My 1991 Jay Blue Supra


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Good luck getting it fired back up Ken. Hopefully everything will be perfect the first time with no codes or setbacks..............:x:


Supramania Contributor
I've got a question about your rad fan. I keep seeing a 7 blade radiator fan in the background pictures. I thought our turbo cars used 10 blade fans? It would really blow if the previous owner replaced the fan or clutch with the wrong one and you had a cooling problem.

Glad to see its coming back together. Is the bedroom door still locked?
Wish I had the time and skill to tear mine down and go over everything with the engine out of the car.
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SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
whowouldfigga;1183259 said:
I've got a question about your rad fan. I keep seeing a 7 blade radiator fan in the background pictures. I thought our turbo cars used 10 blade fans? It would really blow if the previous owner replaced the fan or clutch with the wrong one and you had a cooling problem.

Glad to see its coming back together. Is the bedroom door still locked?
Wish I had the time and skill to tear mine down and go over everything with the engine out of the car.

There's a bunch of crap in the background!:3d_frown:

That fan is from my 86.5 na. I'm going to use the clutch from it, which is good, to replace the clutch on my 91, which is bad. But yes, turbos came with a 10 blade fan.
Bedroom door is not locked but my wife does have a visitor this week.:icon_mad:

I have really had a bad day today. I took what was supposed to be a quick air ambulance transfer from Houston to Breckenridge (Tx). We picked up this poor man who was ate up with cancer and his wife from MD Anderson and were going to take him home for hospice care. A majority of our flights are this scenario. Sad, but that's life. Well this poor man passed away right after we landed. I had to inform his wife during the flight I did not think he was going to make it home and she became hysterical. It was a huge suprise she was not ready for...and neither was I. He was stable and awake when we left and deteriorated so fast. She thought that they had another few weeks to be together. In my line of work, death is part of it, but what I hate is them dying in my presence on board an airplane instead of at home surrounded by their family. He walked into MD Anderson less than two weeks ago. He was 69.

So that started my shitty day. I then had to deal with a collections company over a credit card my mom had. She died 6 years ago. They were actually trying to find my dad and called my mother in law and my house pretending to be a law firm stating they needed a statement from my dad. Nothing but losers work for collections agencies. Tomorrow I'm going to contact my lawyer and have them contact these piece of shit people. They all need to die and go to hell.

So then I had to go over to my mother in laws house and check on her truck, which had a dead battery. She is NOT my favorite person in the world and she talks, talks talks. Blah blah blah blah. So I didn't get a chance to get working on my car till almost 4:00 pm, which in Texas right now, only gives you 2 hours of daylight left.

I began to mate the tranny to the engine which proved to be a bitch in itself. I accidentally knocked the tranny off the little stand I had it on and the fucking torque converter popped out and rolled over the driveway gushing fluid the entire time. Then I couldn't get the damn thing back in right. I just know that freakin front seal is going to leak now.:icon_mad:

I was finally able to get it all back together so now it officially ready to go back in the car. Tomorrow I'm driving to Houston with my bud to go see Metallica. Our plans are to rock out and get hammered drunk. We've got a hotel right across the street from the venue so walking will be easy...well maybe:sarcasm:

Long post I know but damn what a day!

A crappy phone pic of it all back together. Notice all the kitty litter all over the driveway. Damn torque converter.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
damn i can relate to having a bad day.. this one tops a few other bad days put together and i had no control over it..... well life goes on.

wish you had a better one at least. but hey days like this happen. just gotta keep a positive mind and keep going.... lol as im typing this im reading it. i need positive words.

on a different note hope you get ur supra rolling soon. nothing like boost with windows down to make you feel better. i swear sometimes seeing boost is the only reason i put u with bs.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Sorry to hear about your bad day... Chloe and I send you huggles from Down Under :)

Tomorrow sounds like it's going to be great though!!!!!!! Have a drink (or 10) for me!


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
ForcedTorque;1184141 said:
I'm so jealous of the Metallica event you get to encounter, and you will not even be able to get us a recap, because you won't remember it. Enjoy yourself, you've earned it!

I'm off like a prom dress! Fixing to walk out the door as we speak. Wished I was driving the Supra though.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Have fun at the concert Ken. Motley Crue is coming to Birmingham in February, so I may check them out.

I hate all the unfortunates piling up on you all in one day. I've had to deal with hysterical women after their husband dies, or actually after she ran over her husband in their garage. I had to try and drag him out from under the car, but I couldn't because her Lincoln Town Car was on his head........long story, but it didn't end to well.

I hate that you made a mess with your torque converter and all the other bad things that happened, but this statement right here saddens me more than the rest.........
gtsfirefighter;1183897 said:
Bedroom door is not locked but my wife does have a visitor this week.:icon_mad:

I promise things will get better in a couple of days..............:biglaugh:

Enjoy your concert...............Hush little baby, don't say a word, and nevermind that noise you's just a beast under your bed, in your closet in your head..........Exit light, ................enter night.......take my hand, we're off to never never land.........

that almost sounded just like Metallica, only with a little southern drawl, didn't it?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
You've now ruined that song for me Jay..............Thanks!

I don't know how good the Crue will be, but they're bound to be better then a VH reunion. I've recently seen tune up tours of David Lee Roth and Vince Neil. Vince wins that one hands down, but I'd say they were both washed up. I'm currently listening to Metallica's new album here at work, and they are far from washed up.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Metallica's voice is a little different than DLR and Vince Neils'. They both had the option of sounding pretty, for lack of another word. Metallica has a totally different sound. I seen DefLeppard perform a while back on a tv show and they were horrible. Old age is winning.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Well I'm baaaack. What's that saying? Beer before liquor will make you sicker. Ask me how I know that.:biglaugh:

The Toyota Center has a stupid rule and that is to cut off alcohol sales as the headlining band takes the stage. So we had to tank up before Metallica came on stage. Lot's of beer, 3 Jack and Cokes and then more beer. After the concert we hooked up with some guys from Austin who were staying a few doors down from us and they had beer, which meant we had more beer. Then we all went a few more doors down to some Mexicans room who drove up from Monterey Mexico. More beer and some pizza! Today? Well let's say I've had better days.:biglaugh:



We had club seats and that's where we were in those pictures.

The concert made my top 3, first being KISS Reunion Tour in 1996, Bon Jovi in 2006, and now Metallica Houston.

BTW Jay, Enter Sandman is my favorite Metallica song! And Scott, they are far far far from being washed up!

I was browsing YouTube looking at videos of the show last night and found these. The Seek and Destroy was the closing song and those Mexican dudes are the same ones we partied with!!! So damn funny. We had better seats than them. We were 10 rows up directly in front of the stage.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Looks like you had a great time and I love Enter Sandman. I have it on my mixed CD that my brother made for me. Scott's heard it before.