Meh, there are some problems on both sides of the fence here - actually, more than two sides, for that matter.
Canadian government has it's own problems - like the fact that 1 in 3 people in Canada work for the government, when the place could be run by 1 in 10 without any loss in services.
Jesus didn't die to save every human being ever, or if he did, he wasted a good portion of his death, as only 33% of the world population follows the Christian faith, and a large portion of that is Roman Catholic or strictly Sunday worshippers, i.e., riding the fastlane to the hot place after death anyhow.
As for the evolution fans, we still can't quite prove evolution either, and even if we could, that wouldn't prove much - any being powerful enough to create life, the universe, and everything is more than capable of using or manipulating evolutionary processes to do it.
Back to the creation theory - I can't have faith in a book that's been manipulated by the church for as long as the Bible has been. I'm sure some of it is still accurate, however, I'm just as sure that a large portion has been rewritten to make the church an indispensable part of the Christian world's faith. Think on this: If Jesus wrote a book that said the church should have no part in your relationship with God, and the Pope got his mitts on it, do you think the rest of the world would ever see it again? I'm not just making this up out of whole cloth either, there is some history to be found there.
Back to the evolution group. Don't rule out the presence of a higher power than mankind, just because there is no logical proof for it. There's no logical proof for a lot of things, and while we like to think we understand the universe pretty damn fine, our grandparents thought the same thing, and a good portion of their theories have since been proven wrong, so logic dictates that a good portion of ours will be as well.
Creation - dammit, I had another point, but I lost it on my desk somewhere.
Bill Gatesism is a bad idea. He inflicted Windows Millenium on us, and what did we do to deserve that? Actually, come to think of it, now he's starting to sound like a diety, if you've ever read Job.
I like the ideas behind the original American constitution. It's my opinion that the goverment strayed from those ideals many decades ago, which is unfortunate, but, well, nobody is perfect.
PS: I show up as a Libertarian on that test, and I don't believe in saving the folks who OD on their drug of choice - and this isn't an easy thing for me to say, if it weren't for the medical system here, I'd have lost several close relatives and many more friends. That said, I still think we would live in a better world without them. And where the dickens do you find taxpayer funded ambulances in the USA? We have to pay for them in Communist Canada, so I'm sure they rake you guys over down there... will they even pick you up from an accident scene without an authorized Visa / Mastercard / Amex reciept or a full credit check?