Odd things that happen at your job.....


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I work in the parts department at a chevy dealer.
A lot of people are clueless, but a guy came in looking for parts for his 87 Ford Ranger. I told him I couldn't get the part, and he snapped back with "Well, you didn't even look!" I said "I don't have to, sir. It's for a Ford. This is a Chevrolet Dealer. I cannot help you"
Then he ranted and raved about how I was being uncooperative and how HE was the customer and blah blah blah... He wanted to talk to my boss, so I told him I'd do him one better since the parts manager was on lunch, and show him to the owner.

The owner and I had a good long laugh at that guy.
He said "I just got fed up with his yelling. He wouldn't listen or care that we don't sell parts for Fords. I just told him to fuck off and never come back."



I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
This makes me remember the time I was Service Advisor at the Toyota dealer. This guy comes in for his first oil change on his '05 Tacoma. I get in the car to get the milage for the Repair Order and have to switch off the trip meter (which read about 3000). The actual milage was just over 5K (hence the Maintainance Required light). The service went through and his truck was cleaned and returned to him. He paid his bill and left. About 45 mins. later the guy calls me yelling at the top of his lungs, swearing that I added 2,000 miles to his truck while it was in for service. I was like "First sir, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to add 2,000 miles to your truck w/o actually driving 2,000 miles. I def. didn't drive your truck 2,000 miles in the hour it was here." He was like, "I know you didn't drive it 2,000 miles. I was there the whole time, but when I brought it in it had 3,000 miles and now it has 5,000." I proceded to tell him that he had his odo. set to the trip meter and not the Odometer and that the milage was controlled by the computer. He accused me of using the scan tool to add milage to his truck. I was like, "What would I possibly have to gain by adding miles to your truck even if I could?" He didn't buy it and slammed the phone on me. About an hour or two later, he called back and appologized.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Hahah both of those stories are hilarious.

If my boss told a customer to fuck off I'd probably piss my pants laughing.

A lady bought tires yesterday and wanted the White lettering facing out. now anyone who has seen a new tire might remember that the letters are blue until you wash them then they are white. She walks out into the waiting viewing area and starts yelling "NO! NO! no... I didn't want blue letters!!!" as I'm lowering her car.
She was pretty pissed til I went over it with a sponge once and she just retreated to the waiting room embarrassed.


Sep 12, 2005
one time i was being an asss and i went to the wendys drive threw.. i sat there and ordered my food and for some reason i just had an idea to ask for a big mac:). so the ladie goes we arent burger king we dont have that... i drove away laughing for like 10 minutes......


^and they spit and jizz'ed in your burger..

extra special sauce on that burger? How about some "ranch" dressing..


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
dcrusupra87 said:
Cliff notes - Old dude started painting his car in our parking lot with spray paint.

That's nutty!

dcrusupra87 said:
And i drove a MKIV. All i have to say is viva la MKIII. MKIV's suck at turning

You either drove a trainwreck of a MKIV, or you need to put down the pipe. I own both and my 4's will outturn my 3 any day.

dcrusupra87 said:
and are a bitch to get into.

Now that is the truth, my dad @ 67 bitches every time he as to get out of it, but he loves it when it's moving. :)

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
As a mechanic: I had a guy pull in to our shop with a motor home and he was towing a subaru behind him. As he came to a complete stop the subaru burst into flames. It turns out he left the subaru in first gear when they started their trip earlier that morning. Liquid Aluminum!!!

As a HVAC installer: I would have to say the time I found dildo's and porn mags in the attic of a child day care. Police were informed and they arrested the operator of the facility. EEEWWWW!!!

As a home inspector: We have a lot of elderly in this area and I was asked to do an inspection on this one house. As I knock on the door, the home owner proceeded to invite me in and start in the kitchen as usual inspecting things. I just about finished my inspection when I ask her what area she was planning on moving to? She looks at me perplexed and said she was not planning on moving ever? Turns out I was at the wrong address and she was just to polite to ask me what the hell I was doing in her house. It's more sad than odd I guess..
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^2nd one what a waste of time i would of been kinda pissed lol..

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
They did not arrest him because of the mags and sex toys directly... I guess he was under investigation for other things but that did not help him in any case.. Also it was my boss that called the cops, not me..


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
I don't have anything crazy, but my buddy does. He worked at In and Out Burger (California thing for those who don't know) and one day they had an armed robber come in just after they opened (9am) and demand money. They told him they couldn't give him any because they cannot open their safe until 11am, it's on a timer. So the guy tells him he'll be back at 11. They call the cops, and when the would be robber shows up at 11 the cops are waiting and he is promptly arrested and carted off. I swear, some robbers are just complete idiots.


New Member
Dec 8, 2005
So a few stories from my last job at a pizza place.

So it was a normal day. the owner of the shop was in helping work. there were a couple of kids, a girl and her boyfriend. the boy goes to the bathroom completely normal. he's in there for a whila and comes out with his pants all wet and reeking of shit. so the owner, wondering what the hell just happened in his bathroom goes to investigate. apparently the kid had shit his pants and whiped it all over the walls and tried to wash it off in the sink. so the owner comes bolting outta the bathroom after this kid, him and his g/f are in the parking lot just pulling out. the owner runs up and starts bangin on the window tellin the kid to come out. he gies the o shit gun it gesture to his g/f and they start to drive off. so in response the owner grabs a big ass rock, one that takes 2 hands to carry and smashes it through the rear window. the pair speed off.
a couple of days later the girlfriends mom calls up the place and demands the window be paid for. the owner insists that the bathroom be cleaned and regrouted at the expense of her. and says" what the hell does you throwing a rock through my car window have to do with a dirty bathroom??!!!??!!?"

apparently the kids hadnt told her the whole story, so the owner did. she decided that she would let it go.

PART DUEX: (Completely seperate story)
So the sauce at this pizza place is homemade in a big ass pot. so big that when you need to put sauce in a smaller container it needs to be done on the floor. my manager was doing just that, and after he had finished pouring the sauce he managed to step in the smaller container, spill it, fall over and bring the full pot of pizza sacue down on him self. sauce goes everywhere, allthe way to the roof. right as this is happening the owner shows up to work. so he walks in to his head manager swiming almost literally in sauce. and says this" Now ive fucking seen everything" and walks back out the door.

Then there was the time i had my airsoft gun in my car this summer and my other manager prompted me to go get it for some plastic BB fun. so i went and got it and we shoot cans and what not for a while and were out back having a smoke and he says" Lets play a game.. its called who can shoot them self the most in the leg."

i say no thanks and he procedes
to start shooting himself in the leg un till the clip is gone, thats when i went inside.

theres more, just gimme some time to think of em

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Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
suprahoops said:
Then there was the time i had my airsoft gun in my car this summer and my other manager prompted me to go get it for some plastic BB fun. so i went and got it and we shoot cans and what not for a while and were out back having a smoke and he says" Lets play a game.. its called who can shoot them self the most in the leg."

Lol, my friends and I have airsoft wars on occasion. We'll wear paintball masks and jump around shooting each other and shit. It's pretty cool and fun. But it does hurt at times.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
supra90turbo said:
I work in the parts department at a chevy dealer.
A lot of people are clueless, but a guy came in looking for parts for his 87 Ford Ranger. I told him I couldn't get the part, and he snapped back with "Well, you didn't even look!" I said "I don't have to, sir. It's for a Ford. This is a Chevrolet Dealer. I cannot help you"
Then he ranted and raved about how I was being uncooperative and how HE was the customer and blah blah blah... He wanted to talk to my boss, so I told him I'd do him one better since the parts manager was on lunch, and show him to the owner.

The owner and I had a good long laugh at that guy.
He said "I just got fed up with his yelling. He wouldn't listen or care that we don't sell parts for Fords. I just told him to fuck off and never come back."


A lot of people are clueless huh? *note sn*