my rant about ROTY


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Bor, Yellow, and a few of you others, stop post whoring... If it ISNT constructive to this thread, knock it off... This is a legitimate rant, and a good opportunity for you guys to contribute by injecting your own ideas... So stop with the ONE WORD POSTS and the frickin INSIDE jokes...



7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
How about an award for all those Supra Saviors out there... you know, the guys who buy a COMPLETE pile and spend every penny they've got just to get the damned thing back to stock (if not beyond) condition.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
BorHor said:
sorry = (.

How did you guys pick the other centenders that were not rotm this time around?

I read a post by Bobiseverywhere and I think it stated that they came in second in the mongth they entered for


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
BorHor said:
sorry = (.

How did you guys pick the other centenders that were not rotm this time around?
I think I stated in my first post: the ROTM are voted on by the staff... We, well, BisEW actually, makes a post asking those interested to become ROTM to enter... He even took the time to make out a big ass application for the entrants to fill out... And believe it or not, EVERYONE that applies is put on the poll... What we did to even out the entries for ROTY is added a few runner ups... So thats how that works...


Reign_Maker said:
One day man, one day...

Well, a few things in defense of this system...

1: it's the first year we've done this, so, Im sure it'll evolve into something bigger...

2: the ROTY is comprised of all the ROTM winners and some close seconds...

3: Every month, everyone is intived to enter, not many do, believe it or not...

4: its a public vote on the ROTY... Not a staff vote... So what it really boils down to is who ever the community votes for, will win... Whether its Duane, or Ron, or Nate or Jay, or whoever... There's no rigging goin on, the votes are public, so everyone can see who is getting the numbers...

I like your idea of having classes... And I also agree that there are alot of guys out there bustin ass to build a nice car... I take a look in the build/gallery forum and there is some incredible stuff goin on in there... And alot of those guys deserve recognition... We just only have so many slots to fill, and cant raise every one of them up to the pedistal they deserve to be on... Then you have some guys, like me, who arent building for recognition, I just do it because I want it, always have wanted it... But on the other hand, I knwo I'll get the recognition, not because Im cocky and flaunting, but because a car like this, built like this, naturally will get the recognition it deserves... I dont have to do anything, the car speaks for itself... To be honest, I almost feel bad/embarrassed when I meet someone who is impressed with my car and they ask me to talk about it... Then I hear the common phrase: "Man I wish I could afford to do that!"

yea, i agree with you jake, i think its cool you guys have made some type of award. And by no means am i saying duane should or shouldnt win, his car is sexy as hell just wanted to point out, that maybe some of the regular cars, they cars that we see everyday, the ones, that guys spend everyday working on, or every penny trying to buy a part for is recognized...but i see what you are saying, and agree.......

and like you i am building my car for myself, i post what i am doing like everyone else, but other than that i dont brag about what i have, and most of the time im embarrassed to tell someone i spent $5000 for my clutch..
i mean that most that some people spend in a year on there car.

for example.. bills cars wasn't even on here. but he engine bay is one of the cleanest ever! this motor is 100% wired and running..

i dont know where i am going with this, so im going to leave it with this... good luck to all. and sorry if i offended anyone............



Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
So generally in this thread people are saying thay if they had spent as much time and money as Duane did, to build one of the nicest mk3's ever, then they would not deserve ROTY?

If you want to win then build something better! I don't see how this is constructive.

If you want to be recognized for your project then post pics of it in your own build thread and get props from possibly hundreds of people.
But if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best, and Duane's mk3 is the best, imho.
Last edited:


Fast Coonass
Apr 5, 2005
Austin, Texas USA
6o4turbo said:
Exactly what I was going to say!

The winner is selected by the mass of the community, the best car wins, end of story!

Come on guys, lets not turn this into something petty. Bobiseverywhere was trying to do something nice for the community, something fun, and sure enough it's going to turn into sour grapes, sour grapes SUCK. It is what it is, lets ebjoy it.

Instead of criticizing it, come up with solutions.

How about next year we come up with the MKIII Awards or something. Several different catagories where people get nominated by their fellow members, then the top 5 nominees in each class go to a poll, then we all vote and have an awards night where the winners are all crowned.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Rajunz said:

How about next year we come up with the MKIII Awards or something. Several different catagories where people get nominated by their fellow members, then the top 5 nominees in each class go to a poll, then we all vote and have an awards night where the winners are all crowned.

Hell yeah. I look good in a tux. I'll be at my computer in a tux waiting on someone to call my name out for best blue and white leather interior located in Sumiton Alabama......................:biglaugh:


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Reign_Maker said:
I think I stated in my first post: the ROTM are voted on by the staff... We, well, BisEW actually, makes a post asking those interested to become ROTM to enter... He even took the time to make out a big ass application for the entrants to fill out... And believe it or not, EVERYONE that applies is put on the poll... What we did to even out the entries for ROTY is added a few runner ups... So thats how that works...

What i was asking was how were the other few roty contestents picked. beacue there were not 6 rotm so far was there???


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Toyota h8r said:
ill vote for a real supra b4 a uber supra anyday! Yellow 13 FTMFW! Vote for Yellow everyone! Yellow is it gonna be 7m?

what is a real supra? because someone is able to drop alot of money on their car, it's not a real supra anymore? duane, nate, rons cars are just as real as anyone elses. Just because the majority of MK3 owners are on welfare and pay for their mods in food stamps doesn't mean those that have really nice cars should be looked at differently.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
Ok here is my two cents!!!

Anyone can enter their car for ROTM. The people competing for ROTY filled out the form and sent it in to be a part of ROTM fun. So to even be on the ROTY list you needed to have been a winner of ROTM or close second. That is all!!! If you guys dont like who is competing and you think we should have others competing complete a ROTM form. We all decide who wins it is about having fun. I have never seen so much drama over what is one of the best things we have going here.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
I know I have a whole lot of time and money in my 7m mk3 and I could care less if I ever get noticed for it. The satisfaction I get from driving it, and the comments people make when I pop the hood on my 18 year old Supra and they see how clean it is, is better then any award.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I say we just give the award to DaSoup and all meet over in the naked women thread, and stare at Tookwik's avatar...................:naughty:


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
This is the first year of doing it so give them a break. Next year should be better when all the kinks have been worked out.