*MHG Reuse*


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
quake;1416563 said:
got some stuff at work you spray it on and wipe it off. I just lifts the viton after that clean and wipe with brake clean. Spray with copper spray their is one made by locktite it works well. Next secure the layers together with a small ziptie and install. Need some removing spray let me know

Got a product name Q?


"Yeah! Take the lemons.."
Jul 17, 2009
Torrance, CA
quake;1416563 said:
got some stuff at work you spray it on and wipe it off. I just lifts the viton after that clean and wipe with brake clean. Spray with copper spray their is one made by locktite it works well. Next secure the layers together with a small ziptie and install. Need some removing spray let me know

I will do dirty things for it.....
I have used spray on aircraft paint remover and that stuff bubbles all other paint surfaces off but did nothing to the viton so I am verrrry curious to what this is.

Pm sent :biglaugh:


Crankin since the 1900s
Aug 13, 2008
Tallahassee, Florida
I called HKS and the engineer told me the mhg is good for reuse. Clean it and coat with copper.

A friend builds/sells 4,000 HP dragster engines. His lowest cost engine is $42,000. He uses copper on the hg. He says let it dry for an hour before installing and then set for 24 hours before starting. Any copper squeezed out will burn up in the combustion chamber and discharge through the exhaust with no problems.

I called ARP for bolt torques and they told me (for bolts not studs) that the torque with 30W oil should be 110 ft-lbs on the 7MGTE. Using the ARP lube the torque should be 80 ft-lbs.

I've run the Stopper mhg at 23 lbs boost for 5,000 miles, installed without sealant (Viton was on it) with no problems. This was with 80 ft-lbs torque and ARP bolts.

I just did a rebuild and am re-using the mhg. The burned off Viton was nearly impossible to get off scraping, but acetone wiped it off like butter. I torqued to 105 ft-lbs and was praying it wasn't going to strip out. It has started and I will be watching results when I get it back on the road in a few days.


Jan 4, 2007
turlock, calif
::dead horse:: so i know im resurrecting this thread...but i have a mhg question. my motor is 20 over with forged pistons...im looking into running the stopper type hks gasket.....which is best for my aplication? ive been hearing there isnt one for my bore size...i find this difficult to fathum........


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Super old thread here but I suppose still good info's.

I had found that the best way to get the gasket nice and clean without any scrubbing of any kind and no risk from damaging it due to scrubbing. Is to soak it in Laquer thinner, also known as Toluene. If you cannot get a large flat small enough container for it, soak paper towels and wrap them around the gasket to keep the fluid from evaporating before it does its job. You find that after a few hours the gasket almost slides out of its crap and is shiny new.

Toluene, eats paint, is absolutely terrible for your liver, should not be inhaled for any length of time and if you get it on your skin you should immediately rinse it off as it has been linked to cancer. Nice hey? It is a common ingredient in paint strippers etc.

It is available in Canada at Canadian tire, Home Depot, Rona and pretty much anywhere paint is sold. This will do the trick effortlessly though I assure you.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Viton is generally compatible with hydrocarbons, but incompatible with ketones such as acetone, and organic acids such as acetic acid. So acetone is probably the best solvent to use to get rid of the viton coating.