My 1991 Jay Blue Supra


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
gtsfirefighter;1210948 said:
Tomorrow morning after I get home from work we are heading out on another roadtrip to Kentucky, not in the supra. The whole family is going so not enough room.

The car is still running good but not without some concerning issues though. The day after I took it on it's little road trip, I was leaving work and the birdcage lit up a couple of times going around corners. This means I'm still loosing coolant...somewhere. I have not seen a puddle under the car since that one time I mentioned ealier. I don't know where it's going but it goes very slow and scares me a little.

Second thing is I am beginning to think the machine shop did not do a very good job installing the valve guides on the valves they reseated. My car has begun to smoke rather badly upon start up every morning, or just when it has sat for a few hours. It then clears up and is ok. I haven't noticed any smoke while boosting.

I guess I'll just start saving $$$ to do an eventual rebuild or swap of somekind. For now it runs good and I may just drive like this for as long as possible. Valve guides can be replaced with the head on the block right? I know you can use compressed air to hold the valves in place with some vehicles. I may explore that avenue. I've also got to get that damn carrier bearing fixed. It drives me crazy!!!

This is very sad to hear Ken...:3d_frown: She should hold out for TX2K9 and longer though. Your on stock boost right? Save the money and one day you should rebuild her fully! Check your oil often so you do not develop rod knock like I did... :3d_frown:


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Bluechulappa;1211143 said:
This is very sad to hear Ken...:3d_frown: She should hold out for TX2K9 and longer though. Your on stock boost right? Save the money and one day you should rebuild her fully! Check your oil often so you do not develop rod knock like I did... :3d_frown:

you mean actually have oil in the oil pan :icon_razz i think a new dipstick is in order for ken as well.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Bluechulappa;1211143 said:
This is very sad to hear Ken...:3d_frown: She should hold out for TX2K9 and longer though. Your on stock boost right? Save the money and one day you should rebuild her fully! Check your oil often so you do not develop rod knock like I did... :3d_frown:

I'm crossing my fingers it'll hold out for Houston. I mean, it runs really really good, just those two subjects concern me. It is and shall remain on stock boost for now. I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that the engine will need to come out again eventually but I'm happy to drive it the way it is now. I'll start saving up some $$$ for an engine and turbo rebuild after the first of the year.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
LilMissMkIII;1211233 said:
Sorry to hear about the issues Ken... My fingers are crossed she holds tight until TX for you :)

It's gonna make it Kristel/ He's just gotta build his 7M confidence. It takes a while. I just got outta that stage.

You should have some saggy boobs for posts like these.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Greetings from Bowling Green Kentucky!

I just took a tour at the National Corvette Museum. I'll have some pics up later on in the week when I'm back home. The plant is closed until March so I couldn't see one assembled but DAMN there were some nice cars there.

It almost made me consider getting rid of the supra. Almost.;)


Supramania Contributor
gtsfirefighter;1210948 said:
The car is still running good but not without some concerning issues though. The day after I took it on it's little road trip, I was leaving work and the birdcage lit up a couple of times going around corners. This means I'm still loosing coolant...somewhere. I have not seen a puddle under the car since that one time I mentioned ealier. I don't know where it's going but it goes very slow and scares me a little.

Second thing is I am beginning to think the machine shop did not do a very good job installing the valve guides on the valves they reseated. My car has begun to smoke rather badly upon start up every morning, or just when it has sat for a few hours. It then clears up and is ok. I haven't noticed any smoke while boosting.

Here's a stab in the dark for your mystery coolant leak. Did you inspect the large hex bolt (plug) under the egr cooler. I remember reading somewhere that somebody had a mystery coolant leak that they couldn't figure out. Only after they did a bhg repair and they replaced the egr cooler gasket did they find that the hex plug was leaking coolant. Maybe the smoke at start up comes from pooling coolant when the hot egr gasses first hit it until the coolant evaporates.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
whowouldfigga;1213532 said:
Here's a stab in the dark for your mystery coolant leak. Did you inspect the large hex bolt (plug) under the egr cooler. I remember reading somewhere that somebody had a mystery coolant leak that they couldn't figure out. Only after they did a bhg repair and they replaced the egr cooler gasket did they find that the hex plug was leaking coolant. Maybe the smoke at start up comes from pooling coolant when the hot egr gasses first hit it until the coolant evaporates.

I would have never thought of that! I had the head machined and four valves reseated. I replaced the egr cooler gasket when I got it back. How in the hell would I check that???? If it's leaking that might explain why I found the puddle in such a peculiar place. It would have to run down the bellhousings and then off the tranny.

As for the smoke on start up, I'm relatively sure it's a bad valve guide(s).


Supramania Contributor
The member with the disappearing coolant couldn't find the leak on the floor or outside of the engine.. He only mentioned that the coolant level would drop. If the plug is leaking can it get out past the egr cooler gasket and drip on the floor? I don't know.
That's why I mention the smoke on start up with the coolant pooling inside the egr system. Here's my theory. Coolant slowly leaks and pools while the car is off. You start the car and super hot gases hit the pooled coolant and you get smoke. After the engine is running for a while the coolant doesn't have a chance to pool. The super hot gasses from the egr would instantly evaporate or turn a small leak or drip from the plug into steam. No smoke.
The kind of smoke could tell you something. I need a valve job myself and when I start the car up first thing in the morning I get a puff of blue smoke with a burnt oil or woody smell.
By the way I'm a noob so take my advise with a grain of salt. Consult a senior member. Hope it helps.
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SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States

Went to the Corvette Museum while in Bowling Green KY. More pics at


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Here's a video of me starting the car up for the first time in over a week. What you'll see is typical even if just sitting overnight. It was fairly warm this morning so the car did not stutter like it does on cold mornings.
The oily cardboard was from before the HG job when it leaked oil very badly from the valve covers.
The smoke annoys me.