Like I have been saying for years, but only for a short while on here.
Global warming is a flawed theory, and it's been proven wrong time and time again.
The computer models have NEVER once gotten the weather right. They can't even predict weather accurately out past about 3 or 4 days, so how can some jackass scientist tell you what the weather will be like in a month, or year or 5 or 10 years from now? (They can't, and they know it.)
The simple fact is the sun will continue to control the weather, just like it has done for billions of years.
The earth will heat up, and cool down depending on how much energy the sun puts out. Simple as it get's. The short term changes we are dealing with now are rather small compared to the known history of weather conditions on this planet. A few tenths of a degree over decades is minimal in the face of ice core data that shows 30 deg. temp. swings in 10 years in this planet's past 300,000 year ice core history.
Also keep in mind that these same educated ULEE's (Ultra Liberal Elite Envionmentalists.) like Al Gore, thought the planet was entering the next ice age just 25 years ago... Thank you for that predition TIME magazine. Opps, you were wrong, and now you claim Al Gore is man of the year? LOL What a bunch of hacks!
I think anyone that believes anything guys like Gore, Moore and Robbins have to say are fools of the highest order. These are entertainers telling you their opinions of poorly researched data, and bunko science designed to scare you into buying a small car, or riding the bus. Conserve they preach! (And then drive off in a fleet of SUV's, get on their private Jet and fly to their 15,000 square foot home. One of many I might add.... )
UlEE+bad science=Hypocrite of first order.