More global warming


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
Got Boost? said:
Houston got uberly flooded today >.< few people died here and there either from car accidents or drowned in their car thinking water was shallower than it was. That's about as bad as it gets down here. Not unless you count the humidity plus summer heat. :icon_bigg: Doesn't get that cold down here during the winter either. High 30's and that's about it during the winter.

yeah...but houston is a whole other world from amarillo.....we don't have all that humidity whick is a fair trade for the low 30's we might see a few times during the winter


Supramania Contributor
Yep, a million years from now, after about 10 more ice ages, perhaps the socialists will have been erradiated, but I doubt it. (They are like cockroaches...impossible to really kill them off, you just knock down the population to the point where you can't notice them, and they breed inside your walls while they conspire to take over your home when their numbers are great enough.... LOL)