Modified Exhaust Law?!?


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
Ketchum, ID
Anybody heard of this? It pisses me off that cops have nothing better to do. WTF? My friend has already been pulled over. The law states that the car's exhaust can not be any louder than stock. 80% of the cars on the road are louder than stock. It pisses me off that my neighbor won't get a ticket for driving his harley home at 12, but my slightly louder than stock supra could get a ticket at any time of the day.


Evil Empire
Jan 13, 2008
It's a discretionary law in most states as I understand, if the cop thinks your exhaust is too loud, too bad. I do completely agree about the bike thing though, thats the biggest load of BS ever.
Apr 1, 2005

RCW 46.37.390
Mufflers required — Smoke and air contaminant standards — Definitions — Penalty, exception.

(1) Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a muffler cut-out, bypass, or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a highway.
(3) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the engine of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle, and it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle not equipped as required by this subsection, or which has been amplified as prohibited by this subsection. A court may dismiss an infraction notice for a violation of this subsection if there is reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle was not operated in violation of this subsection.

This subsection (3) does not apply to vehicles twenty-five or more years old or to passenger vehicles being operated off the highways in an organized racing or competitive event conducted by a recognized sanctioning body.

motorcycles are NOT exempt from this rediculous law.

RCW 46.37.537
Motorcycles -- Exhaust system.
No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motorcycle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the engine of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle, and it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motorcycle not equipped as required by this section, or which has been amplified as prohibited by this section.
Apr 1, 2005
btw i think this law changed in 2006 or so. before that there was a specific decible level stated so you could test your exhaust and prove it was legal. now if a cop says its too loud, theres not much you can do besides bend over.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
surferofthesnow;1047737 said:
It pisses me off that cops have nothing better to do.
With a population of 16,000 or so, they probably don't have much else to do.
Nocheez;1047808 said:
Do something about it! Write your politicians and let them know how you feel.

Ding Ding!!!


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
California law states that the legal limit is 95 dBa. I once got a ticket for my Neon for having modified exhaust. I had put on an SRT-4 rear section. I went back to my OEM muffler (which actually wasn't all that quiet), and it still registered 92 dBa at the BAR examination station. Cops can pull you over based on their discretion, however, if you're current exhaust system complies, you just take the paperwork to the judge or maybe the cop might not even bother writing you up unless he justs wants to dick you around. I once heard of a guy who had a cop try to tell him the STOCK exhaust on his SRT-4 was illegal (they come stock without mufflers). I am not sure how the test in completed, but I think it's a decibel meter about 50-80ft away.

Topher E

Trance Head
Aug 4, 2005
Loud pipes save lives.

Just deal with the scare of getting pulled over. If you fit a profile of a speeder then expect to get a speeding ticket. If your exhaust is modified expect to get a noise violation. Bikes have to still be with in the 96dB allowed. (in CA) Same with cars.


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
Ketchum, ID
The law in WA right now is anything louder than stock is illegal. If they pull me over for my car being louder than stock, then I'll take it to court. Make them prove that it is. I can understand them making a law like this, (I cant stand the civics with the huge cans on the back) but they should be more specific. I'm gonna have to talk to someone to get this law straightened out :)


Straight Cougar
Aug 2, 2007
Lancaster, CA
Topher E;1048106 said:
Loud pipes save lives.

Doppler owns you. From head on loud pipes can not be heard any farther away than stock pipes. Since the majority of motorcycle impacts involve a head on collision, be it head to head or someone turning left in front of you, loud pipes do nothing to save lives. They do, however, contribute to road rage.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ plus, the person merging into you is on their cellphone w/ the radio blaring anyway. :icon_bigg

I've been out on my bike and had Harley's 'sneak up' on me and go flying by me almost startling me enough to cause me to swerve.

Loud pipes (on bikes) are annoying....

surferofthesnow;1048686 said:
(I cant stand the civics with the huge cans on the back) )

Supras shouldn't get a special treatment, boosted or not. Don't live in cities w/ these laws and/or don't do anything to attract attention to you if you do.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
theWeezL;1048229 said:
Not sure of the law in Oregon but its like WA my vehicle will be exempt in 2 more years ;)

Hahaha...exactly what I was thinking. 1986.5...not super far off. i'll probably have a different car by then though.

benchwarmer;1049039 said:
Doppler owns you. From head on loud pipes can not be heard any farther away than stock pipes. Since the majority of motorcycle impacts involve a head on collision, be it head to head or someone turning left in front of you, loud pipes do nothing to save lives. They do, however, contribute to road rage.

Haha...i have thought that loud pipes would help people hear you coming but you are right, i hear about lots of head-on collisions and while it would let drivers in town know you're coming, it probably wouldn't do jack on a highway where you'd want it to help.....

i'll probably never get a motorcycle... not unless i can find a safe place to ride where only my mistakes or bike failure can harm me. like...out in the middle of friggin nowhere. :nono: