell him to leave. The other guard said he had been there for almost an hour and at first it was funny but we had a kindergarten at the other end of the parking lot so we called the cops. He left right before they got there but we got his license plate on camera. The cops went to his house! LOL They found out he was waiting to pick up a woman doing housekeeping and they gave him a "stiff" warning. :biglaugh:
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Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
92turbo4life said:
roflamo damn thats great

There was another car that came in to Good Guys and he wanted a complete stereo system. The guy wanted to spend a lot of money so the salesman took the job before I got a look at it. The car had so much trash in it that you could not see the floor anywhere in the vehicle. There was at least 6 months of fast food trash in the font pass side, some of it moldy. There was fingernail pieces on the dash and drivers seat. I paid Tom $25 to do the install so I didn't have to (and this was a full commission job btw) I found a rake and we literally raked the trash out. I gave Tom some goggles and gloves and we took a drop cloth and put it on his back like a cape and I wrote "HAZ MAT" on a piece of paper and put it on his back. We got a can of Lysol and sprayed it. It was the funniest shit I ever saw. I think I have a picture of Tom so you can see what I am talking about. We used to mess around all the time.
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New Member
May 20, 2005
Bellingham, WA
Gross one, from the museum:

This guy had been chillin on a bench behind our building, overlooking the bay, for a while, then he comes in and asks to use the can.
We say sure.
15 minutes later he comes out, leaves.
3 minutes later, a museum visitor grabs me and tells me that the bathroom is no longer useable.
I push the door open and barely peek in.
There is TP all over the floor, and shit <shit as in the feces sense> COVERING the front half of the toilet seat.
I promptly almost puke, and wash my hands several times.
Gonna avoid that mens room for a while, I dont care that I get weird looks for using the one marked ladies
<single person bathrooms, so not like I'm busting in on lady types>


May 14, 2005
Lowell, Arkansas, United States
Wow, Bigaaron those are some adventures. :biglaugh: It reminds me of one though.
The Little Caesar's I worked at was in a shopping center along with a Planet Fitness. The Planet Fitness people always wondered why this mexican guy would park his beat up truck in front of the store. Turns out, the guy was whacking off while he looked at hotties. The treadmills were right by the window and he had a clear view. When they tried to catch him, he drove off never to return.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
greg88 said:
Wow, Bigaaron those are some adventures. :biglaugh: It reminds me of one though.
The Little Caesar's I worked at was in a shopping center along with a Planet Fitness. The Planet Fitness people always wondered why this mexican guy would park his beat up truck in front of the store. Turns out, the guy was whacking off while he looked at hotties. The treadmills were right by the window and he had a clear view. When they tried to catch him, he drove off never to return.



greg88 said:
Wow, Bigaaron those are some adventures. :biglaugh: It reminds me of one though.
The Little Caesar's I worked at was in a shopping center along with a Planet Fitness. The Planet Fitness people always wondered why this mexican guy would park his beat up truck in front of the store. Turns out, the guy was whacking off while he looked at hotties. The treadmills were right by the window and he had a clear view. When they tried to catch him, he drove off never to return.
For the last time...i'm NOT MEXICAN!


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Ok. There was a dumb guy at my work today. I can say he was dumb because he said that Mazda calls the car a Mazda 6 because it's a 6 cylinder. Then I asked him about the Mazda 3 and he said, "yea its a 3 cylinder." I looked at him. With a completely straight face and said......"Mustard? I'm ketchup motha fucka. Zap yo dumb ass." He just gave me the weirdest look and he was so confused.


40R 6 SPD SC3
Here's one for ya...

This guy Jack that used to work for us washing cars is walking around the shop with a box in front of him with a dildo in it.

He keeps walking up to people saying "Look at this dildo! Don't it look real?!"

After a handfull of people end he winds up in the office with our shop manager.

Our manager reaches down into the box and grabs it and realizes it's not a dildo at all, it's Jack's dick!


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
oneandgone said:
Here's one for ya...

This guy Jack that used to work for us washing cars is walking around the shop with a box in front of him with a dildo in it.

He keeps walking up to people saying "Look at this dildo! Don't it look real?!"

After a handfull of people end he winds up in the office with our shop manager.

Our manager reaches down into the box and grabs it and realizes it's not a dildo at all, it's Jack's dick!



that sure was odd.

try this on for size.. one saturday morning at 11am we get a call at work..
"What time do you all close?" To which my manager replies "9 o'clock"

to which the person on the phone replies "This MORNING?"