This is really one of those "if you have to ask you probably won't understand" items.. However I'll try to reply.
Here's a story that helps me get the point across:
I got pulled over (speeding of course) on my way back from Florida during the Thanksgiving holiday in Christine (1995 MKIV Hardtop). The cop got my licence, registration and insurance card. He walked back to his car. 5 mintues later he comes up to my window. Here's the conversation:
Cop: "Sir, do you know what year this vehicle is?"
Me: "1995"
Cop: "Yea, the registration and insurance card say that, but I'm having a hard time believing it. This car looks new."
Me: "I take good care of it, not bad for over 160,000 miles, eh?..."
The cop shakes his head in amazement, spends a few seconds checking VIN tags and then goes back to his car to finish writing the ticket.
(This is a true story. DreamerTheresa was in the car with me and heard the whole thing.)
I love my MKIV's. Once you drive one, you understand why people go nuts for them. It's an amazing machine. It's a supercar that you can actually own without being a millionaire. The one thing that I developed the MKIV's shortly after driving one for the first time was respect for the car.
I treat it well and accept nothing less than the best for it.
If you talk to MKIV owners, you'll find that true amongst most of them.
I always felt that way about my MKIII's after I bought the first one. I don't treat them like common cars.
When I see someone doing some half-assed paintjob on one, it makes me cringe. Yea, it can look "ok".
I've seen this stuff in person and it does not stand up to professional automotive paint. Not in clarity, not in shine, not in hardness. It's still a spraybomb paintjob, just done with more care and effort. It's fine for your beatup daily driver that you want to look better.
It's not fine for a Supra IMO. These are not "common" cars. You've taken a beatufully engineered high tech Japanese GT car, and slapped a gallon of Rustoleum on it. If you can't see the problem there, then I probably can't explain it to you.
I've known some of the "jerk" MKIV owners you guys are talking about. They are out there. Once when I was defending the MKIII to one of them (I was working on one of mine at the time), he came out with this comment:
"I know what's wrong with your MKIII. If it doesn't have some PVC pipe, parts from Home Depot, pieces of an Isuzu truck, or some spraypaint on the body, there's something wrong with it. Yours is just way too clean..."
I called him an asshat for that comment and told him to go find someone else to bother. But there's a grain of truth there. The MKIII owner has the reputation for not being to afford his car, and doing some goofy rigged up crap to keep it running. And a lot of people have transferred that onto the car itself.
You can look at the ROTM and ROTY cars and see how amazing a MKIII can be. Every single one of the MKIII's in that group I would be proud to own. And there are MKIII's around here that I wouldn't give you $500 for.
This $50 paint job crap is, by definition a "goofy rigged up" paintjob. It's not the way to treat a car that's a cut above. Treat the Civic like that, it's an econobox and deserves it.