My fellow americans... (Warning: US Politics)


New Member
Jul 14, 2005
Nick M said:
Still waiting for a libertarian to answer. You realize this is a trick question, and I will shred your answer.

i posted my answer right near your question, i think no if your dumb (or whatever you may call it) to do that much of any drug at a time then you deserve to die. so definately don't send a tax payers ambulance

on the same point i don't think certain crimes should be punished by life w/o parole since i don't want to pay taxes to feed/clothe/keep well any criminal so for violent crimes i also think you should get a set time or death. depending on severity



pearl white
Jan 16, 2006
Supracentral so your telling us if one person doing pcp in one house minding his own business is ok, but when one other does it and goes on a rampage that its not a good idea to make drug useage illegal? i know somebody else said this, but i want to know if you agree. just because one person can do it fine does mean everbody can so its ruined for everbody by one.

aids has been spread by homosexuals for the last 20 years and by children having unprotected premaritial sex. if children were brought up by parents that have morals similar to the "bibles". another problem would have never happened.
one more thing. if you think God is so hard to believe in, do you not think that us living in a giant wide open space that just happened to have a collision and somehow at some point a giant rock was created by gravity and began to orbit a round a big ball of fire just perfectly far enough away that it wouldnt be to hot or to cold. Then we form an atomospere only because we have an iron core. then after billions of years another crazy coincedince happens that small life form developes and then evolves into the most complicated animal on earth. No i dont freaking think so. were not even animals. theres one big difference between animals and humans we have a conconsius. we are very special and just didnt come from animals or any other crazy theory. all of these crazy theories and coincedinces are no more hard to believe than some story that only happend 2000 years ago with more than enough archealogical evidence to coincide with it.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
This was just brought to my attention.. I thought it was interesting... :) Not saying it is factual one way or another..Just something I read...

1.Bill gates through his child immunization program, has saved more lives than Jesus by far (or any other person)
2.He's a democrat!
3.He has fed more people than Jesus (through the bill and melinda gates foundation)
4.He provides more jobs than Jesus did (Jewish carpenter...please!)
It would make much more sense to worship Bill than a imaginary all powerfull god.




Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
87supraturbo19 said:
Supracentral so your telling us if one person doing pcp in one house minding his own business is ok, but when one other does it and goes on a rampage that its not a good idea to make drug useage illegal? i know somebody else said this, but i want to know if you agree. just because one person can do it fine does mean everbody can so its ruined for everbody by one.

Let's forget pcp and discuss the legal drug alchohol and how we handle that. Let's paraphrase your questions. If one person in a house getting drunk minding his own business is ok, what about the guy who goes out and drives? Should we make alchohol illegal? As a matter of fact, if we make the car illegal it fixes that problem too, no? What about street racing? Should we outlaw your Supra? It's a fast car, fast cars race, right? What about a guy that runs around and stabs someone with a fork? Should we make the fork illegal?

The "rampage" you describe is already illegal, as is drunk driving and stabbing people with a fork. Prosecute the criminal act, not the possession or use of a substance or object.

87supraturbo19 said:
aids has been spread by homosexuals for the last 20 years and by children having unprotected premaritial sex. if children were brought up by parents that have morals similar to the "bibles". another problem would have never happened.

Wow.. you are amazingly ignorant of the facts. Please read up on some things before you post like this. Do you really think "good christain" households don't turn out gay children? Do some research and get back to me with the numbers. Not sound bites from politicians either, facts please.

Additonally, shared needles have become the primary mode of AIDS transmission in the U.S. (approximately 3,500 new cases/year), not homosexuals.

As for creationisim, I'm not debating that with you. Creationism is not empirically testable. This stems from the fact that creationism violates a basic premise of science, naturalism. Because creationism relies on supernatural entities, not only is it not testable, it is not even describable. Creationism provides no model that can be used for making predictions, it provides no scientific problems for scientists to work on, it does not provide a paradigm for solving other problems unless you consider "God did it" to be a satisfactory explanation for everything.

I don't consider that explanation plausible, we have little to discuss on this topic.


sucka got blammed!
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
87supraturbo19 said:
Supracentral so your telling us if one person doing pcp in one house minding his own business is ok, but when one other does it and goes on a rampage that its not a good idea to make drug useage illegal? i know somebody else said this, but i want to know if you agree. just because one person can do it fine does mean everbody can so its ruined for everbody by one.
i'm not saying this is what he means, but what I think he meant was that you can use it, but should be held responsible for what happens while you are under the influence. That means if you lock yourself in a padded room and crack yourself out you're fine because your not really going to hurt anyone or anything.

As far as the ambulance issue, we already pay for paramedics to take a 21 year old to the hospital when the amount of alcohol in his blood is near fatal, so what makes another form of substance abuse different if it were to be legalized?

aids has been spread by homosexuals for the last 20 years and by children having unprotected premaritial sex. if children were brought up by parents that have morals similar to the "bibles". another problem would have never happened.

...and if people just quit having sex period a great multitude of the world's problems would be solved when humanity dies out. Not only that, but aids is also spread between married couples and even has a possiblity of infecting the child. If that child lives to be old enough to marry and have kids, boom the chain keeps going. I don't think aids cares if your married, unmarried, homosexual, or strait.

one more thing. if you think God is so hard to believe in, do you not think that us living in a giant wide open space that just happened to have a collision and somehow at some point a giant rock was created by gravity and began to orbit a round a big ball of fire just perfectly far enough away that it wouldnt be to hot or to cold. Then we form an atomospere only because we have an iron core. then after billions of years another crazy coincedince happens that small life form developes and then evolves into the most complicated animal on earth.
I'm going to go out on a limb past my own beliefs here, but do you believe that if 4,000,000,000,000 six sided die were shaken and thrown at once, that they would have absolutely no chance whatsoever of landing on the same number? I believe that something, somewhere created us, but I never completely rule out the possiblity that I'm wrong and everything we know is, in fact, one big coincidence.

No i dont freaking think so. were not even animals. theres one big difference between animals and humans we have a conconsius. we are very special and just didnt come from animals or any other crazy theory.
your reasoning and any supporting proof?

all of these crazy theories and coincedinces are no more hard to believe than some story that only happend 2000 years ago with more than enough archealogical evidence to coincide with it.
so you say that since we really have no way to prove or disprove anything short of man-written literature that most theories are just as credible as the next? Does this make my relation to the dice roll stand on equal ground as say, creation?

I'm about midway into the Libertarian range on the quiz...I try to keep what I believe to be my political standing (as little effect as it has right now, I'm not even old enough to vote!) and moral/religious views as far away from the debate, so It's not likely you're going to piss me off or offend me should you happen to disagree.


pearl white
Jan 16, 2006
Additonally, shared needles have become the primary mode of AIDS transmission in the U.S. (approximately 3,500 new cases/year), not homosexuals. once again an unmoral act the bible prohibits.

no good lawful households with christian influence dont turn out gays. bible teachs not to surround your self with bad influences. if there parents would have controlled who they hang around with it would have never happened. homosexuals are made not born.


sucka got blammed!
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
87supraturbo19 said:
Additonally, shared needles have become the primary mode of AIDS transmission in the U.S. (approximately 3,500 new cases/year), not homosexuals. once again an unmoral act the bible prohibits.
I'm with supracentral on this one, you cannot begin to argue the subject of morality when one person cites everything from a 2000 year old book written by people just like us and morals formed from one's own experiences and observations. Hell you can't really argue it anyway because it's purely subjective and thus has no "right" or "wrong" definition.

87supraturbo19 said:
no good lawful households with christian influence dont turn out gays. bible teachs not to surround your self with bad influences. if there parents would have controlled who they hang around with it would have never happened. homosexuals are made not born.

so how do you expect parents to prepare thier kids to deal with real-world situations involving these "bad influences" if they are never exposed to them? Do you think there going to role play in the livingroom as a drug dealer and honestly expect it to work? You cannot simply "shut off" the real world from people and suddenly expect them to know how to deal with certain situations when they were never told anything but "don't be around these people because they do ___". That will, 99.9% of the time, lead the individual to believe that one who does, or associates with "___" is a bad individual and should not be trusted or talked to. That's what's called stereotyping, and I leave it up to you to decide if that's morally right or wrong. I've seen exactly what you're describing, and it's what lead to me losing a VERY good friend of mine when he found out I had tried pot...even though I had known him for years he still shunned me because he was taught that all people who do things like that are "bad people"

edit: one more thing, you seem to relate homosexuals to being "bad influences". Just giving you some warning here that could get a few people pretty offended.
Last edited:


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV

The political description that
fits you best is...

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 100%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 100%.


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
i did score libratarian. 70% in both. i would have voted badnerik last election, but alas, i was only 17. :3d_frown:

i do not however condone the possesion and usage of all controled substances. heroin, cocaine, crack, pcp, opium, lsd, and crank should NEVER be legalized under ANY circumstances! i hate crack heads! :icon_mad: :icon_mad: :icon_mad:

in my opinion marijuana is safer less harmfull to your health than alcohol.

as for this test, i have gone through almost every combo posible and have found that you can reach every extreem. this should proove that the test is not rigged in any direction.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Joel W. said:
This was just brought to my attention.. I thought it was interesting... :) Not saying it is factual one way or another..Just something I read...

1.Bill gates through his child immunization program, has saved more lives than Jesus by far (or any other person)
2.He's a democrat!
3.He has fed more people than Jesus (through the bill and melinda gates foundation)
4.He provides more jobs than Jesus did (Jewish carpenter...please!)
It would make much more sense to worship Bill than a imaginary all powerfull god.


Joel, definitely something to think about, but easily put to bed:

1. Jesus died to save every single one of us - so far more than 10 billion that are here now or have lived and died before us.
2. Jesus is far too wise to allow himself to be defined by modern politics. He is neither republican nor democrat, but would certainly have a hard time with a lot of what the liberals believe and some of what some conservatives believe.
3. As fully God (and creator of the universe) as much as fully man, Jesus can take credit for feeding every person who has ever existed.
4. See #3.

Consider this: If you doubt, and I believe, then one of us has got to be wrong. If I'm wrong then I have wasted energy going to church, trying to live my life by some wise words by any definition, and at worst was a dick for trying to stomp on a few personal rights, but only for as long as I live. What if you're wrong in not believing? You can see why I place my bet where I do...

Nick, I am in full agreement with you on a bunch of topics, not the least of which is that the survey was very LOADED. You can twist any set of questions to sway the person surveyed to your liking, so it is with honor that I am a "Conservative Libertarian" according to this "survey", which means that I am a conservative by normal U.S. standards. In reality, I support the concept of "Kurtopia", but that is definitely a topic for it's own thread.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
LouKY said:
Joel, definitely something to think about, but easily put to bed:

1. Jesus died to save every single one of us - so far more than 10 billion that are here now or have lived and died before us.
2. Jesus is far too wise to allow himself to be defined by modern politics. He is neither republican nor democrat, but would certainly have a hard time with a lot of what the liberals believe and some of what some conservatives believe.
3. As fully God (and creator of the universe) as much as fully man, Jesus can take credit for feeding every person who has ever existed.
4. See #3.

Consider this: If you doubt, and I believe, then one of us has got to be wrong. If I'm wrong then I have wasted energy going to church, trying to live my life by some wise words by any definition, and at worst was a dick for trying to stomp on a few personal rights, but only for as long as I live. What if you're wrong in not believing? You can see why I place my bet where I do...

No offense here but I can not argue this because I can not win against your faith/religion beliefs. Better for us to just agree to disagree here. :)

I am happy that you believe in god if it makes you feel better..No problems here.. I have looked at both sides and made up my own mind a long, long, long time ago..

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Joel W. said:
No offense here but I can not argue this because I can not win against your faith/religion beliefs. Better for us to just agree to disagree here. :)

I am happy that you believe in god if it makes you feel better..No problems here.. I have looked at both sides and made up my own mind a long, long, long time ago..

Fair enough, but I'll still hope you change your mind :)

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
To be honest, I am spiritual, as in I think there is something truly miraculous and amazing that all of "this stuff we call life" is happening now and we are lucky enough to be here to enjoy it...

As for why are we here questions, I am still looking for the answer.. "Kids" seems to be the best answer I have found yet...


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
religion should not be a part of politics!, but it is.

i beilive that jesus was a real person, but he was not a miracle worker.

god exists only in the minds of thoes who believe in him.

evolution is feasible and can be prooven, creationism can not.

religion was created to explain why we are what we are.

if religion makes you feel like you have a reason to be, thats fine; just don't force it on me.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
When I answered for American Liberal Democrats, this is the score they gave.
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 40%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 0%.
(Please note: Scores falling on the Centrist border are counted as Centrist.)

And when I answered as a moderate they score it...
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 60%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 90%.
(Please note: Scores falling on the Centrist border are counted as Centrist.)

And the best possible answers for me, to incomplete questions came out conservative.
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 40%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 80%.

See it isn't "black and white", it is right and wrong. And each issue is seperate from another. It is good to give charity. It is bad for the government to give charity. You can not supply one standard to all ethical questions. When you say "black and white" it allows immoral people to say it is a "gray area". Right and wrong.

Jesus certainly isn't a Democrat or Republican. But the conservative party is modeled directly to his teaching.

Jesus said:
If a man won't work, he isn't allowed to eat.

That pretty much sums it up.

evolution is feasible and can be prooven, creationism can not.
Creation, not creationism. That is a loaded word, like marxism, nazism, or other ideals that people believe in, but are opinions. I challenge to you a two way debate in a different thread to prove your point. The debate will be scientific support for macro evolution, which of course there isn't any vs the idea that the earth is young, and the fossil record only shows complex life from the get go.


driven to thrill
Jul 23, 2005

CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government

control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on

the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention

and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.

Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind,

tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what

they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

so, is this good?


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Meh, there are some problems on both sides of the fence here - actually, more than two sides, for that matter.

Canadian government has it's own problems - like the fact that 1 in 3 people in Canada work for the government, when the place could be run by 1 in 10 without any loss in services.

Jesus didn't die to save every human being ever, or if he did, he wasted a good portion of his death, as only 33% of the world population follows the Christian faith, and a large portion of that is Roman Catholic or strictly Sunday worshippers, i.e., riding the fastlane to the hot place after death anyhow. ;)

As for the evolution fans, we still can't quite prove evolution either, and even if we could, that wouldn't prove much - any being powerful enough to create life, the universe, and everything is more than capable of using or manipulating evolutionary processes to do it.

Back to the creation theory - I can't have faith in a book that's been manipulated by the church for as long as the Bible has been. I'm sure some of it is still accurate, however, I'm just as sure that a large portion has been rewritten to make the church an indispensable part of the Christian world's faith. Think on this: If Jesus wrote a book that said the church should have no part in your relationship with God, and the Pope got his mitts on it, do you think the rest of the world would ever see it again? I'm not just making this up out of whole cloth either, there is some history to be found there.

Back to the evolution group. Don't rule out the presence of a higher power than mankind, just because there is no logical proof for it. There's no logical proof for a lot of things, and while we like to think we understand the universe pretty damn fine, our grandparents thought the same thing, and a good portion of their theories have since been proven wrong, so logic dictates that a good portion of ours will be as well.

Creation - dammit, I had another point, but I lost it on my desk somewhere.

Bill Gatesism is a bad idea. He inflicted Windows Millenium on us, and what did we do to deserve that? Actually, come to think of it, now he's starting to sound like a diety, if you've ever read Job.

I like the ideas behind the original American constitution. It's my opinion that the goverment strayed from those ideals many decades ago, which is unfortunate, but, well, nobody is perfect.

PS: I show up as a Libertarian on that test, and I don't believe in saving the folks who OD on their drug of choice - and this isn't an easy thing for me to say, if it weren't for the medical system here, I'd have lost several close relatives and many more friends. That said, I still think we would live in a better world without them. And where the dickens do you find taxpayer funded ambulances in the USA? We have to pay for them in Communist Canada, so I'm sure they rake you guys over down there... will they even pick you up from an accident scene without an authorized Visa / Mastercard / Amex reciept or a full credit check? ;)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Supracentral said:
Negative. I am my own god. I don't steal. I don't murder. And I don't need some 2000 year old work of fiction to tell me so. I am a functioning human being. And as long as this basic disagreement exists between the two of us, there can be no rational discussion. You postulate an invisible man in the sky that *I* don't believe exists, therefore we can't have a sane discussion.

Actually, athiesm is a rejection of the diety. Don't worry, you reject him, he rejects you in the afterlife. No hard feelings.

What exactly are you trying to say? No one wants to stop your religion, I just don't want it running my government. Nor do I want Allah, Buddah or enforced atheiesim. Your religion has no place in law. Period.
Not true. The ACLU has stood with libertarian politicians like liberals, that try to stop voluntary praryer in public schools.

Ok, and where do you get this from? You guys are the ones who want prayer in schools, the ten commandments in a court house. You are trying to make the schools & the government YOUR church. Want prayer in school, send your kid to a private school that teaches your faith. I applaud you if you do so, stick to what you believe, but don't legislate it.
This doesn't really even need to be addressed as it is so far off. Congress can not make you go to church. You do not have to have prayer in school. But you can not stop others. Even though Thomas Jefferson recommended the Bible as the schools reading book.

I'm not a Liberal. If you are going to insult me, at least be accurate.

I am my own god.....imply put, as long as you aren't harming another consenting adult without thier expressed permission, the law has no right to interfere.
Your post says otherwise. A very big liberal trait is that an individual choses what he or she believes to be correct.

I don't do drugs, I don't even drink.
Good for you.

So you can take your self righteous b.s. and stuff it.
I don't believe I ever said I was righteous. In fact, far from it.
But it's not MY right or YOUR right to dictate to people what they do.
So anything goes?

Simply put, as long as you aren't harming another consenting adult without thier expressed permission, the law has no right to interfere.
Yep, I guess so. What is harming another adult? Let us explore this point if you will. You know, what is right, what is wrong. And who says it is right and wrong, and under what authority?

If you believe that the only acceptable way to have sex is between a man and a woman who are married, practice that.
While my wife is the only person I have sex with, that isn't the conservative position. If you are married, that is your family. Don't destroy it. It destorys the fabric of decent society. When Bill Clinton was president, Jay Leno cracked jokes about how dishonesty means nothing. (and now liberals say Bush lied-hypocrites). And Leno cracks jokes about adultry. Just don't question the US divorce rate. But anyway, the conservative position is Biblical. If you are married, only have sex with that person. If you are single, don't have sex with a married person. If you have sex with a virgin, and don't marry her, you owe her dad for the price of the wedding(dowry of virigins). That is the conservative Biblical position. Not catholic, baptist, methodist, or some religion mind you. I do not speak for religous people.

And if the guy next door believes that he can screw anyone anytime he feels, as long as they agree to it, what gives YOU the right to say differently? He's not hurting anyone, he's not violating ANYONES rights, but you feel you should have a say.
I am truly sorry you really feel this way. I hope nobody tries to take your wife behind your back.

What about the Jews? Islam? Buddhists? Hindu's? Do they count?
What about them? I have stated I am Chrisian. Do you not know the relationship to Jesus and Jews? This isn't sarcasm, I will explain it if you need.

Islam, Judeo Christianity, and Judiasm are not the same, but intertwined.
Do you feel that your religion is the only one that is right?
I do not follow a religion. Religion is cerimonies, man searching and reaching for answers, rituals etc. Christianity is the only "religion" that isnt a religion. It is simply faith. Jesus said believe in me and confess with your mouth(or keyboard:biglaugh: ) and you will be saved. Not rituals and sacrements, or whatever. Now sects are religious. Many catholics, lutherans, methodists, etc, all actually are religous.