My 1991 Jay Blue Supra


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
That bracket that hangs the downpipe off the tranny crossmember is required... unless you want the downpipe to break at the flex section (I speak from experience)


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Poodles;1201757 said:
That bracket that hangs the downpipe off the tranny crossmember is required... unless you want the downpipe to break at the flex section (I speak from experience)

Waaaaay to hungover to care about it right now. It's on my list of many things to do. If it breaks, then I might see a BIC in my future.;)


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Today's "blog" entry:

I parked the car yesterday back at the other house and brought my truck home. I've actually missed my truck. The new house we live in is in a compact neighborhood and I'm not wanting three vehicles there, for now.

Some funny things about my car:

I know the CSI is bad or dirty. It does not like cold weather and the car stutters bad for a few seconds after it finally cranks. It'll spew some white smoke for a few seconds too. It does not smell like oil or antifreeze. It almost smells like a lean fuel burnt smell. It's all good after a few seconds.

My auto tranny is seems to want to hunt when it's cold too. That wierd fluid squishy sound I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe, is coming from the tranny. If yall recall, while trying to mate the engine and tranny, I knocked the tranny off my little stand (about 8-10 inches high off the ground) and the torque converter popped out and rolled down the driveway. Funny, but not funny. I really like my auto but I've been seriously contemplating saving up to do a 5-speed swap.

I've noticed my overflow reservior getting low. No birdcage but one day it's at the "hot" level and then the next it's just a little below the "cold" level. Level checked after driving a while so engine is at normal operating temp. I added some more coolant. I really need to do a compression test but having to do anything on the top of the engine is a real pain in the ass.
Crappy weather coming up this week so when it improves I'll probably do that along with a retorque on my arp bolts.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
White smoke is normal in the cold, my car seems to do it more than other cars I've driven and owned, no idea why.

Does the tranny do that only when cold?

I think your car is just getting all the air out of the system still, don't worry too much about the coolant unless it's constantly happening.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Poodles;1202743 said:
White smoke is normal in the cold, my car seems to do it more than other cars I've driven and owned, no idea why.

It's not that kind of smoke. Immediately after starting it'll puff out a cloud and it smells like burnt fuel, and I don't me a clean burn. It's hard to describe. It goes away after a few seconds and then the steamy, "it's cold outside" exhaust appears. I don't know if the CSI is dumping too much fuel or what. I might try to get a video of it.

Poodles;1202743 said:
Does the tranny do that only when cold?

Yeah and usually while decelerating slowly. Yesterday morning it did it taking off from a standstill. Personally, I have never liked how this auto shifts, but after the TC locks up and it's cruising it's soooo nice.:icon_bigg

Poodles;1202743 said:
I think your car is just getting all the air out of the system still, don't worry too much about the coolant unless it's constantly happening.

That's what I keep telling myself and it makes me feel better for a little while.:biglaugh: That's more than likely the reason. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow and drive it some more and I'll be paying very close attention to the level.

Another thing that bothers the hell out of me is the damn temp guage. When running it always sits at the exact halfway mark. It did that before the hg repair too. But when I kill it and just turn the key to the on position, the needle will be just below the halfway mark where all my others supras were when running. I know it doesn't cool off that quick in less than five seconds.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
My white car always ran at that level Ken. I think it is in the gauge itself. The CSI is not too big of a PAI. Pull it, and clean it. Just get yourself some new crush washers for it before you do. That hose does not have much play though, and it's tough to get the threads to line up sometimes. I wonder if the drift motion hose is any longer? The braided steel bling is not enough for me to bite on it, but extra length might be.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Possible stuck injector could cause that puff. CSI not spraying but dripping might as well. Betcha it smells like when you stall the car out from a vented BOV and then start it back up (it's BAD, makes your eyes burn LOL).

Your tranny issues might be cable and/or TPS related.

Yeah, you're going to work air out of the system, especially in this weather while using the heat. My car used to run about 1/4 of the way up the gauge with the old t-stat, but it also spiked a few times, so I put a new Toyota one in and it warms up faster and stays right at 1/2 point. So I'd say it's fine and not to worry about it.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
ForcedTorque;1202901 said:
My white car always ran at that level Ken. I think it is in the gauge itself. The CSI is not too big of a PAI. Pull it, and clean it. Just get yourself some new crush washers for it before you do. That hose does not have much play though, and it's tough to get the threads to line up sometimes. I wonder if the drift motion hose is any longer? The braided steel bling is not enough for me to bite on it, but extra length might be.

Well you and Poodles have made me feel better about the gauge.

As far as the CSI line, I'm not into the bling either.

Poodles;1202932 said:
Possible stuck injector could cause that puff. CSI not spraying but dripping might as well. Betcha it smells like when you stall the car out from a vented BOV and then start it back up (it's BAD, makes your eyes burn LOL).

Today I started it up and it had been sitting outside and of course it's in the 20's here. When it cranked up there was this horrible loud sound on the intake side that sounded like too much pressure trying to go through too small of an opening. It lasted for about 2-3 seconds. It's done it twice before when it was real cold outside. It smoked for about 10 seconds after it started. Same stinky shit. I don't know the smell you describe Poo but I strongly suspect it's fuel related. When it warms up and I have some time I'll pull the CSI and clean it up real good. I think I've got the crush washers and gasket. I think they were part of HG kit.

Now onto the coolant issue. After I started it I was running around the house letting the car run for a little while and when I walked out into the garage I noticed a puddle of coolant under the car. The puddle was located on the drivers side almost under the passenger compartment, you know, where there are no hoses. So this means the leak is coming from somewhere obscure and running down a wire or other hose. It can't be fucking simple. I looked all over and could not see where it came from. The only water lines I did not replace were the ones on and under the intake. They looked good. I'm wondering if I have a bad connection somewhere. The puddle was not that big but I suspect this is why my coolant level is slowly dropping.

On a lighter note, the transmission shifted great today and the car is absolutely flawless cruising down the road. Straight as an arrow and smooth (except for the carrier bearing issue). That alone makes everything worth it. ;)


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Ken, A very small leak could be the cause of your gurgling sound as well. For water to drop, it has to be displaced by something. That something is air! This causes your gurgle, and probably enough pressure to force coolant out of the reservoir. It could also have been the cause of the BHG to begin with. Check the firewall , where the hose takes coolant into the heater core. It's on the driver's side directly behind where the steering wheel is. Mine was crushed inside the hose, and cause it to leak when under pressure. Now that winter is amongst us, I am starting to regret deleting the heat because of it.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
ForcedTorque;1203453 said:
Ken, A very small leak could be the cause of your gurgling sound as well. For water to drop, it has to be displaced by something. That something is air! This causes your gurgle, and probably enough pressure to force coolant out of the reservoir. It could also have been the cause of the BHG to begin with. Check the firewall , where the hose takes coolant into the heater core. It's on the driver's side directly behind where the steering wheel is. Mine was crushed inside the hose, and cause it to leak when under pressure. Now that winter is amongst us, I am starting to regret deleting the heat because of it.

I haven't heard the gurgling since after the first few days of having it running and the coolant level remained consistent up until a few days ago. Today is the first time a puddle has been left anywhere. It was probably a little more than an antifreeze jug capful. This leaked on a very cold start up. After driving around all day, I have not seen another puddle. I do have a jug of water/coolant mix in the back seat just in case.
I checked all the hoses that could be seen and did not see any leaking. Every hose attached to the engine is brand new also, well except the little ones on the TB and ISCV.

Can you "undelete" the heat? It is 25 degrees at my house right now! I just got back from Best Buy and I was nice and cozy inside my car with the auto thermostat set at 76.:icon_razz


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Gotta love turbo heat :D

Yep, I bet it's that hose that goes to the firewall there as well, but you'd have to do some investigating...


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
gtsfirefighter;1203568 said:
I haven't heard the gurgling since after the first few days of having it running and the coolant level remained consistent up until a few days ago. Today is the first time a puddle has been left anywhere. It was probably a little more than an antifreeze jug capful. This leaked on a very cold start up. After driving around all day, I have not seen another puddle. I do have a jug of water/coolant mix in the back seat just in case.
I checked all the hoses that could be seen and did not see any leaking. Every hose attached to the engine is brand new also, well except the little ones on the TB and ISCV.

Can you "undelete" the heat? It is 25 degrees at my house right now! I just got back from Best Buy and I was nice and cozy inside my car with the auto thermostat set at 76.:icon_razz

How about the cap on the side of the coolant rail? And the one the goes from the coolant rain to the firewall.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
JDMMA70;1203582 said:
How about the cap on the side of the coolant rail? And the one the goes from the coolant rain to the firewall.

My car doesn't have that capped off port on those metal coolant pipes...thankfully. The leak is on the other side of the car anyways.

The other you mentioned I will need to investigate further when it's above freezing outside! It's the wind that I hate more.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
gtsfirefighter;1203592 said:
My car doesn't have that capped off port on those metal coolant pipes...thankfully. The leak is on the other side of the car anyways.

The other you mentioned I will need to investigate further when it's above freezing outside! It's the wind that I hate more.

Lincoln had the same problem and found that his hose was cracked good luck ;)


New Member
Aug 27, 2005

Nice car!!

I have just run through some of this thread, this one looks like a keeper. You gotta love the 7M though, you spend more time looking at the temp gauge than the road:sarcasm:

I will be in Houston around TX2K9, will try to catch up then.



SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
yankiwi;1203861 said:

Nice car!!

I have just run through some of this thread, this one looks like a keeper. You gotta love the 7M though, you spend more time looking at the temp gauge than the road:sarcasm:

I will be in Houston around TX2K9, will try to catch up then.


Hey Craig, glad to see you're still lurking around when you're not Airbusing all over the Middle East!

I'm getting a tad more comfortable keeping my eyes on the road more with every passing day.

Hope to see ya around Houston in March.