More global warming


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
We just got power back here at 3:30pm.

LAMEST SHIT EVER. The whole town closed down over 5". NO MAIL either, WTF!!!

I'm already considering moving again, if my town can't handle 5", how the hell is it going to last throughout winter? Do thes epoeple here spend most of the winter w/o electricty? wtf wtf



Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
global warming is becoming more and more evident. if you haven't been reading about it lately, do so. things are getting kinda whacko, weather wise.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
bonus12 said:
global warming is becoming more and more evident. if you haven't been reading about it lately, do so. things are getting kinda whacko, weather wise.


Actually, it sounds like you need to do some research. Global warming is an anti-capitalist farce.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
Tanya said:
We just got power back here at 3:30pm.

LAMEST SHIT EVER. The whole town closed down over 5". NO MAIL either, WTF!!!

I'm already considering moving again, if my town can't handle 5", how the hell is it going to last throughout winter? Do thes epoeple here spend most of the winter w/o electricty? wtf wtf


now tanya...remember you asked about a good place to live a few months ago. and i told you y'all needed to move to tx, but did you listen? noooo...had to do your own thing...while you were freezing youor ass off, i was running around in shorts working in the shop.had you listened to me....


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
I want a refund. Al Gore said that global warming was gonna make sure my house was already destroyed by huricanes this year. Not even a single fucking one...


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
trucker said:
now tanya...remember you asked about a good place to live a few months ago. and i told you y'all needed to move to tx, but did you listen? noooo...had to do your own thing...while you were freezing youor ass off, i was running around in shorts working in the shop.had you listened to me....

haha! Well I was born and raised in Mass, been through some wicked nor' easters and the 2003 Blizzard (27" in 24 hours) and the power didn't go out where we were even then :icon_conf

Being 3 hours from Toronto, you'd think western/upstate NY would know how to compose itself, but apparently not.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
damn that part of country sucks...i like it down here...."snow" for us is a dusting like 2x a year, usually gone by afternoon.

and before someone brings it up, in summer, only couple of weeks a year of that 100+ stuff.

......but then again, there is the weekly tornado thing...


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
trucker said:
......but then again, there is the weekly tornado thing...

yeah, as much as I like chasing little F-0 tornadoes in Florida and South Carolina, I'll take a blizzard over an F-3 mmmmmmmmk


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
actually we are so jaded about them here, we don't head for shelter untill they are at end of block.i spent 7 yrs at the old house, which was a trailer, and never had one come even close.sucked i had it waaaayy overinsured, was hoping to cash in, never happened to me. kinna wished it had, i got hosed when i sold it...


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Never been in a shelter. I stay home with the AR. Local cops would probably put two more bullets in the dead body of the looter I would drop.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
lol.....strong enough tornado, they'll find you and your gun in the next county

and after said storm, there will be nothing left to loot...

edit...and by shelter,i mean the storm shelter in b/y so i am at home...


Supramania Contributor
Like I have been saying for years, but only for a short while on here.

Global warming is a flawed theory, and it's been proven wrong time and time again.

The computer models have NEVER once gotten the weather right. They can't even predict weather accurately out past about 3 or 4 days, so how can some jackass scientist tell you what the weather will be like in a month, or year or 5 or 10 years from now? (They can't, and they know it.)

The simple fact is the sun will continue to control the weather, just like it has done for billions of years.

The earth will heat up, and cool down depending on how much energy the sun puts out. Simple as it get's. The short term changes we are dealing with now are rather small compared to the known history of weather conditions on this planet. A few tenths of a degree over decades is minimal in the face of ice core data that shows 30 deg. temp. swings in 10 years in this planet's past 300,000 year ice core history.

Also keep in mind that these same educated ULEE's (Ultra Liberal Elite Envionmentalists.) like Al Gore, thought the planet was entering the next ice age just 25 years ago... Thank you for that predition TIME magazine. Opps, you were wrong, and now you claim Al Gore is man of the year? LOL What a bunch of hacks!

I think anyone that believes anything guys like Gore, Moore and Robbins have to say are fools of the highest order. These are entertainers telling you their opinions of poorly researched data, and bunko science designed to scare you into buying a small car, or riding the bus. Conserve they preach! (And then drive off in a fleet of SUV's, get on their private Jet and fly to their 15,000 square foot home. One of many I might add.... )

UlEE+bad science=Hypocrite of first order.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005

So if the hotest July(which it wasn't) is an indicator of rising temps, then we are headed for another ice age right?

Two edits: the opening statement I made was backwards. So I removed it, but the point remains.

In case anybody forgot

Where you can learn all you ever wanted to know. Like how the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere are both in cooling trends, yet the earth is warming?


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
trucker said:
damn that part of country sucks...i like it down here...."snow" for us is a dusting like 2x a year, usually gone by afternoon.

and before someone brings it up, in summer, only couple of weeks a year of that 100+ stuff.

......but then again, there is the weekly tornado thing...

Houston got uberly flooded today >.< few people died here and there either from car accidents or drowned in their car thinking water was shallower than it was. That's about as bad as it gets down here. Not unless you count the humidity plus summer heat. :icon_bigg: Doesn't get that cold down here during the winter either. High 30's and that's about it during the winter.


Supramania Contributor
Where Houston is located during the ice age was the edges of the ice sheets. Your average temps on a global time scale are much colder than 30f.

We are just living in the last few thousand years of this warming trend between ice ages.

I wonder if before the last ice age some dumbass fools were running around saying that cow farts were causing it to get colder....

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Adjuster said:
I wonder if before the last ice age some dumbass fools were running around saying that cow farts were causing it to get colder....

No, they said "sacrifice a cow to the gods because they are angry with us"

Now they say " sacrifice your way of life because our Mother the Earth is angry with industrialism"

Things haven't really changed that much since the last ice age, have they?