Bill Gatesism is a bad idea. He inflicted Windows Millenium on us, and what did we do to deserve that?
I ran WIN98 till 2005 til XP blessed us :naughty:
Bill Gatesism is a bad idea. He inflicted Windows Millenium on us, and what did we do to deserve that?
Constitution Party said:The United States of America was not founded upon compromise and rationalism. It was founded upon the belief that people are accountable to God for the principles that they stand for and the people that they elevate to high office. As George Washington said at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, "If to please the people we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God."
Constitution Party said:The bottom line is a party's philosophy of what the role of government should be. The two major parties legislate as if government is God and can solve all problems. This results in a more powerful, centralized government and a people who become more dependent on government and less dependent on themselves and God. Libertarian and Reform party leaders think man is sovereign and has all the answers, therefore, changes in cultural views and morals will result in changes in law and its interpretation. History has shown that cultures which have no absolutes end in anarchy. The Constitution Party is the only party that acknowledges the sovereignty of God and wants to return our country to the Constitution which is based on biblical principles. Government's role is to secure the rights of the people rather than control the and provide for people
Supracentral said:Well so much for this thread. I wanted to discuss rational politics, instead I got rabid fundamentalism... It's obvious that there can be no intellignet debate or discussion when one side accepts "because god said so" as the "fact" that all their positions proceed from.
In other words, I surmise that if I asked you to tell me what I would have to do to change your opnion, your answer would be something along the lines of "You can never convince me that I am wrong because I have faith" - therefore I see no point in continuing this.
LouKY said:So now you understand the power of faith! There is no doubt that "intelligent debate or discussion" could be had on policy, but where it stomps on the basics of faith, I believe you are right. You will never convince many of us that we are wrong on any topic where our faith tells us that we will enjoy an eternal reward if we stay true to it. Nothing could be worth it.
Grim, I have to point out that Jesus did not write one word of the Bible himself. The bible is the actual word of God as he inspired certain people to write it as his communication with humankind. I don't believe any of the original transcripts exist today, but if you look into it, there will be a lot of consistency since at least the 4th century which would have been the last major "revision" (actually more translational and interpretal edits) to the bible at the Council of Nicea (sp?). If I'm not mistaken, 600 or more 2nd and 3rd generation manuscripts exist with some dating back as far as the 2nd century. The bible has certainly not been used or manipulated to push the agenda of any church.
Look, I'm not a thumper. I'm not a fundamentalist. I do have a solid faith, and I have a lot to look forward to. For the most part I keep it to myself. I don't have any negative feelings toward anybody who doesn't believe unless they use their beliefs to corrupt people, especially children. I do hope people without faith in God will find it. I don't believe that God "throws anybody in hell", but I do believe that anybody who has denied him all their life will be too ashamed to face him in the afterlife, and that would be an existence without God (hell).
Consider this: Atheism is in fact a faith (albeit a dangerous one if you're wrong), and one that is as deeply rooted in politics as Christianity. You can no more have an intelligent discussion or debate on politics and completely disregard your faith than I can. In fact, if you take a close and honest look at it, atheism requires a much greater leap of faith than any Christian, Hindu, or Buddist.
Since faith comes first and foremost for people who believe, it cannot be separated from politics. I believe that God would want people to empower themselves and for those who have it to give money and time to useful charities and people who really need it. As such, conservatism fits better than anything out there, but it's not perfect.
ToyoHabu said:And this is why I fear the only way this will end is in bloodshed. We will see in the United States and elsewhere like we are seeing now with secular west fighting fundamental Islam in battle. The founding fathers had a deep mistrust of religion in politics. For those who do not know most of the original colonies had state religions. The founding fathers of The USA recognized that in order to form a successful government religion MUST be taken out of politics or they feared and rightly so that America would see the bloody religious wars that had afflicted Europe for centuries. The framers in creating the constitution where very careful to remove the role of religion from the State without going as far as the Communist did to outlaw it. The hijacking of the conservative party by the religious right is a very dangerous development in the USA. The stated goal of this movement is the reversal of the exclusion of religion from the state and the creation of an theocracy and sets the stage for resumed religious warfare.
LouKY said:Again, we need to look at Faith versus Religion. What I'm trying to say is that your faith, whether Christianity, Buddism, or Atheism, or whatever, is such a fundamental part of who you are that you simply cannot separate faith from politics. Religion certainly can and should be.
LouKY said:Since faith in God comes first and foremost for people who believe, it cannot be separated from politics.
You didnt answer the main question, you redirected the debate. Who decides what is right and wrong? Answer the question. The majority? When majority rules, the rights of minorities are trampled. Don't believe it? Ask a black man.SupraCentral said:Well so much for this thread. I wanted to discuss rational politics, instead I got rabid fundamentalism... It's obvious that there can be no intellignet debate or discussion when one side accepts "because god said so" as the "fact" that all their positions proceed from.
In other words, I surmise that if I asked you to tell me what I would have to do to change your opnion, your answer would be something along the lines of "You can never convince me that I am wrong because I have faith" - therefore I see no point in continuing this.
D34DC311 said:then those people, dont need to be in politics. plain and simple
Keep faith and religion, out of political issues. Look whats happening over in the middle east that you all hate so much, they have religion running the government.
Nick M said:You didnt answer the main question, you redirected the debate. Who decides what is right and wrong? Answer the question. The majority? When majority rules, the rights of minorities are trampled. Don't believe it? Ask a black man.
MKIII VIXEN said:I do not understand the distaste for Christainity that is becoming more and more the main stream. How could you dislike people who teach love?
Don't impose your persoal morrality on me. Quite the double standard. If there was one thing the Lord can not stand it is a double standard. AKA, hypocrites.:3d_frown:The simple answer is the rational thoughts of free men.
Mans wickedness is so bad, human sacrifice, rape, murder, theivery, (liberal like self driven morrality) that he destroys mankind, and takes a breedable pair of each kind(not speciecs) on the Ark. As the rest of the creation is souless. So what.Book of Genesis 6:11-17, 7:11-24
God is unhappy with the wickedness of man and decides to do something about it. He kills every living thing on the face of the earth other than Noah's family and thereby makes himself the greatest mass murderer in history. - Hitler wasn't shit compared to this asshole...
Did you intentially lie, or are you lacking knowledge on this? I highly suggest you do not go misquoting scripture. You will be called on it. What it reallys says is if a man strikes his worker or maid and kills him, he shall surely be exectuted for sheding innocent blood. If he doesn't die he isn't punished. Only immoral slavery is forbidden. We still have slavery now. Every hear of prison? Abe's amendment outlawed immoral slavery only.Book of Exodus 21:20-21
With the Lord's approval, a slave may be beaten to death with no punishment for the perpetrator as long as the slave doesn't die too quickly. - He ain't no Abe Lincoln...
Leviticus 27:29
Human sacrifice is condoned. - But hey, that's ok, he's a loving god.
The Lord said:None devoted of men, shall be redeemed; but surely be put to death.
So first you say human sacrifice is wrong, then when these people are punished for it that is different? There is that H word again. The wrath of the Lord is great, no doubt.Numbers 25:4 (King James Version)
"And the Lord said unto Moses, take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the Lord against the sun ...." - Vlad Tepes had nothing on your god...
How do you say 10-13, when you put in one verse? My advise is don't copy and paste from athiest sources. They are trying to sway you with incomplete statements. What it really says is, when you meet up with other countries who wish to fight, then make peace. And they will be your servants. If they chose no peace and fight, then take it to them. As you pointed out. The Lord told the world through Israel, if you will not live by the law, you will die by it. Crimes have punishment.Deuteronomy 21:10-13
With the Lord's approval, the Israelites are allowed to take "beautiful women" from the enemy camp to be their captive wives. If, after sexual relations, the husband has "no delight" in his wife, he can simply let her go. - Slap them ho bitches - your god might make a good South East LA rapper...
And these are the types of people that Israeli army gave those beat downs too. What is your point? That this should go unpunished? This is described in the Bible as a horrible crime. So don't just take things out of context.Judges 19:22-29
A group of sexual depraved men beat on the door of an old man's house demanding that he turn over to them a male house guest. Instead, the old man offers his virgin daughter and his guest's concubine (or wife): "Behold, here are my virgin daughter and his concubine; let me bring them out now. Ravish them and do with them what seems good to you; but against this man do not do so vile a thing." The man's concubine is ravished and dies. The man then cuts her body into twelve pieces and sends one piece to each of the twelve tribes of Israel. - Ho 'dem bitches out yo!
Then do it, and I will tell the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey says. See you took things out of context, or the author did, or other things evil people did and say the Lord did it. Please go on.That's a small sampling from very small section of the old testament. And the new testament, albiet lighter of heart, still contains similar atrocities. I could go on for pages and pages. However this is enough to give a good example of what you want to use as the holy guide for determination of what is right and wrong. Remember, you stated this is your gods word, not the words of the people who wrote it down. Your god is infallible, so all of this is 100% true. He knows when the smallest bird falls, correct? I'm sure he can be sure that the book is properly edited.
While on the subject. John 3:16 is nice. 3:18 is not nice. So you can add that to your quotes.For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever beleiveth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 If you don't beleive, then thats between you and God, but I personally do not want to hear the words "I knew you not".
MKIII VIXEN said:I think we need more people of faith in politics. If a person beleives that there is an ultimate consequence for their actions, (by this I mean hell) rather than it's ok, as long as I don't get caught, then wouldn't there be a little less corruption?
MKIII VIXEN said:You can call me a Bible thumper, a fanactic, or anything else that you might relate to a Christain, that's ok, because I live in a country that allows me to live out loud. I will share my beliefs with anyone who is interested and offer the word to anyone who wants to listen because, " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever beleiveth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 If you don't beleive, then thats between you and God, but I personally do not want to hear the words "I knew you not".
I do not understand the distaste for Christainity that is becoming more and more the main stream. How could you dislike people who teach love?
Jesus said " For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." John13:15.
God bless you and Jesus loves you. Even when you don't return the sentiment.
If I offended anyone it was not my intent.
Supracentral said:Book of Genesis 6:11-17, 7:11-24
God is unhappy with the wickedness of man and decides to do something about it. He kills every living thing on the face of the earth other than Noah's family and thereby makes himself the greatest mass murderer in history. - Hitler wasn't shit compared to this asshole...