needed someone to talk to ( in a sense)

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
This is a very sensitive topic but I read your posts and, like the others, I felt compelled to reply.

Not being a doctor/therapist, my words may not mean much, but having a little bit of family experience in this area, maybe my words count for something.

First, the alcohol is no good. You need to go see your doctor and discuss your feelings with him. He/She will probably reccomend you see a therapist. You should follow through on that.

Family experiences:

Brother: Moved about 8 hours away to be and party with his friends. Got hooked on weed and was high 24/7 for about 5 years. I spoke to him maybe once a year at Xmas time. The rest of the year I avoided him. After his friends graduated and moved on, it was just him. He went through the same situation you are in now. I finally called him one day and told him to get his act straight. It took him 2-3 more years to straigten up, and he is now doing much better. But I think the key difference is that my brother had family to support him. And I think what you will need is your family. Maybe you'll need to apologize and make amends, but you really have two choices here:

1)Get cleaned up (off the booze) and get your life back on track or,

2)Choose the path of my uncle who has since lost his home, car and boat and currently has alienated his family because he would rather get high. He now lives in a small motorhome somewhere in Fresno.

You need to think about what path you want to take. Please, I think all of us here and your family (if they knew) would support you in choosing option 1. This topic is very near and dear to me simply because I have family members who have and are going through this.

Will, please put the bottle down and get a hobby that gets you out of the house at night. Further drinking will only lead you to negative consequences. You may think you have it under control right now, but at some point it will take control of you.

Please, call your brother/family and get some help...


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I wasn't trying to be funny.
I got new socks for my birthday, and it's something easily forgotten, but new socks are great!

Will: suicide certainly isn't a cure-all in any sense. There is nothing to gain from dying, and the depression you're feeling just comes from doing nothing! Get out and do something. Do you have anything to lose? Buy a flower and give it to a random passing girl. With luck, she'll stop and talk to you.
Try new things. Obviously what you're doing isn't working, so do something!

We're all here for you, man. We are a community, therefore, consider this the neighborhood watch of sorts.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Please take this seriously. I worked several years on a suicide/crisis hotline and never lost a client, even though some had a plan, made arrangements, and had the means to end it right in front of them. One thing I can say for sure: You only posted this because there is a part of you that does NOT want to die. This is the classic cry for help. What do you love in this world? Your brother? Your car? Another family member or friend? Make a list on paper and spend time with it. The only thing suicide guarentees is that you will NEVER EVER experience any of those happy things again.

You need to go see a doctor and get started on anti depressants. Then go see a therapist. Funny thing is that a couple of years after I quit volunteering I went through a depression of my own. It was embarrassing given my experience on the hotline, but I swallowed that and a month of antidepressants and therapy later I started coming around and quit drinking so much. Life is awesome today!

It is very hard to deal with and harder yet to admit to, but think about it. You have been happy for part of your life, and you're more than likely going to be around for decades. Is it really possible that you could never experience happiness again? Not when you really give it some thought. Please make the move and start getting the help you are calling out for.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
willfish said:
seriously guys, whats the point ?? I just dont know anymore. why ?

" the cliff is too high, so why even try ?""

guy's, I';m really starting to feel like giving up .. honestly
I mean, I feel better drinking for one.

another thing, its becoming so difficult talking to people/women.,,
Ive had enough battle scars, of being shot down , I feel like why even bother..,, all women want is to have a nice guy, so why is it that they shoot us down all the time,

guy's seriously, I can't take it anymore


This was Will's last post and the last time he was logged on to Supramania...:nono:

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Anyone live near Will?

Admins and mods, I have his address if someone thinks we should call the authorities, I will give it to you if needed.


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
well it was just yesterday that he made that post, lets just hope and pray nothing happened. But from my experience with those that commit suicide, they normally seem to become extremely happy once they finally decide to end their life (if they really choose to go forward with it) the only ones that are still not happy are the ones that want someone to talk them out of it. Hopefully he is ok, but if anyone does live within an hr of him, I definitely think we should check on him. If he doesnt respond within 24-48 hrs someone should contact the police and have him checked up on.

This whole thing has had me a little stressed man, I just hope he looks at all the responses that he has gotten here and realized that he does have people out in this world that care about him.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
For what it's worth, I think there's every reason to have him checked on sooner than later. Multiple posts getting more serious each time, and no response in over 12 hours...

I don't think there's much of a chance of "over reacting" at this point. If somebody has the means to stop by or give his address and this thread to the authorities, it should probably be done now, IMO.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Maybe he took my advice and got an MMO, those things can be addicting.
Just trying to lighten the mood, hope he is ok.


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Joel W. said:
It has been 36 hours since he logged in guys..Not good IMO

really? His last post says it was done yesterday. Well if thats the case I say someone in the area should definitely give the police a call so they can atleast check up on him. It wouldnt hurt, I mean worst case scenario he is ok and comes to the door like wtf. But atleast we would know he is OK.


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
hey guys.,
I'm here,,
just havnt been onhere,, just been trying to stay occupied,,,
thanks for all the concerns. I was thihnking about getting a my tongue peirced but the guy told me I couldn't drink atleast for the 1st night, , so I'm debating it.. I'll let you guy's know later on tonight when I get on...

thanks again guy's


group a supra

will i have had a good read on all this and over the last couple of years have lost friends in accidents and family with age so now at the age of 29 due to circumstances in my own life have realised how precious it is so dont do it and enjoy it i even quit smoking hey i still drink a bit i enjoy it but if you smoke that is the one everyone has said i am like 20 times happier but that is me but think about it clear your head and think i am only hear once let's just get on and enjoy it and do what i want to do not what everyone else wants because you are a long time gone and you cant come back so make the most of it get out there and enjoy it


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
D34DC311 said:
Yea, good to see your still around man, im tellin you, pick up gaming, it can keep u occupied.

No kidding - World of Warcraft is the reason I am not so depressed about the harsh reality of my car project being on hold. It's an escape, and it's fun!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ hehehe, games are good, sometimes life is a bitch, and you just need to have another one to live and excape too.
At least try it will, I think WoW still offers free trials, of like 10days.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
When I was pissed at the world, I would play Grand Theft Auto: vice city or whatever the newer one is, too tired to think... anyway, yeah... I'd play that and just beat up innocent people in the mall, cause mass havoc, and when I had 5 stars, I'd put in the code to make it all better.
It was great because I could engage in ridiculous amounts of random violence and not get caught... and at the highest point where I had helicopters and tanks after me, I could just snap my fingers and they would all go away like nothing ever happened.
It's the power that you embody when you play a video game that helps you deal with real problems. I don't play GTA anymore because I overplayed it from being too pissed at my ex-gf and other things. lol

Now, I just drift the shit out of GranTurismo3

Glad to see you look like you're a bit happier Will. Now's the time to get your tongue pierced if you want to. New things are good, remember?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Go buy yourself a puppy. It's hard to be sad when you have a puppy licking on your face. It'll give you someone to talk to. It'll give you someone to play with and a reason to come home in the evenings other than beer.

I don't know what the big deal is with beer, 'cause I've never drank. I'm a sweet tea drinker myself, and yes I drink it straight. I don't have to chase it with anything. Yeah, I know, what a man!!!! Anyways, I hope you can replace your beer with something else. Alcohol is a terrible depressant, and you don't need that in your life. Hope everything works out for you better, and I hope you change your mind about their not being a God. If you thought their was a better place to go to when you leave here, you might try harder to straighten your life up, to make sure you get their. For what it's worth, I'll be praying for your safe keeping and hopefully a few laugh and giggles to make you feel better. Honestly Will, just go out and buy some flowers and give them to random people (doesn't have to be young hardbodies). Their smile will make you feel better, gauranteed. Stay strong, and never give in to any negative temptations. You're stronger than that, I know. You have a lot of friends on here and that should really make you feel wanted and loved.

:icon_razz :love: :) :wavey: :icon_mrgr ;) :rofl: :crazy1: :wiggle: :icon_lol::icon_bigg :icon_razz :love: :naughty: :p :icon_smil :D :wave: :rofl:
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