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Too poor to be here..:(
May 24, 2007
Austin, TX
ForcedTorque said:
JMDigital's last post January!

I got quite a few from him when I got mine. I wouldn't want to get into shipping them. But, I am coming to the Chicago meet, and will give them away until they are gone.

And could cut the .com off if you want. But why would you want to turn your back on us at the site?
Well, since I'm just in Montgomery, you think that I can get one off you??? :naughty:


87T Supra
Nov 18, 2006
Lake County, IL
ForcedTorque said:
I got quite a few from him when I got mine. I wouldn't want to get into shipping them. But, I am coming to the Chicago meet, and will give them away until they are gone.

That would be great if you do that:icon_bigg.


Beach Bum
Mar 2, 2006
Cheatham County, TN
From post #1:
JMDigital said:
... for one user at a time it It has to be like $15.00 for 2 shipped.

Since JMD's missing in action & I'm getting thin in the wallet - I just may step up & make some of these for y'all ... if you can afford the individual rate, that is.

I'd haveta clear it through the powers that be & lay down a couple of ground rules - but if I hear enough interest - I can cut up to 24in wide rolls of vinyl, right here from home.

*waits for JMDigital to return from the shadows, unhappy that I've chimed in, here*


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
Holy old thread batman...! :) Yes it was quite a while ago when I stopped paying attention to this thread.

OK. Here is the thing.

TO Yaitsme - If you would like to make some stickers for the users here you would not hurt my feelings. :) I can email you the file I used so they look the same.

TO Everyone - I can do some more. However I cannot do any custom changes. or put your username in there or change the color or anything like that. I can make another 50 stickers , 25 with the circle and 25 without the circle, just like before.

Being that it is 6am on a Wednesday morning I would say it would be at least 1 week from today before they are ready to send out. I can also tell you that selling them for 1.00ea like before is not possible. The shipping on some of the stickers was almost $1.00 not counting more then a few that never got there and had to be re-sent. I did it to support the group because I wanted to give back something for all the things I learned and continue to learn. I still want to support the fellow supra owners so now what everyone wants to know..

1. The stickers will be WHITE
2. You have to buy at least 2 of them
3. They will be 2.00ea.
4. They CAN NOT be customized I just don’t have the time
5. Payment must be PAYPAL only.

If everyone is ok with this then I dare say.. START THE RACES!

Here is the MOST IMPORTANT THING. YOU MUST PM ME YOUR ORDER with the following information

1. How many stickers you want
2. Your SHIPPING ADDRESS with your REAL name.
(I wonder if some of the stickers did not get there because I was shipping to usernames and not real names)

3. When you PayPal me PLEASE put your SM name in the notes in the payment. Sometimes I could not connect a 2.00 PayPal payment to a SM user. It will cause delays in your order.

So start your PM madness. posting a message here WILL NOT count as an order. The only way for me to not forget an order is PM's

Thank you all...
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Beach Bum
Mar 2, 2006
Cheatham County, TN
There he is!
Carry on, good sir!

Most people have no idea how much work goes into prepping, weeding & masking something like this. Not to mention the added time involved in laying out custom touches, like adding usernames ... and then to change-out vinyl colors for every other decal ... wow! Even at $2 per, JM's still giving his time away.

Thanks for being gracious about my horning in, here. I'll hush now!


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
yaitsme said:
There he is!
Carry on, good sir!

Most people have no idea how much work goes into prepping, weeding & masking something like this. Not to mention the added time involved in laying out custom touches, like adding usernames ... and then to change-out vinyl colors for every other decal ... wow! Even at $2 per, JM's still giving his time away.

Thanks for being gracious about my horning in, here. I'll hush now!

No problem here. I dream of the day when the vinyl weeds itself.. hehe. Until that day I will continue to ONLY do vinyl as a charity, other then that its all wide format printing for me. Its faster and makes more money :)

dont be shy if you want to make some. :)


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
UPDATE. I should have 50 of each type of sticker finished by wed thursday of next week. so I will mail out the current orders and any other orders I get on thursday or friday of next week.

OK So I dont have to do a bunch of pms
here is a list of users that I recieved
payments from

1. GeneStarWindGSW (2 pm me with the type :) )
2. s0ulstar (2 w/ circle)
3. 3p141592654 (2 no circle)
4. wooooosh (2 no circle)
5. RazoE (2 circle)
6. Suprahooked (5 3 with circle 2 without)
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